Sonntag, 14. März 2021

du drecksau edelweiß du, du nazi du bis heute, scheiß edelweis kiwara und geheimdienstler

Das Edelweiß war das Erkennungszeichen der 1. Gebirgs-Division der Wehrmacht, einer Elitetruppe, um die sich bald ein Mythos bildete. Noch jahrzehntelang galt das Edelweiß als Symbol "besten deutschen Soldatentums im Frieden und im Krieg". In solcher Traditionspflege kamen die von der 1. Gebirgs-Division während des Zweiten Weltkrieges verübten Kriegsverbrechen nicht vor, etwa die Ermordung Tausender jugoslawischer, griechischer und albanischer Zivilisten als Racheaktion nach Partisanenangriffen oder das Massaker an über 2000 italienischen Kriegsgefangenen auf Kefalonia. Nach 15 Jahren intensiver Recherche in Archiven und bei Zeitzeugen legt Hermann Frank Meyer jetzt erstmalig eine ungeschminkte Gesamtgeschichte der "Edelweiß"-Gebirgsjäger vor: von den ersten Einsätzen im Polen- und im Frankreichfeldzug über den Vorstoß in den Kaukasus, die Verbrechen in Südosteuropa bis hin zu den Nachkriegskarrieren von Gebirgsjägern in der Bundeswehr. Zugleich enthält dieses Buch auch eine Biographie von Hubert Lanz, dem ehemaligen Kommandeur dieser Division. Im Nürnberger Prozess als Kriegsverbrecher verurteilt, brachte er es später zum wehrpolitischen Berater der FDP und wurde Mitbegründer des bis heute existierenden Traditionsvereins "Kameradenkreis der Gebirgstruppe".".

the hunt from 1920 to 1945 was not because of jews, but because of race, origin, god genes and ancient civilization. why some became jews was a lie of history and intrigue to children ahura mazda, for genocide

The circumcision and clipping of the foreskin: intrigue. as a child, cut everything away so that the weeds ahura mazda don't grow

rahim amiri sagt: ich bin arisch, und schickt seine tochter um meine familie zu töten: wir haben euch gefilmt, ihr seid minderwertig, es ist besser zu sterben. gott gen ibex

god gene lives in kurdistan, luristan, azerbaijan, ahvaz, abadan, balochistan never without a rifle or pistol. that should be the case worldwide against ali gharib's his family children, ex wife and his jackal gang, rich children poor children, judges. because police themselves are a murderer. there are still secret plans for murder with viennese judges and the secret service

vienna is gaza, and my family palestine

this is an action organized by me, towards the Iranian embassy, one of dozens, all the people you see here have been paid or threatened, only the stop-the-bomb israelis have founded a company for financial action. Because of my political activism on the internet, many paid money, but millions for my race, genes and ethnic origin.
Until today jews and Israelis have waited until someone kills me or that I get sick and die. because my private and public life was offered for sale without permission, by viennese israelis, ayatulahs call vienna kurdistan and isralis call wien gaza

UNO the race and god genes killer global, #max spiers killer#. UN the black magic mafia global and satanism sect says: if a strong god gene, an ibex has no family relatives, friends and social contacts then we kill him like jesus christ with the stasi finance system and with suffering. he also only had mother and sister and the whore. in my case all were bought with a million euro satanism budget for this international show and system

die köpfe von UNO mitarbeiter sollen rollen wegen faschismus antisemitismus und zusammenarbeit mit terrorismus, hizbollah und ayatullahs. die köpfe von UNO bastarde

drecksau ich werde euch wegen rana und zari töten, arschloch UNO, wien sagt wir verdienen mit juden geld und töten die juden, die wiener huren und abschaum, die wiener fotze

for every day 5000 UNo city bastards and scum collect money from ali khamenei, for every day psychological war and the stasi system in vienna

i am a victim of the stasi system, iranian terror, and fascism, anti-semitism, racism, discrimination and am constantly under surveillance for secret murder. in vienna, criminals and iranians have had every freedom for hate campaigns and persecution for 3.5 years

on june 7th 2020, it was warm and my sweat salty, the pedestrians sweet, my lemon soda sour. 3 years were over and no news from sam. I hope he's coming soon

