Donnerstag, 1. April 2021

god genes is illegal in the eu

 black magic mafia. leftists athesimus fascism mafia, freemasonry says: we are starting a new era and age with michael häupl and wien:

we stand above the austrian constitution,

god genes is illegal in the eu

 an observed targeted person von vienna was onsori blkhi, there has not been a single sheet of paper in persian history that vienna has not translated for itself since 2000 years. Because of the old civilization in Vienna, there is only one thing: Persian poetry is more complex than 12th century paintings

Austrian Iranian attempted murder against my person and family. with Stop The Bomb simone, hizbullah and CIA

sanam amiri azadeh amiri, arasch amiri, maziar and shams family are in constant contact with international court of justice and public prosecutor:

Azadeh Amiri  these people and families turned 20 years of private life, intimate situations and all situations into movies and clips, into investments, a secret album for stalkers, fetishists, psychopaths, without the victims knowing it, for the eternal financial project and the stasi system


 گفتم صنما پیشۀ تو ؟ گفت : ستم

گفتم نگری بغمگنان ؟ گفتا : کم

گفتم که بزر بوسه دهی ؟ گفت : دهم

گفتم بجز از بوسه دهی ؟ گفت : نعم

onsori blkhi and vienna

  an observed targeted person von vienna was onsori blkhi, there has not been a single sheet of paper in persian history that vienna has not translated for itself since 2000 years. Because of the old civilization in Vienna, there is only one thing: Persian poetry is more complex than 12th century paintings

آفاق بپای آه ما فرسنگیست

وز آتش ما سپهر دود آهنگیست

در پای امید ماست هر جا خاریست

بر شیشۀ عمر ماست هرجا سنگیست

in vienna there is an older model of maya calendar, looks into the faces of viennese when they are lying

all chat rooms and connections and networks of ali gharib hizbullah azadeh amiri collectives and mafia, nobody wants to work in this bastard europe; because of; we are maya calendar 2012, inhuman to human dna and race

international stasi show iran

 in iran everything has been artificial and not natural for 40 years,

like a painting. what is underneath is the truth.

politics is artificial, slogans are artificial, religion is artificial, economy is artificial, atomic program artificial, international talks artificial, death judgments and torture are genetic, pollution is ahrimanic and long-term strategy

innocent zari and rana, stasi establishment

 Bastards in the EU and America and Israel, 15 bombs are too few for you, 15 bombs in a month because of 600 years of god genes murder and genocide. fucking ayatullah hizbulah friends

black money bastards EU, black money business. fake standard, sum and animals

 several austrian kurt waldheim judges earned five to 10 million between 1998-2008, because of the audience statistics, they emigrated with their families. 4000 euros to 8000 euros salaries, that was too little, a branch and tribe from the aryan potentialless bastard race wants to live in 5 million euros villas

viennese judges, shahabbas alliance, ayatullah aliance. fucking austrian darkforce bastards

 Viennese judges, alien animal DNA races say: we are kurt waldheim judges, like the judges in the 1980s iran revolutionary court, because of god's genes

the vienna judges, supreme court of justice, constitutional court stand at the tip of the iceberg of stasi fascism:

deer and ibex genocide has existed for 2000 years, we do not lock anyone in jail because of the thing, because of kefalonia and greek islands it was irrelevant too, no one was convicted. and no one today because of this family

Insolin poison long-term strategy, with hindi tribe: family gharib, family amiri, family shams, austrian secret service and police

 I'm supposed to be executed, or end up in a madhouse, an Iranian-Austrian alliance, the financial project, millions of euros brought long-term strategy, insolin poison for fat liver, diabetes and aterial constriction.

you bastard austria and fake iranian. genocide, the fate of 60% iranian for 40 years with austro-fascism and EU, america, israel anti-semitism

bastard breed in iran and vienna stabs from behind and says it wasn't me, bastard breed, contaminated alien blood

god genes persian and new rom EU

 america europe, vienna and parts of ayatollah society and their hindi army have been doing it again for 40 years. in vienna symbolically with my person and mother and sister too. vile behind our backs, the ancient civilization, god genes

rome/europe alliance sasanid and god genes genocide and emam ali. high spirituality problem iran until today


what salman farsi saw:

the line of sasanids is defiled, we are ruled by demons and through rome. the ruler and his hindi army kill god genes of deer, ibex, sheep and goats

Paltalk activism: 2001-2014, ghassemloo case austria

i had had dozens of threats from the toudeh aksariat party, hizbullah and regime agents, one of them;

we will either send you to madhouse or cemetery.

from 2005 the political iranian society vienna with austro fascism, police, politics, secret services, america europe china, turkey, iran, middle east pulled me and my family into the stasi system on the internet,

with secret cameras. because of political activism and god genes.

azadeh amiri her family have been working with the austrian state since 1998 in the stasi system

Mittwoch, 31. März 2021

یک درویش دیوانه شده ی مذهبی ارتجاعی در ٱن زمان. میگفتند به او ارتجاع در خدمت سرمایه. چرا? چون به فتیشیسم کاری استالینیستی گفته بود زکی

