Sonntag, 4. April 2021

neonazi kurz und gypsy terror, ashkan, amir ali und tausende andere

shah ismael was european himself, it was said: his mother tongue is strange, since the 15th century austria / habsburg and persia has been an alliance with gypsies and romanos from georgia and romania, gypsy kings in iran with fake shiitism, for mass murder of native iranians

ali and hussein gharib have the terror order for murder, from the iranian embassy and iran and the federal chancellery sebastian in KURZ, the police and the uN say: wait, we give the green sign, the family is still up to date

"esel tribe leichen" gottfried lebt noch

Do you understand
gottfried küssel works with jews and israelis together in hizbullah terror business, godfried was convicted by viennese judges, today he works with his judge

humanrights organisations terror austria, stasi terror murder BLACK MONEY from iran/austria

Despite hundreds of laws, fundamental rights, private life rights, professional rights, free decision about fate, it means: my life is my property, my private life is a sanctuary, sits scum in human rights organizations and in the UN and says:
we don't know anything, we don't work, Austria / EU / Iran has the right to do so

both are tablet photo and raw, it is art magic, position and angle are the magic. 600 years genocide!

und heute wird wien und österreich überzeugt, SPÖ,ÖVP,FPÖ, GRÜNE, linke: landsleute verdient a göld hob'ts a gaudi und tötet die juden, wir hob'n ka göld, des ist mai göld, a jud ist a jud, mai göld ist mai göld

donkey tribe, austria, hungry, donkey salami

besides goats, ibex and deer, sheep had a conflict, the donkey breed still existed in tyrol and carinthia, and the tribes have always been convinced:
ariels destroy the world.
The problem with donkey breed was also starting in the 19th century until 1932:
hatred campaign: Jews are to blame for everything!
only this time was ariel in the armed forces and the jews the sheep, goats, donkeys, deer and ibexes.
a fraud in history until today.
god genes massacre

du huansau, du drecksau 6 millionen gott gene menschen waren nicht genung du bastardrasse

die wiener richter sagen jetzt gerade: wir sind arisch ihr seid juden, keine muslime, wir haben eure bluttests. und ich habe die steine und sage: du bist affe abschaum, müll, dreck und minderwertig

müll und abfall 1998-2021 und charisma

cheap rubbish, garbage and scraps, remains from 1945, says quietly at home:
we have fun, the state enables us like our mr. adolf hitler to destroy charisma to feel higher.
cheap garbage 3, generation, monkey breed, calls itself master race through secret cameras.
then Austria said:
Turkish guest workers and Iranian hezbollah should also feel higher, Arab vegetable sellers too

two minutes ago, tablet photo, raw. for editing

blind durch die nacht

Vienna is a city that:
if someone kills me in the morning, nobody knows why, nobody knows about something, nobody knows me, Vienna only takes responsibility for the night:
we don't know who the culprit is, but it's our fault
because of the action

میان ‏گرگها

سیاوش ما اینجا بدبختیم، بیچاره ایم، فلک زده ایم، سیاوش ما اینجا دیگه هیچکس نیستیم، ما مردیم، سیاوش روسیه پناهگاه بود اینجا پرتگاه، سیاوش هیچی باقی نمونده، هیچی دیگه برای من و تو نیست، تمام شد. سیاوش: فردا نزدیک سحر از خونه میرم بیرون، بزار تنها بمونم! سیا بمیری بهتر نیست؟ مرتیکه

سمج اندیشه موذی فعلی است

کز سر من گویی

سرپروانه ندارد هرگز

و من کم طاقت

هرچه می کوبم و می رانمش از راه دگر می اید

در چنین خشک هوا

کز تف داغ دمش

هر خیال خامی پخته نماید به نظر

با چه سنجم آخر فکرم را

یا که آخر به چه تدبیری من

تن رها دارم از آزاراش


but an aryan race with germanic pillage rights

after 20 years of corruption, stasi torture and terror, the police say:
We use ali turks, arabs and iranians for escalation and violence, the political anti-regime activist is a criminal without files, he is to be put in prison for torture, in a concentration camp, we are not criminals, but an aryan race with germanic pillage rights

stone and my living room, for editing, tablet photo raw

20% black money laundering commission

Austria had 20 years to date, psychopathic federal chancellors, sadistic federal presidents, and corrupt politicians, with the plan:
We have EU treaties, because of civil rights and fundamental rights, human rights, but the ayatullahs have priority on european soil, we take all rights of political activist and his family, so the regime can get back the 20% black money laundering commission, we don't take any money, we have enough iranian jews, (iranian god gene carriers)

امروزه یک سری بنی بشر در ایران هست خطرناک حرف میزنه، ما هم بلدیم خطرناک حرف بزنیم، جریان فقط اینجاست، تو من رو زودتر میکشی یا من تورو، چون کون خارش داره بدجور تو شماها.

