Freitag, 19. März 2021

بله این هم کارت پستال دایی ما.


آقا آخوند میگه: ما تو ایران یه خط خون های داریم که لازم نداریم، پلیس ایران همه رو میشناسه، پول احتیاج ندارن اینها، گلابی کیلو ۷۰.۰۰۰ تومن سیرابی نمیتونه بخره، چون اجازه نمیدیم بره بازار پول در بیاره یا کار پیدا کنه. حالا این جاکش هم ۳۰ سال کنار آمریکا اسرائیل، اتریش و اروپا تو نخ دایی ما هم بود. پول نذارید در بیاره ها، استاده، ولی نذارید پول در بیاره، بگید سیرابی.

mother fucker ahrimanic UNO city why should rahim amiri own 5 million by crime? because he has to live in a small apartment on 1800 euros?is he africa and palestine?

austrians and police only give evidence with 50 hostages, fascism says: we are violence and murder for collected jew blood gold, god genes gold

what azadeh and ali and thousands in collectives are doing until today is terror stasi terror and worldwide stasi action for isolation and murder, the last four years were bigger crimes than the last 20 years, with police, vienna judges and secret services, public prosecutor's office. because of nazi ahrimanic capital

do you know the saladin bloodline? this is the revenge against the kurds, hostility to bloodline because of jerusalem, his descendants are sought worldwide, the lineage

ghassemloo and ocalan, austro fascism, wehrmachts jews

the vienna police and secret services are ahrimanic killer tribes, in addition to UN employees, the eu and america, israel as in ghassemloo case and ocalan

seven-headed dragon, 7 tribes of ahriman, behind painting end of 19th century

ayatullah' emam ali mosque hagh: sebastian kurz hide all evidence with ali rahimi and michael häupl we have to stop and kill the bloodline

behrooz bayat and rahim amiri, viennese judges, UNO city

behrooz bayat, rahim amiri, toudeh and the aksariat party did not commit these attacks because of hunger with austrians and the uN, but because of racial extermination in iran

arab turks ayatollahs are najis, najis is someone who eats blood and meat from muslim, for haram ahrimanic capital, najis arab turk, ayatullah, haram ahrimanic capital du najis

My grandmother haji sadighe, has been to Mecca twice and has prayed every day, SPÖ fascism, ÖVP scum next to ayatullahs has been saying Aryan to gypsies and to us Jews since 1998

1998-2002 was gypsy paki ali taxi drive 1200 euro salary, hussein 1700 euro salary, rahim 1600 euro, soroor 900 euro, azadeh 800 euro, austrian women collective 1200-2500 salaries

fucking austrian american israeli, iranian psychopathy and animal joy erdogan's animals is this: We ruined you with no evidence or criminal offense

the sterilization policy israel, jews lobby europe, america, asia says: we don’t let children cyrus the great have children anywhere, they should stay in iran. austria germany america help us with the hunt

die heutige wiener und israeli juden sind diese juden, juden ohne gott gen. die kinder waren meine rasse mit gott gen, orientalische resilienz

Stasi torture, 1998-2021, euro with elami neuro vienna. After 800 murdered children, god genes children, after murder with neural and poison experiments, the SPÖ said in 2002: we are the protective hand over heinrich gross. the message: for 7000 years against elam

شعر ‏بگم؟

راه رفتم یک فرسخی، چاهی دیدم اندرونش داشت برزخی، گفتم ای سنگ ته چاه، گر من شیرجه زنم چه کسی آنجا میگازد سربسرم، سنگ شرمسار شد، گفت: برو ای آدم شیرجه مزن، برو ای یاوه نذار سربسرم، برزخی داری به نام هذیون پدرت، میگوید ول کن، بیا شیرجه بزن به ماتحت پدرت، او اندرون برزخی دارد، ما نداریم کسی که بگذارد سربسرت  

thousands of women are currently studying linguistics, so that 200 work for me as a boss, academic with perfect articulation and academic language for me: luri indian language. bid bid, in chi bid? key bid? kuja bid? to khar bid? ya man khar bid

österreich hat nicht 3 geheimdienste, sondern nazis und killer, gott gene mörder, stalker und bastarde, gestapo und wehmacht abschaum, KZ folterer, hundesohn faschisten, heinrich gross schüler und studenten

I started my career in 1998 when I was 23 years old, adolf had secret camera toys from sweden, stasi secret camera torture murder like tehran, terror murder with international secret cameras, like iran

the bird nazis were lucky, these statues have no place in my camp. you always have to take something away from the nazis, all toys like indiana jones, nazis only make the world dirty with toys and artifacts

fronz schieb da die soail' im oarsch, du anti du

2019 tablet editing. maria theresia statue graz, secret message, anubis treasure in austria

ahrimanic anunnaki pharaoh, anubis, isis, hathor. vienna 20 million years ago. the spirits still rule, the third grade sits at the judge's seat

die wiener richter wiederholen sattar beheshti foltermord, aber mit stasikamera folter, für terrormord

my family and i are in mortal danger because of stasi deaths pot, UNO city and vienna judges practice mauthausen fascism, anti god genes fanaticism

کوسکش مادر میگه سر من رو ببر با بچه ها ولی من جواب نمیدم

There are bastards everywhere, azim and rahim are both workers, 1400 to 1800 euro salary, an accountant in a car shop and azim a salesman in carpet wholesale, azim was 8 years unemployed 

with a monthly salary of 3 million tumans, one kilo of pears costs 70,000 tumans, a long-long-long-term strategy

پرتقال ‏فروش

مادر کوسده های خارکوسده کشور اهورایی رو دستشون گرفتن ولی تا دسته نژاد پرست و راسیستن، چی؟ گلابی دوست داری؟ ۷۰ تومن، اه، لوبیا پلو با گوشت بره میچسبه آره؟،حال میده آره؟ گوشت کیلو ۲۰۰ تومن، نه بابا؟ جون من؟ سیب میخوای؟ کیلو ۶۰ تومن، موز؟ موز هم میخوای، مگه آدم نیستی؟ موز میخوای چیکار. جون تو من نمیرم تو بمیری یه حرفی بزن: تو دهن تو میوه و سبزی گوشت بره به چه درد میخوره، ها؟ بمیر دیگه. پرتقال واسه ماست، پرتقال فروش خودت رو پیدا کن اگر پیدا کردی!؟ یکی اتریش نشسته به اون هم ریدیم رفت، پرتقال فروش کجا بود