Mittwoch, 7. April 2021

the israelis and fascists have invested millions of euros, hundreds of millions of euros, illegally, for europe and america to say: the iranian indians ( romano iranian) are good, the others are jews, worthless.

i was just thinking of madam curie, turkey with curry for bird salad and salad needs something supernatural taste, i called the witch spirits and their spice

„Man könnte sich vorstellen, daß das Radium aber auch in verbrecherischen Händen sehr gefährlich werden könnte, und man müsse sich fragen, ob es für die Menschheit gut ist, die Geheimnisse der Natur zu kennen, ob sie reif ist, daraus Nutzen zu ziehen, oder ob ihr diese Erkenntnis zum Schaden gereichen könnte.“ —  Marie Curie

tablet photo raw. 2 minutes ago. old witches, and new witches with internet and database, cyber army, ancient spirits

god genes genocide, iran middle East, afrika, latein america. austria europe, america, UNO

ask veronika douda farahani weiss: what happened to the children of heinrich gross and joef mengerle, she says: that was bad, it was a mistake. ask what about rana? she says i'm the stepmother and she's bad. fucking bitch austrian whore. i haven't had any contact with nasser farahani since 2002 and never saw the whore nazi farahani douda weiss, i never had a conversation either. my sister only 3 times in her life

botenzial oida, botenzial, des scheißdreck is unnätig, der hawara und sein tablet, geh scheiß'n du drecksperser, geh scheiß'n. botenzial ist a porsche, des holi asse aus eich, botenzial oida

ötzi hundesohn affe, bastardrasse ist grad mit a jauguar vorbei gefahr'n, 300.000 euro aus dem stasi pot: heas oida i bin a mensch, a jaguar is main botenzial und standard, botenzial oida. i bin a mensch. a scheißdreck abschaum und abfall, ein scheißdreck bist

کیر ‏تو ک‏وس ‏ننه ‏هرچی ‏مادر ‏قحبه

در عرض ۴۰ سال ۵ تریلیارد دلار ایران رو غارت کردن، حالا امروز میگویند پولی دگر باقی نمانده، نفت تمام شد، آدم برای سوزاندن نیاز داریم، آدمیزاد نیاز داریم، حسن نیت ما اینست که با ایرانیهای خارج از کشور شروع کنیم، لاکن مردم شریف ایران راضی شوند و در ابعاد گسترده تر بتوانیم اقوام ایرانی را بسوزانیم

SPÖ sagt mit ÖVP: scheißdreck österreichischeverfassung, wir scheiß'n auf die grundprinzipien, a juden g'schäft mit ayatullahs hama, a juden g'schäft mir israel akhmadinejad, larijanis, rafsanjanis, a juden g'schäft mit amerikaner und kapitalismus, zionismus. iranische lure, elami, kurde, a juden g'schäft hama

The UN elite is shouting loudly: this is not a DNA trade or human trade. Asshole stand in front of the cameras for 1 month, a maximum of 10 viewers, there are enough monkeys in the circus and zoo. who needs you

DNA trade in UNO city is hot

tablet photo raw, anti ahrimanic anti darkforce, anti alien in UNO city, iranian DNA targets, aktivists and freedom fighter. bastards CIA/UNO and ayatullahs. Persian DNA hunter and money maker. bastard CIA

michael häupl sagt: i hob mit SPÖ und pürstl a juden gschäft, heas iraner sand des, iraner, juden arschlöcher sand des, wos was i wos ahura mazda ist, juden sand die grindigen. larijanis, rafsanjanis, khameneis und ghalbiaf, ahmadinejad sand a an bord, wir sand leinwande "paty", und kennen uns a aus, a göld brauch ma a göld, in luristan und ahwaz gübt a viel juden, heas juden sand des, shod um das göld i brauch a göld mit pürstl

if i'm pulled down then i pull the lever down too, then there is world war

rakhsh and atoosa, turtle power

with the sign of the turtle, the bone structure of atoosa and rakhsh is 800 million euros. stasi war financial value.
america europe israel say: the old persian race and tribes, in iran and middle east africa have a price, the organs are expensive, stasi and torture, murder is hundreds of millions. new race pays a lot to satisfy envy, you are old? then suffers.

