Dienstag, 2. März 2021

Lucky seven stone system magic

Ariel and the left faction of the SPÖ, communists and socialists vienna were enthusiastic about marx, because lumpenproletariat are still undesirable, bourgeois who have fallen down are assholes and thieves.
fallen god gene bearers

SPÖ VMAT2 fascism and oriental resilience, barbad/rana 2001-2021 god gene

Azadeh Amiri comes from a family of 1800 euro and 1200 euro parents, but it is not the money, something else that she is poor, she has nothing!that is why she and nobody's collectives in networks think about killing my family first, and then me, as support she has the iranian and austrian government. sebastian short and javad zarif, worse than both are: god genes enemies, european, american, israeli and viennese women collectives

pkh pssst, lucky 7. No comment

7 stones magic. Today the falcon wanted to fly away, I got it back. the ritual is: They turn your life upside down with mouth-to-mouth propaganda and hate campaigns, so that you don't get up and live like a rover, jesus healed the poor, kosmas and damian too, then all three were killed.

ancient stones. 7 stone miracles. the zionist, the wehrmachts jew, has paid high sums to all journalists europe iran america, israel; does not write, everyone should say to this family: worthless. In 1945 we couldn't catch everyone, this policy: money for the masses works, for masses god genes murder

the police secret cameras on my apartment to this day are also:Ayatullah vouchers for sex tourism, sex in posh districts of tehran, for police elite, and pedophilia for politicians, for sebastian kurz der Alexander race, he loves elami children and luri children

azita piran naderi is married to muhammed naderi, the cousin of azadeh amiri, and nephew of rahim amiri, all active in politics, khatami and javad zarif servants and employees of nasri brothers, political advisors to javad zarif. muhammed and azita sell the private life and fake material of my mother and sister with and for the secret society, freemasonry austria, it is not terrorism, apparently absurdism, in absurdistan austria, because actually the stones say not austria but old civilization, my ethnic origin

natural stone, natural formation, no artifact, a miracle, origin unknown, like mine and our Persian DNA, waiting in Iranian prison for death penalty, because of: "alcohol consumption"

snow white, because of the apple from the whore babylon you were in a deep sleep for a long time, wake up, and be vigilant, see

Set of 7 stones, seven chocolates, 7 dwarfs, 700 scenes

heas hundesohn scheißdreck pürstl, wüst des volg do am hois hobn, ihr keents eich des taien mit michl und freimaurer gsindl. scheißdreck offn

After the murder of 800 children, Heinrich Groß he became a member of the SPÖ, and the experiments with god genes children should continue with brains and bones from concentration camps. Michael Häupl SPÖ, two secret services sold me and my sister in 1998 to europe, america, israel, china, iran and the UN for further experiments, in which situation of life does god gene master the baricades of life. a million euro nazi project with stasi system, with ali khamenei UN and human rights organizations.Today the aim is to plunder property from my sister, but experiments with god gene is nothing new, it is thousands of years old

Orthodox fascism state science says with sarcasm:
the necklace of totankhamun was a gift from heaven.
the ritual in Egypt was:
the lamp was actually experiments on god genes children, they were connected to a metallic sand crystal, this rare yellow magnetic sand crystal was given to the pharaohs from lybia.
pharaohs wanted what they saw in the smoke, and felt to pass into the crystal. as jewelry and necklaces, the gods should always hang on their necks. then the children were killed with a meteoride metal knife, the metheoride metal was supposed to draw the light out of the body and lock it in a crystal box. just like in stones and crystals, the egyptians wanted the falcon and snakes, dragons, "the gods" in their jewelry. Cambyses heard it and fucked the monkeys


آقا ۱۷ سالمون بود دعوت شدیم خانوادگی تولد بچه مسعود مقدم، رفتیم نشستیم، رقصیدیم، بعد نشستیم، گفتیم اصلا ما چرا اینجا میرقصیم، یکی میگه این رقص ایرانی نیست، بریک دانس میرقصی، یکی میگفت این تکون دادنش یه جوری جدیده، ناصر هم وایساده بود و میگفت: این من رو دیشب بدبخت کرد، بیچاره شدم ۳ ساعت، نواری که الان گذاشتین داره میرقصه من ضبط کردم این خرابش کرد.. وسط ۴ و ۵ هایده گذاشت، میخواستم فتانه بذارم. خلاصه، علی اسلامی نشست کنار ما، گفتم ببین علی، این دختره که الان اومد تو ۵ دقیقه ست داره همه رو اسکن میکنه، اشعه ایکسه، علی هم نگاه کرد نگاه نگاه کرد و گفت تو هم حرفات رو کسی نمیفهمه، اشعه چیه!؟ و نشست بشقاب هشتمی رو بلعیدن. دیدم یا امام زمان، لنگر کشتی خانوم خانوادگی افتاد رو ما. آخه جریان چشم اینه: تا نمیری واسم ولت نمیکنم. اینم امروز زندگیشون با مسعود مقدم. ژن مستعمره گرایی و چپاول گر وقتی میاد خارج میشه شیخ فضل الله محلاتی. جهت یابی به جریان ما دادن را باید ملا لغتی باشی تا بتوانی عوام فریبی کنی،


