Mittwoch, 7. April 2021

wien sagt wir sind dienstverweigerer und rassenmörder, holocaust denial darf ma net, aber des denial sho für iranische rassenmord, "unsere staatsbürger"

i am sitting in a european country where the ayatullah and hizbullah says:we have the privilege of turning a mother and daughter into an international business. Austria allows this because of their ethnic origin

آقا ما ۲۰ سال پرچم شیر و خورشید دستمون نگرفتیم، دعوا هم زیاد داشتیم، ما اهل پرچم مرچم نیستیم چون از دم شیر یونجه خوار گاومیش تشریف دارید، تا به تاریخ امروز

یونجه خوار دید اجنبی آخوندی، دید با میخ طویله میکوبد به خرد و باهوشی، گفت: من همان شیرم که رستم بود پهلوان، رخش ماند در شاهنامه قصه اش نا تمام

persian lion, old race. natural mineral stone, natural formation

austria is not a friend of iran, austria has been racially mad and psychopathic for 150 years.that shows the absurd behavior and psychopathy because of my family, the state shits on all basic principles of the state beacuse us

ولایت ‏باستانی

صحبت از راه رسید خانه، دید دست اندازی همچو میمان خانه را کرد ویرانه، گفتش ای بهار امید باستانی، ای زن، ای امید بخش مراکانی، تو خانه تکانی؟ از مراکانی؟ یا خراباتی و مرد تکانی؟. گفت زیر فرشت بود مجله با یک فراخوانی، ای تو فراهانی، مقصد راهت بود فداکاری، خردت بود برای جاودانی، از من بشنو: امید داشته باش طولانی در این ولایت باستانی. فراموش کن، آن سند نبود مجله ای بود با یک نامه باستانی، تو چه فراموشکاری که مرا بر عهده ام گذاشتی خانه تکانی.


the father ( sohbatolah) of my grandfather (nosratollah) had a company, a caravan between baghdad and tehran, his origin was hosseinabad shamloo malayer, as khan. Vienna is wondering why I never drive a car or take a train, only march on foot every day

In an international hate campaign to this day, there are no police files, court files or crimes of any kind between 1986 and 2021. only fake clips and documents

In a welfare state with 900 euros the Iranian gypsy girl says: We are Aryan Persians and murderers, we have the right tojunk money and lies

fucking UNO, amnesty and viennese mengerle society and networks

the behavior of the viennese police, judges, public prosecutors, heinrich gross, mengerle secret society towards my family shows:
we have been partners in iran for 40 years in experiments, race search, torture, murder and targeting, together with kurt waldheim UNO

the eye, tablet photo raw, 5 minutes ago. barbad farahani

Dienstag, 6. April 2021


i am ready i will talk for 5 minutes in a panel discussion, viennese iranians and jews and israelis should talk for 30 minutes, and i will talk for 5 minutes, 10 hours of discussion. Nobody can do that. With topic many branches of science, politics and race politics, society, history and VMAT2

ayatullah regierung ist eine österreichische europäische rassenwahn regierung

if he had fled to vienna, austria would have:
police secret services, doctors, social workers, politicians, SPÖ / ÖVP / FPÖ / GRÜNE / LINKE. UN, AMNESRY INTERNATIONAL made a stasi busienss for 500 million euros. together with iranian. the old DNA, tribe, ethnicity in his homeland, vienna

unfortunately i don't have the necessary equipment but so much with a tablet: suicide strategy and tactics against persian uterus, djinns and anunnakis

mauthausen again, this time with secret cameras, isolation and international intrigue

bastard whores vienna. i have 38 projects, 16 "berufe", 25 new ideas. you monkey i sell fakhr

when my mother screams and cries because of my sister, thousands of whores old and young laugh on the street. are you innocent? mother, son and daughter? then scream like innocent people like in mauthausen, you are guilty of possessing genes. there are other viruses special for Austria.

emam ali and dragons, chinese attack vienna and my family

two countries are closely linked to the ayatulah regime, china and fucking austria. all the basics and traditional chastities are manipulated.
20 years is used with a secret camera for social politics, culture and economy. the establishment of ahrimanic methods, methods that emam ali deeply condemned

زر ‏و ‏ور

ظرف چینی مهریه اش بود، قیمتش هم یک زر، یک باریک دودول بود، گفتش ای ولایت ای وای بحالت با این باریک دودولت، ما هستیم دو دولت به فکر باریک دودولت، عیال داری!؟ زاد ولد کن ای وای بحالت

شر ‏و ‏ور، ‏دو ‏دقیقه ‏پیش

برو ای جوجه، بشمار همه را خوشه به خوشه، این زنجیره دوش به دوشه، حبه انگور ناب نباید بخروشه، برو ای جوجه ای تو سینه هایت همچو کلوچه، بزن به کامش شیره ات را تا دگر فخر نفروشه

black channel and the whore, 2 minutes ago, tablet photo raw. Stop mind control

die wiener huren sind abscheulich und dreck, gegen zwei unschuldige frauen, mit Dr. lenz rassenhass und säuberungsplan ideologie/strategie, abschauliche huren, abschaum und dreck. dreck, abschaum

since hazrat abbas there is no more holy water procedure: we cut your hands away because of eternal genetic youth with holy water. at 40 you should look like 65

das sind genozide und rassenmord vertrräge, nach ausbeutung vergasen und vergiften. internationale show ist möglich wenn: karriereplan und business konzept existiert. wie 1932

Austrian politicians worse than balkan war commanders

Austrian politicians worse than balkan war commanders
the ingenious contracts of a cheap mayor and cleaning lady child chancellor are fascism, we sell god genes children as a show.
that's hundreds of millions of euros contracts europe america israel ayatullahs, the mafiosi al capone partner that signs knows beforehand, he and she will be imprisoned for up to 25 years

the russian mafia is not a girl for anything, but apparently UNO:thank you michael häupl and austria for millions of stasi money and real estate financing, we have human rights activists soldiers and snipers

جون ‏تو، ‏همینه

fascinated by the colors in greece, I was ambitious to give my mobile photos as a present

at the top left corner you can see the aliev race photo.Germany says murder, Austria says suicide

fucking scum and monkeys, photo summer 2016. kefalonia

the experiments are carried out by cheap scum, 3rd class of society, 1200 to 7000 euros salary. in europe people talk about 2nd class existing from 5 million euros. that's why people like me are ruined internationally with the police state and violence

Kfalonia photo summer 2016, barbad farahani

neonazi experiments, iran, europe, america, asia. historical stones as proof

i know all the current research, 80% of it, 20% is in secret drawers.
External dopamine drugs, anti depressants and insulin and adrenaline and other poison experiments, happen strangely as a game show for networks:
when does he get: psychosis, diabetes, parkinson’s, heart attack, cerebral liver disease or other things.
what is the metaphysics in this whole subject. this analysis and research is carried out with live seats for the UN elite