what azadeh amiri does worldwide with her organized criminal gang worldwide is attempted murder and terror for the iranian regime, israel and austrofashism

the systematic manipulation mind control was implemented in the iranian society between 1965-1979, a hate campaign with actors, lies and influence on the military and police, toudeh and aksratiat party iran

diese billige iranische zigeuner familie macht euch krank wegen 5 häuser, systematisch mit toudeh partei, aksariat partei und 500 iranian, wegen geld

verstehen sie? österreich ist krank, ärzte, richter, akademiker, politiker, oberschicht,reiche, arme, SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, geschäftsleute, das sind sadisten, psychopathen und krank, abschaum, minderwertig und krank

my name has been ruined because of god genes and sadistic beasts, bastards and scum vienna makes everything worthless what i do, how much are my paintigs worth with another name? money back with compensation

madarjendeh wien, i haven't started showing my paintings yet

ich werde in wien in supermärkten verfolgt damit madarjendeh österreich mit vergiftet für ayatullahs, madarajendeh österreicher meuchelmörder, madarjendeh hunde

800 österreichische firmen sind madarjendeh in iran geschäft, madar jendeh österreicher und 800 firmen

madarjendeh häupl, madarjendeh otrisch, madarjendeh wien, mit mörder und vergewaltiger, maderjendeh österreicher mit terroristen und vergewaltiger madarjende UNO bastard UNO mit terroristen

UNO city bastard race says: we are worse than the ayatollahs we kill innocent people for money

Since 1986 until today i have no police files, criminal files or judicial convictions, only political files, god genes, and international fake documents and clips against my person. this is an anti-semitic, anti god genes and fascism action

du hundesohn österreicher, du bastard österreicher, du abschaum österreicher, du scheißdreck österreicher, österreich verkauft staatabürger zu ayatullahs, du hure du bastard du dreck du österreicher

österreich sagt: wir sind mit michael höupl ein hundesohn und huankind staat, dreckigste huankinder und bastarde, wir sind abschaum und dreck, wir sind hunde und tiere, und die ayatullahs unsere freunde

because of 25 million euros illegal financial stasi capital Michael Häupl, "je‌ws trade" SPÖ

austria earned millions of euros with the death of abdolrahman ghassemlou, and does not say state secrecy, but rather: we know nothing.
For 20 years, Austria, together with Ayatullahs earnd from the private life of a political activist and trader and says: state secret, because of 25 million euros in illegal financial stasi capital Michael Häupl

god genes trade,(jews), viennese parties and police

the police interfered with the state in my life from the year 2000 without knowing:
how much does one buy a battle plan folder and strategy plan from the second world war and how much should one sell it.
they only know how much a god genes or a jew costs on the market or on the nazi jews world trade. dead jew, living jew, iranian muslim with god genes, liver, kidney, heart, other organs

8000 euros

In 2001 I went to an address in a villa,
before my arrival 2 other dealers had arrived, both argued about the antique carpets, one: because of the price,the other one: why dealers were invited to the same hour, I was the third.
one wanted to pay 5000 the other 6000 then both argued about the price, i didn't talk much and gave the owner 9000 euros and walked out with the carpet. Both dealers came out astonished 
and asked: How much do you sell it? and looked at me like stupid donkeys. I smiled and said: quickly around 12,000, after 4 weeks around 18,000. Both of them gave me 11,000 euros in partnership. i laughed and took the money. and called the owner again and said: i'll buy the painting school rembrandt for 2500 euros, do you sell? he said yes.
CIa mother fucker,
cheater with austria

sebastian kurz the race killer, when the state, police, authorities, society say: we don't know about anything, or it was nothing, then this bastard wants to poison jews again and kill them for gold, this time with ayatullahs and hezbollah

a single carpet in my shop was worth 20,000 euros, you ruined my business, gives out the money plus damage compensation you fucking austrian nazi terrorist

this is the psychological war of vienna police bastards, animals, monkeys, whores, pigs and jackals, dirty jackals: the people annoy him until he kills our inferior austrians. the jew's gold remains on our accounts

30,000 scum put on a uniform and tie a gun to the strap and say: iranian god genes bearers are jews, we are allowed to earn money and act like hizbullah