Freitag, 12. März 2021

apparently capitalists want an october revolution after corona virus, another virus called lenin. these idiots teach their children: if you can't black jack with smoke and stones and water and fire then kill if someone can

Democracy and human rights are just an intrigue and facade, whoever deserves human rights is decided by the aliens

the freemasonry behind all organizations ruined my life with no action dictatorship, 20 years.Today freemasonry still commands international judges and prosecutors to take action against me, he writes and curses, condemns him and arrests himthe ayatullahs are freemasons, or over half in qum

lotus, tablet photo, raw. 21 stones. black jack

you are not human

humans have had a problem for thousands of years:
From the lowest class of society to the highest class of society there are beings that say:
you are not what I see, you are different.
They don't let you live normally and manipulate all your ways, torture and kill your family until he cuts off the testicles and sticks them in  mouth, then these people look at you before they die and say: that's you, you're not human .
today they say:
we have genes and DNA tests, you are different

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bitch mama vienna found gene and says: I found osama bin laden, or mafiosi. he's been dangerous for 20 years. you cheap bastard

if people like narcos weren't there, these assholes, european lawnmower tractors, would have mowed the lawn all over the continent

After 1945 the rat channel was used for this purpose: we have many enemies in argentina, brazil, chile, nicaragua and cuba. ethnic origin 12 tribes vienna, crossing of 3 tribes melchior, baltazer, casper.

the red heinrich gross socialists communists and green party say: it is a right like the ayatullahs to kill jews (god genes), the stasi capital is a sanctuary

rote scheißdreck pfeifen haben platon gelesen, arschlöcher

SPÖ reaches up to 45% of voters in vienna, it says: we destroy races and distribute money to everyone, as a social organization, the whole city is in stasi psychopathy because of ayatullah money

ich piss auf die futlappen SPÖ müttern du scheißdreck SPÖ mit UNO city, du drecksau scheißdreck hizbullah partei

in iran people are killed and tortured every day and bloody dirty fucking UNO says:we work closely with ayatullahs and vienna in certain areas. secret cameras and stasi action is not torture. the money is not blood money

SPÖ with its secret services is proletarian sewer rat, whores and bitch mums in the service of the iranian embassy and ayatulahs, heinrich gross god genes fascists, dirty scum and killers and secret camera stasi psychopaths, trash and scraps. social democracy mafia europe. mother fucker red fascists

franklin incense, formation change with heat

the austrian government and all parties should explain why they drive a person with 16 professions to poverty, to homelessness, and regime agents, israelis and iranian families to wealth. hussein gharib has been a partner and agent of larijanis since 2002, gharibs and amiris and others all work for regimes and i am only austrian citizen.


خلاصه ما که بی تربیت هستیم هیچی، ولی سنگ یاسپیس ماسپیس هم خیلی بی تربیتیه


آقا ما رفتیم یه گوله خریدیم، نشستیم نگاهش میکنیم، میخوام ببینم جریان ما چیه تو این دنیا!؟ جریان چیه؟ جادوگریه، علمه، خرافاته، سیاه بازیه، آفرینشه، اهریمنیسمه، جریان چیه!؟  میبینیم مادر ما اهل این چیز ها و جریانها نیست، ولی یک نفر که ایران میمیره ۶ تا سیگار میکشه، و ۳ شب ناراحتی و بی خوابی، بعد تازه یک چیز فهمیدم، این گوله نمکی  زیر ساخت های پیکره مادر بندست، از بس کمیاب شده، خودش یک جادوست، فرازمینی شده، چون نیست، نیست، وجود نداره، یک قطره اشکش در این دنیا جادوست، شیمی این اشک جادوست. ببین چیکار میکنن، با انگشت شمار های جامعه ما. تو روحت سگ برینه ناصر


آقا طرف ۲۴ سال دخترش رو معشوقه ما میکنه، میگه برو بینیم چنتا خونه میتونیم بخریم، ۲۰ سال فیلم برداری و صدا برداری میکنه و زندگی سه نفر رو به آتیش میکشونه. همین آدم سیر ترشی هم برای مردم میندازه تو شیشه، اسمش هم میذاره یا پارس یا فارس، برای کسب اعتماد، فرهنگ سرای ایران شدند 