wien sagt wir sind dienstverweigerer und rassenmörder, holocaust denial darf ma net, aber des denial sho für iranische rassenmord, "unsere staatsbürger"

i am sitting in a european country where the ayatullah and hizbullah says:we have the privilege of turning a mother and daughter into an international business. Austria allows this because of their ethnic origin

آقا ما ۲۰ سال پرچم شیر و خورشید دستمون نگرفتیم، دعوا هم زیاد داشتیم، ما اهل پرچم مرچم نیستیم چون از دم شیر یونجه خوار گاومیش تشریف دارید، تا به تاریخ امروز

یونجه خوار دید اجنبی آخوندی، دید با میخ طویله میکوبد به خرد و باهوشی، گفت: من همان شیرم که رستم بود پهلوان، رخش ماند در شاهنامه قصه اش نا تمام

persian lion, old race. natural mineral stone, natural formation

austria is not a friend of iran, austria has been racially mad and psychopathic for 150 years.that shows the absurd behavior and psychopathy because of my family, the state shits on all basic principles of the state beacuse us

ولایت ‏باستانی

صحبت از راه رسید خانه، دید دست اندازی همچو میمان خانه را کرد ویرانه، گفتش ای بهار امید باستانی، ای زن، ای امید بخش مراکانی، تو خانه تکانی؟ از مراکانی؟ یا خراباتی و مرد تکانی؟. گفت زیر فرشت بود مجله با یک فراخوانی، ای تو فراهانی، مقصد راهت بود فداکاری، خردت بود برای جاودانی، از من بشنو: امید داشته باش طولانی در این ولایت باستانی. فراموش کن، آن سند نبود مجله ای بود با یک نامه باستانی، تو چه فراموشکاری که مرا بر عهده ام گذاشتی خانه تکانی.


the father ( sohbatolah) of my grandfather (nosratollah) had a company, a caravan between baghdad and tehran, his origin was hosseinabad shamloo malayer, as khan. Vienna is wondering why I never drive a car or take a train, only march on foot every day

In an international hate campaign to this day, there are no police files, court files or crimes of any kind between 1986 and 2021. only fake clips and documents

In a welfare state with 900 euros the Iranian gypsy girl says: We are Aryan Persians and murderers, we have the right tojunk money and lies

fucking UNO, amnesty and viennese mengerle society and networks

the behavior of the viennese police, judges, public prosecutors, heinrich gross, mengerle secret society towards my family shows:
we have been partners in iran for 40 years in experiments, race search, torture, murder and targeting, together with kurt waldheim UNO

the eye, tablet photo raw, 5 minutes ago. barbad farahani

Dienstag, 6. April 2021


i am ready i will talk for 5 minutes in a panel discussion, viennese iranians and jews and israelis should talk for 30 minutes, and i will talk for 5 minutes, 10 hours of discussion. Nobody can do that. With topic many branches of science, politics and race politics, society, history and VMAT2

ayatullah regierung ist eine österreichische europäische rassenwahn regierung

if he had fled to vienna, austria would have:
police secret services, doctors, social workers, politicians, SPÖ / ÖVP / FPÖ / GRÜNE / LINKE. UN, AMNESRY INTERNATIONAL made a stasi busienss for 500 million euros. together with iranian. the old DNA, tribe, ethnicity in his homeland, vienna

unfortunately i don't have the necessary equipment but so much with a tablet: suicide strategy and tactics against persian uterus, djinns and anunnakis

mauthausen again, this time with secret cameras, isolation and international intrigue

bastard whores vienna. i have 38 projects, 16 "berufe", 25 new ideas. you monkey i sell fakhr

when my mother screams and cries because of my sister, thousands of whores old and young laugh on the street. are you innocent? mother, son and daughter? then scream like innocent people like in mauthausen, you are guilty of possessing genes. there are other viruses special for Austria.