Sonntag, 7. März 2021

Everyone that wants to help UNO with money, through secret camera action, should invest with his wife, children, mother and sister, and not agree to racism, fascism, anti-Semitism, persecuting minorities, murder and torture, and god genes murder, or forego holiday pay and Christmas money . not a single cent you bastard europe and america, you don't invest a single cent. criminals and bastards, thieves, looters, charlatans, animals internationally

gib das geld asse du scheiß nazi kiwara mit hizbullah

I was a political activist here from 2001 and active against the Iranian regime with daily discussions. the threatening: everyone is afraid of europe, UNO, and america because of evidence or to stand up as a witness, not before ayatullahs, but before europe and america, police and secret services, and networks, especially fear of the doctors' networks

the false prophetess with a spotlight from above,

آقا ۲۰ سالم بود جزیره قناری بودم، با تشک رفته بودم رو آب خوابم برد، از خواب پریدم، دیدم؛ اه، ۵ کیلومتر میشه از ساحل دور شدم، هیچکس هم دیده نمیشد اطراف ما، یاد نیما یوشیچ افتادم، گفتم خاک بر سر ما که برای هر جنایت یک شعر داریم کسی هم به داد ما نمیرسه. حالا نوبت سنگ شده، برای هر کثافت کاری آثار گذاشتن، راه چاره اش رو فهمیدیم این بوده: ما گذاشتیم رفتیم، میمون های خارکوسده

the rich children in networks say: we are for persian god genes race hizbollah and torturers in europe america and in the west, CIA, NSA, viennese police and secret services do not disclose any names or identity

bastard UNO city, animals and scum UNO city and amnesty international

this is ali gharib tribe and hussein gharib and naderi, nasri, shams, rahimi, amiri tribes, iran was never a place for monkeys, we are for progress, industry, technology, economy, free energy and peace. you bastard austrian son of a dog, you bitch mama austria you whore you bastard you shame of history

in all viennese and austrian human rights organizations,work "women collectives", tomorrow is women's day, these women day: whore day, bastard day, scum day. amnesty vienna, zara and UN women want denial, like holocaust, so that the police kill us like in iran, with hizbullah and regime agents vienna

die polizei sagt offiziell: wir sind arische fashcisten und plünderer in europa

azadeh i can't find a job, i am retired because of psychic problems, give the money from stasi action, shams amiri gharib back, this is the last warning to your family relatives and iranians in this city

the hostility of ayatulahs, hizbullah and parts of society to persians is unnatural and artificial, this is proven by the daily violation of human rights, what you see today in austria, is the original spirit, hideous hatred of the god gene

thinking modules and logical thinking. it had something to do with magic

europe wants to destroy iranian races with gypsies, iranians like amiris, shams, gharibs, with ayatullahs and hizbullah with the stasi finance system. that is the only iran no one protests in europe america, canada and australia. no one should protest because of the execution of old iranian races

the vienna police secret services, the state of austria, the ayatollah regime give nothing, no evidence because of the mass crime to us.1. for my sister's psychosis after 5 years of panic attack therapy. 2. for mental destruction of my mother. 3 to treat me as a criminal. fascism only understands a pipe and piss

my sister, my mother, my person were all destroyed at the start of our career with police secret cameras, the motive was none other than anne frank: you shall not stand above my children, you will not live, my children will live.SPÖ / FPÖ / ÖVP sadism psychopathy, bastard blood

huankind israeli, bastard wehrmachtsjude, rassenmörder, gott gene mörder, meine schwester hat mehr blut als anne frank, sie ist viel mehr als anne frank, sie ist blutlinie cyrus the great und daraios the great

Freemason austria has 3 citizens since 1991 and says: we have three inferior god gene races, europe, america and ayatullahs, hizbullah are allowed to enslave this race for secret cametas. with sebastian Kurz and michael häupl, nasser farahani

die hizbullah ayatullahs wollen sterben: österreich hat uns erlaubt durch die familie geld zu verdienen, mit muslims

The whole world economy, retail and wholesale is based on credits and debts, my ruin by the stasi system means for uneducated monkeys:he owe he is a scam

Austrians say: the aryan gypsies and robbers project, brainless aryan burglars project will only be answered by taking our children hostage, we are aryan gypsies race we die like bank robbers, amiris, gharibs, naderis, shams and viennese aryan gypsies, sebastian kurz, hc, michi , franz vranitzky, esterhazys, aryan gypsies

azadeh 1992 warst du ein dschuschenkind mit arasch und maziar, wir lebten mit 50.000 schilling monatlich, du mit wieviel? arische dschuschen, diebe, plünderer, einbrecher, iranische zigeuner

scheißdreck, staatsbürgerrechte, grundrechte, gleichberechtigte rechte," stasi geld und schadenersatz"

kiwara wie hat diese dschuschen bande millionen euro durch meine familie verdient? die romano arische rasse, die dschuschen die arier, new human dschusch du aryan du

belongs to my sister, no comment

no force in this world is allowed to manipulate international databases and data protection, no force in this world, except: extraterrestrial dark force

old viennese freemason ritual with veronika weiss, father daughter ritual

afro satanism has been recruited by ayatullahs for 30 years with excellent contacts to hizbullah, ali gharib, hussein and his family, amiris and shams are part of these sects in europe, iran, america

afro american and europe african satanism and ahrimanism, freemasonry is dirtier than white satanism and ahrimanism, i know your families and children. bastard black sun society

my sister is not suicidal or suffers from any psychological illnesses, only panic attacks because of ahrimanic dark force, on a spiritual level. she is also not prone to cancer, she has me. Austria I'll fuck you, damage replacement plus stasi money, children cyrus the great are nowhere on earth these slaves, they kill slave drivers and fascists

Nazi women brain program child murder, moses DNA