سیر ‏ترشی

آقا دیروز رفتم سوپر مارکت ایرانی، دیدم صاحبش افغانیه، گفتم سام علیک، گفت سلام، گفتم خوب سام علیک. خلاصه دیدم کلوچه گذاشته، تخمه گذاشته، پسته، دوغ. گفتم: اه، دوغ! خلاصه یه شیشه سیر ترشی برداشتم با دوغ، اومدم خونه، گفتم مامانم اینها سیر ترشی گرفتم، گفت تو باز رفتی جنس ایرانی خریدی، میخوای مریض بشی، روانی شدی، سیر ترشی ایران رو میخری، گفتم نه بخدا از افغانستانی خریدم، بیا دوغ تولید آلمان هست، سیر ترشی هم تولید افغانی در ایران، چپ چپ نگاه کرد، گفت از ایرانه، گفتم بابا تولید افغانیه، اه؛ ایران کجا بود، خلاصه، گفت نوشته صادرات ایران نه افغانستان، اونجا گند و گه به مواد نمیزنن....  

6th district, vienna, stone

the eye has been focused on us for 50 years,
the most common causative psychological problem:
there are three wells, adaptable with old DNA and genetic, the eye says my water, not your water, although: for one it is only water for the other healing

Austria has only been envious for 1000 years. darwin was also just jealous: I fuck my cousin too, maybe we will become Persians too

dreckige abschaum stalker und rassisten

hc what are you genetically and your origin? I can prove something, what are you with duddenus, I mean guddenus, Sebastian, franz and michi except we are austrians !?
what are you? what origin?

fucking sick austrian elit, fucking psychopathic children, girls and boys, fucking blood, fucking nazis

He came to realise that the Safavid way of dealing with criminals had to do with the rarity of crime in Iran, where home invasions and killings were all but unknown

yesterday i found the stalker eye in the park in the 6th district. the molossian alien whore and her tribes

shah abbas and vienna, crime. 1986-2021 barbad farahani

Diplomatic and Commercial Relations with Persia. Diplomatic and commercial relations between Austria and Persia have a long history, stretching back to the sixteenth century. At that time Shah Esmāʿil I had founded the Safavid dynasty in Persia, while the Hapsburg rulers of Austria were at the same time the German kings and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire (Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation). The Hapsburgs maintained this status until 1806, when Franz II surrendered the crown of the Holy Roman Empire after having crowned himself Austrian Emperor in 1804.

After the end of the “Thirty Years War,” all the European courts ran short of money and tried to increase their income through the means at their disposal: taxes, tolls and tariffs. Therefore every effort was made to improve the administration and to foster trade and export. The time of mercantilism had arrived. In the meantime, the imperial Court had moved from Prague to Vienna. The peace treaty between the Hapsburgs and the Ottoman Empire included favorable terms for trade within and beyond Turkish borders. The merchants had to pay only 3% customs duty (Hassinger, 1942, p. 6). This seemed an opportunity for a wide range of profitable activities, and led, in 1667, to the founding of the first Austrian Oriental Trade Company in Vienna (Hassinger, 1949, pp. 90). The traders used the waterway of the Danube to bring their goods to the Black Sea, whence they sailed to Istanbul and Trabzon. From there the goods could be transported on land to Tabriz, the most important marketplace in Persia at the time. Among the first things imported from Persia in 1668 were cotton veils and silk products (Hassinger, 1942, p. 22). Persian silk and silk threads were especially sought as raw material for silk manufacture. Contacts were made initially by intermediaries, while the first direct contracts were concluded only in 1678 (Hassinger, 1942,, p. 50). Unfortunately the last wave of Turkish expansion to the West, culminating in the siege of Vienna in 1683, brought an end to the first Austrian Oriental Trade Company. However, it should be remembered that this company was the very first to make direct commercial contacts with Persia.

secret camera action so that no persian is superior to native persian. then it says:we haven't got involved in domestic politics for 600 years. iran politics is israeli european-american intrigue. bring pakestani, eskimo, slavic, sinti and roma up, native persian death