شکوفه ‏میرقصد ‏از.....

آقا این وایرلس مارو نمود، دختر آخونده همش داد میزنه: شما همتون جنده پرستین، جنده بازین، جنده پرست! ببین فاطی، شکوفه، من جنده لیسم، کوس لیسم، هیزه هیزم.. ولی آدم رو تشنه گرسنه نمیذا‌‌‌رم گوشه خیابون، درویش رو ترور نمیکنم، شکنجه نمیدم، خونش رو نمی خورم، چی میگی؟

german god gene art, a priest and academic painter, for editing

fucking ahrimanic bastard breed

There is a truth about 100 million murdered Native Americans, 10 million Iranians in 1918, 35 million Africans by slavery, and 6 million in 1945.
the old civilization and god genes. children with god's genes are anatomical and biological, nervous resilience. and high spiritual.
UN and Zionism, states try to cover up this truth in order to continue to murder or torture like the case of my family

rosa kim amiri worked as an iranian and austrian stasi agent for 35 years in the UN, azim amiri's wife, azadeh's uncle and arasch. our keys were stolen from these people for UN god genes genocide etablishment

anti god genes fascism, UN psychopathy, austria europe america, CIA NSA, hizbullah says: burglary must be proven to the amiri and gharib family as well as the money.after 20 years of action, the UN and networks hoped for escalation, murder and hostage-taking so that the laundered money would disappear. alien UNO and bastard darkforce game

i'm actor

leonardo dicaprio played a role,
the movie was called catch me if you can.
my opinion of the movie was:
he played the role of the state and networks, and not of an individual. nowadays we are an actor, we are always ourselves, without a mask. in this world we are the actors.
thousands of witnesses with millions and fake material are being bought for this: these people are different, they are evil

Gabriel and the prophet Vienna, the reason for anti god genes fascism. 500,000 years old?

آقا این سلیمانی اگر زنده مونده بود ها، الان میخندید میگفت: فقط مثل اینکه این یه دونه باقی مونده، اینم بکشید ببینیم کسی مونده هنوز یا نه، خیال همه رو راحت کنید

die wiener iraner sind mörder und bastarde, iraner lügen für rassenmord: wir haben nichts getan, tötet mutter tochter und sohn. doppelstaatsbürger hundesöhne, bastarde, mörder, abschaum und new iranian, 16. jahrhundert import aus europa und indien

viennese red fascists, socialdemocrats, socialists, communists, red fascists and anti god genes psychopaty

Austria is attempted murder with its red fascists leftists, and with international hate finance campaign: with a cook, viagra seller and german teacher

kaveh ahangar, bahram fire, imam ali, excalibur, anti alien, djinn and anunnaki sword. acient civilization sword. 110

european, asian, american networks, hidden god genes fascism. god gene ist anti aryan racial theorie, anti aryan darforce, looting and genocide. we are creation, with proof

On Oct. 27, 1999, the Post printed two headlines on top of page 8, placed side by side. The first reads, "Pat: `I'd Like All Folks to Be Christians," and the second one (smaller, almost like a subtitle to the first) reads: "Buchanan Offers U.S. Fascism With a Happy Face." To drive the point home, the second article highlights a pull-quote by Buchanan: "I believe Christianity is the true faith." 
Now, we've all heard the term "fascist" cast about like a curse word. It's used as a club to silence dissent from left-wing orthodoxy on university campuses across America. But for those of us who do not want to be condemned to relive the past because we have failed to remember it, let rite ask: Is there really any such cozy relationship between fascism and Christianity? 
Far from it, as Gene Edward Veith documents in his book Modern Fascism: Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview: Fascism and Christianity stand in total antithesis to one another. 
Consider, for example, the following quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, whose philosophy had a profound influence on Nazi theory: "Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, of privilege: It is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence." 
This antithesis is the reason the Nazis despised both Christian and Jew. Both held worldviews based on a monotheism that says the state is not autonomous, for there is a God whose law is above the law of any government, before whom even seemingly all-powerful dictators must bend the knee. Moreover, any man, woman or child who had the Ten Commandments had an adequate moral basis for judging and resisting the National Socialist state as an objective evil

UNO, amnesty international is anti ORiental VMAT2, UNO is god genes fascism