 عباس قولی‌ اسفند دود کرد هوووو 

عباس قولی‌ دود هوا کرد هوووو

مریم فرمان پیاز داغ کرد هووووو

مریم فرمان دود هوا کرد هووووو

عباس قولی‌ زالو رو کرد هووووو

عباس قولی‌ جادو رو کرد هوووو

مریم فرمان زانو زد با بو هوووووو

مریم فرمان زایمان کرد با بو هووووو

عباس قولی‌ خایه مالی رو کرد هووو

عباس قولی‌ شجاعت کرد هووووو

مریم فرمان با او غوغا کرد هووووو

مریم فرمان مردم گریان کرد هووووو

... ادامه زیاد دارد

his science, research, 38 projects, life's work, capital is our property?

 the austrian constitution says what? Bastard breed FPÖ, SPÖ, ÖVP; NEOS, GREEN, LEFTIST scum, human trade? god genes trade? potential trade? 

die polizei nazis setzen auf; elam und hundrasse wien krieg. diebe, plünderer, abschaum, nichts, dreck und 1938 methode mit partisanen krieg. mein leben mein geld du bastardrasse

arschkind, arische affe, wiener drecksau affe, ''oberschicht huankind'' mein leben mein geld, oder stirb du bastardrasse du nazi

SPÖ and Michael Häupl have deepest sick himmler's anti god genes psychopathy, genes from iran, afghanistan, caucasian, and syria, iranian neighboring countries

maryam die arische hure

 Maryam farmanfarma war eine österreichische hure, eine hure wie azadeh amiri und die eltern, maryam war eine hure. österreichische Intrige für massenmord im iran mit K.u.K armee, seit 1850 bis heute mit arische huren, bis heute mit arische huren. das resultat war 10 millionen tote, 1918. und heute wieder eine arische hure die eltern gegen elam und luristan, mordversuch und finanzprojekt. bastard plünderer und dieb rasse

خدا رحمت کنه

 ٱقا داشتم الان تو خیابون راه میرفتم,دور و برم رو نگاه کردم, گفتم; خدا رحمت کنه عباسقلی اسفندیاری رو, اونم مثل ما راه میرفت تو خیایون و پیش خودش میگفت; چه همه هم شکل و هم قیافه ما هستند,ولی چرا درک و فکر ما را ندارند?

i have a political file with thousands of users on the internet about the freedom struggle strategy iran. fuck this asshole iran enemy austria, fuck this 5 thousand year intrigue europe, fuck alien animal DNA

hey strasbourg, i know that you fuck your little granddaughter so that she becomes a nazi psychopath too, khidr says: hey schizopherenia patient tell him: you will die soon


i am no different from ghaem magham farahani; push your european articulation in the ass and sit down next to wehmachtsjude, I'll come, but different. looter exploiter, bastard looter

adolf's special whores third generations with U.N. iran and irak war, vienna and barbad stasi psychological war

 since 1952 women from vienna have been in international collectives in command formation with wehrmacht jews austria germany. Genocide and racial persecution continued in Latin America, Asia, Yugoslavia and Africa, with glorification:

domestic conflict, tribal conflict, or border conflict, or iran iraq war.

to this day, genocide has not stopped, the collective: vienna, berlin, texas, new york, london, strasbourg, rome.

today in vienna there is a symbol of the nazi women: zari and rana are not women but: jews

wien: amiris sind europäisch, indo germanisch und farahani und khonjmanesh native iranian, wir müssen die native iranian plündern, es ist eine schande dass die amiris mit 1800 eur0 leben müssen, bis zu 5 millionen euro mit stasi kamera aktion kann die familie verdienen


i am terror and stasi victim, until today. viennese animals and scum

azadeh sanad madrak, pool, vagarna carla, shervin shirin, paris, sued canada. jendeh, lashi, kharkosdeh ba naneh jendat o rahim, paris, sued, canada wien

the private life of a family, origin of iranian tribes, the ethnic origin elam, kurdistan luristan hamedan ferahan is turned into business in vienna by austro fascism, police abuse innocent mother and daughter jews, austrian citizens since 1992. vienna says to muslims: jews. because of illegal DNA test and nazi sterilization policy in europe, america iran middle east, north africa


خانواده امیری و شمس برای هزینه ی پنج خانه سیستمی طراحی شده پیاده کردند که بخشی از جامعه به این معنا و منظورسکوت می کنند: یک فرد باید بمیرد نه جامعه از خجالت.

25% iranian target persons

 البته آن آب به درد جهان بینی خاص؛ تربیت بدنی و بدن سازی میخورد. تصور بنده بر این است ماهی یک یورو را جامعه ۲۵ درصدی میدهد. همان جامعه ای که امروز هم ماهی یک یورو پول کتاب میدهد. گمان کنم همان ۲۵ درصدی که در حال حاضر مورد هدف اسرائیل؛ اتریش؛ اروپا و آمریکا هستند.