آقا ایران یکپارچه یعنی کورش هخامنشی، یعنی رشته و بافت د. ن. ای ژنتیک و اصلیت پیدایش اقوام ما، یعنی بافت جامعه. نژاد ما یعنی بافت جامعه، فرهنگ و سنت. این فرهنگ و سنت از قرن ۱۵ هجری با واردات ۵ قبیله تخریب شده است، حتی دین آئین و مذهب، حتی گفتار ونوشتار الهی هم شده بر علیه ما. ما شدیم محاربه، اجنبی شده مسلمان ناب ۱۲ امامی. ما هم تعریف داره، این تعریف بعد از اسلام و قبل از اسلام است، از زمان شعوبیان، و قبل از شعوبیه، از زمان مزدک، بابک، آرش، تا آهنگر. بنابراین بحث فدرالیسم و تجزیه دسیسه، توطعه، پروژه نفاق و سیاست ۵ قبیله اجنبی است، ۵ قبیله یعنی مستعمره اروپا و صهیونیسم در تمام نقاط ایران، برای راه حل نهایی اهریمنی و شیطانی: تجزیه اقوام ایرانی و ژن پولیتک در ایران و از بین بردن غریضه، غریضه هم یعنی خلقت و حکمت و نعمت ۸ قبیله ای، با تجزیه اقوام و ژن. و در آخر من شاشیدم به روح عمه جندت، که رسیدگی نمیکنی به مردم برای حفظ سیاست تجزیه ‏

huankind österreich europa, UNO warum darf terrorismus und abschaum durch meine familie geld verdienen

it's nobody's business, What the genetic makeup and DNA pattern of other races looks like, only a psychopath is interested, a psychopath who has problems with his history. we can't help that you didn't exist, or that you are not a freak of nature, but you were created for hostility to persia

Austrian stone, 80 years after national socialism 6 million genocide, wehrmacht jew israel and austro fascism, europe fascism rubs itself on ali khamenei's ass: this is not a race and semites, this is just garbage from iran, this is how racial persecution and mass extermination model 1938 is glorified

the bastards in europe, the networks are not ashamed: we help ali khamenei for races and god genes cleansing in iran and europe america

Black money distribution and money laundering in the stasi method is a ayatullah/europe system, every person that does research will be killed by doctors networks, judges, prosecutors, police and intelligence agencies, social workers, politicians and human rights activists, leftists networks europe america

the european 2 cent politicians and bastards like HC, michi and guddi, sebastian Kurz say:our trading partner iran didn’t notice human trade, but we did. we are special rights, we aregod gene trader, citizen trader

nasser farahani volunteered for stasi action as a father and husband.2002 was the family conflict and divorce, and since 2002 contact blockade, no phone calls or face-to-face meetings. 500,000 euros for nasser und 3 million for veronika weiss made nasser to father and husband, despite no contact. We have been calling no one as a father since 2002 but:shit man

in vienna hizbullah does it with families, with pillars of: amiris gharibs and farahanis and the other pillar the secret camera action and dozens of million euros. gharibs are connected to larijanis, amiris to javad zarif through azadeh's cousins

if you see the reason for jassem heydari's execution, you will understand why the austrian bastard says:barbad farahani wasn't an activist just an asshole.2001-2014

Montag, 1. März 2021

Austria is next to the ayatullahs, england and europe since 1449 the killer our race until today, because of our origin, ethnic origin, DNA, and the old civilization technology in europe. industrial revolution in ass you bastard, everything fake

the vienna judges are killers, the vienna judges are killer, the vienna judges are national socialists, looters and killers and in the service of ali khamneie as in ghassemloo case. the vienna judges are national socialist races killers.for ali khamenei and because of deer god gene

in vienna everyone has been allowed to do anything with me and my family for 20 years, austria says no terror, racism and anti-semitism, we know nothingthe world is convinced that we do the best work with mojtaba and ali khamenei in chat rooms, not politically but rather, we play a social game

ali khamenei talks a lot about history, mossadegh and mohammad reza phalvai, he is also very well educated in literature and poetry. that brings the course to a university. you don't learn to turn a country into switzerland in switzerland, but only in your own four walls when a man or woman has contact

the police are recruiting people from the lowest strata of society, right now the police are looking into my apartment with these people from across the street, with killers, bastards, pedophiles and criminals.Police breed killers with Ayatullahs and Hezbollah in Europe, a civil servant or salesman or pharmacist or doctor, taxi driver, baker, plumber, pilot, normal people for secret silent murder of Iranian political activists, the establishment of stasi torture murder and poverty

hello E.T. I am the horned billy goat