Montag, 22. März 2021
fake standard, fake class, fake stories, fake life. 1200-1800 euro salaries, fake people
The life and standard of many iranians, amiris, gharibs, 1200-1800 euro salaries, austrians, turks and workers, UN city employees is illegal and fake. with no potential for the standard, fake. my life was made fake too, 890 euros next to my mother in my sister's apartment
irish and mechmed, DNA targets
A small percentage of the Turks have the same genetic family tree as the Irish, these are those who are not allowed to speak and write under the Erdogan dictatorship
die wiener polizei beamten sind bajuwaren rasse, generation meuchelmörder und folterer jesus christus, der soldat sagte: du stirbst nicht? dann das folter und leidensweg. bajuwarische drecksau
Albrecht altdorfer und wien: kreuzigung jesus in wien, mit wehrmachtsjude, grüne, SPÖ, ÖVP. geheimdienste und alle andere stämme. war das nicht in wien?
Sonntag, 21. März 2021
I have been writing for 3 years because of 3 businesses, that my sister works 8 hours and pays taxes until today, I write about 38 projects, political activism 2001-2015 and the austrian state says:we have an offzilles terror campaign with the ayatullah regime and israel, everything is allowed to murder plan and terror murder
fucking america europe ayatullahs, israel, turkey and arab countries:this woman and her daughter have had no crimes since 1986 until today. ayatullahs and austria make both products for millions of consumers, the money is distributed among mafia and networks, how many terrorist attacks does america, europe, turkey and ayatullahs expect for this? because of this terror
the last time my mother saw soroor shams was 2001, she said: i only conclude insurance contracts, with only 2-minute conversation with soroor. she, her sisters and friends gossip about other women and families i don't like that. my mother only saw azadeh 3 or 4 times a year, and she never spoke to azadeh about other things except how are you. my mother was a businesswoman, not a woman from the street because of insurance
آقا ما نفهمیدیم کی روانپریش هست کی نیست، میریم میشینیم تو باغ سوت میکشیم، میرقصیم، چایی میخوریم، از دیوار باغ خودشون رو میکشن بالا: مگه ما میذاریم. شما تنها بمونید به ما بر میخوره، ما همیشه مهمون سرزده ایم. بعد میزنی سرش رو میبری میگه: اوا، خشن قاتل، مگه من چیکار کردم روانپریش، من دوست داشتم، میخواستم تنها نمونی. هیولا مگه چیکار کردیم هیولا
2010 neonazi israeli simone hartmann and neonazi stephan grigat installed secret cameras for me and my sister, together with the 2nd district. 8 years later the girl has two children and we are supposed to suffer in isolation. we should have 8 children not cyrus race. what use are you and your children for this world besides: destabilizing the world economy and war, hunger in the middle east, africa because of god genes?since 1920-1932, 1938 until today, Wehrmacht Jew and Austria, racial extermination
die amiris sagen: wir sind regime agenten und rathausmitarbeiter, michael häupls angestellte, das stasi system bleibt für immer, wir haben sonderstatus in österreich, wir dürfen nicht verhaftet werden
all psychologists and their networks in austria know the psychological consequences and the result of this action, do 500 lose their jobs when they talk? no, they have bastards in blood
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