Donnerstag, 8. April 2021

iran politics, anti race politics............sebastian Kurz says: i have mercenaries with the ÖVP for genocide in ukraine, do you believe i can't destroy a jew family in vienna. by jew is meant: god gene in ukraine too

the iranians in vienna have a minimum salary of 900 euros and a maximum salary of 3500 euros. I am 50,000 to 150,000 euros salary. from 2001 ten thousand euros salary, because of trade, business and specialist training

who in the 21st century in a "democracy" overrides basic principles of the state and constitution for racial torture and genocide is a bastard race and ahrimanic satanic blood

tablet photo, raw. 2 minutes ago. revenge, avesta ahura mazdan spirit

10 years of torture, rape isolation had trader negotiator and a price,how much? 100,000 per head? or less or more? bastard Vienna and kurt waldheim UNO

fucking bastard austria vienna and human trade price

normally a cent of the price of my mother and sister should cost 20 austrian bastard heads after 100 years of crime. normal way, after 1979 and mass crimes

vegetarian lion and calf race 1979, 1988 slaughtered for europe, america and israel

Mittwoch, 7. April 2021

ali gharib and shams and other iranian amiris and toudeh and aksariat saw us in the 70s as american orientated and influenced, today as nationalists and fascists and anti american and european

animal aryan pillage looting and theft with iranian gypsies

I repeat the texts because for 4 years the street theater and psychological war has increased. Austria says:
we are right against race. UN city and international public prosecutor gives us the right.
what right? animal aryan pillage

ahrimanism and satanism wanted to change our genes for 5000 years, with rome, and today with new rome, and say: magic "SEHR" is forbidden. fuck your mother you should be banned since savavid times. iran is a ruin with satanism

خیلی ‏شریف، ‏جاش ‏های ‏ین

in europe there is no secularism, only the rule of the satanic church, police state and fascism

5 years therapy and panik attacks, my sister, 2002-216. viennese hospitals and doctors, mengerle and heinrich gross, aryan scum

the vienna police, secret services and politicians are political satanism against god genes, just like ayatullah government, political satanism. where is secularism? satanic ahrimanic church rules against god genes

aryan bastard breed child killer and scum police vienna says: Evidence for the international hate campaign and the stasi is only available for jews at gunpoint. satanism vienna europe calls god genes bearer jew for hate campaign

a jeder terroranschalag gegen euch ist ein freiheitskampf und ein recht, du drecksau

das ist huankind bastard arian terror, das ist abschaum huankind österreich mit richter, polizei, politiker und staatsanwäle, dienstvrweigerung bedeutet mordversuch, stazi finanz projekt ist terrorismus, terror gegen terror du arisch du bastard du abschaum

du billigstdorfer du scheißdreck du, du arisch du drecksaaaauuuuu du killeraffe du, du arisch du abschaum drecksau

die indo arische rasse und arische rasse, iran/austria: wir sind alles, die anderen kennan vül, ober des is nur sklaven oarbeit, wir hob'n des net, des ist ka recht, des ist ka recht, dass die des hob'n, des ist unsers, wir sand es, wir kennan des net ober a staatabürger gehör den staat, es ist unsers, des ist sklavenoarbeit

fucking austrian bastard nazi. steinzeit affe du drecksau scheißdreck, juden sad des juden, i tu net oarbeiten, juden sand des, a göld brauch ma, ka jud, sterben sowieso

the oldest bone fund is 11000 years old: not indo european, not an aryan race. the political atmosphere of iran, hostility of europe america israel to our race, and denial of service by all authorities in vienna for 20 years

thousands of years after alexander bastard israel bastard america bastard europe with ayatullahs says: we have millions of resources in iran for looting!!!... iran needs 100 atomic bombs against these bastards. I am not left alone because: through seyyed and propheten bloodline we earn millions!

der israeli jude sagt: wir sind schlimmer als mojtaba khamenei, wir plündern stehlen und verdienen geld dann töten wir eure rasse. iran braucht 100 atombomben gegen euch bastarde in israel und wien

das privatleben ist ein eigentum und heilligtum du drecksau faschist, du hurenkind bastardrasse du scheißdreck huansau rasse

fucking political djinns, bastard alien breed. my discovery 2010..... 200 editings. tablet editing 2018

freedom for archeology and artifacts you bastard ahrimanic race, freedom for archeology and the truth. fucking aliens

satanism says after 9/11, all god genes are terrorists, we have to find and observe all terrorists, suck my cook bastard european breed, you are fascists and racial murderer for 600 years, fucking blue eye terrorist

fucking amerika and iranian gypsies

Azadeh Amiri is currently sitting at home and laughs, and says when he scolds Americans they kill him. i piss and shit on americans and you azadeh, you are supported in mass hate campaign and attempted murder by bastards in america, against innocent people.

america you bastard you dog you scum you terrorist, in 2001 i was 26 and at the start of my career with a million euro know-how, only because of god genes you shit you scum

2002 american embassy, pirooz and CiA. rahim and ali gharib

آقا سال ۲۰۰۱ ممد سگ پز آپادانا رو رهن داده بود به علی قریب، گفتیم خیلی خوب، شد چلو کبابی علی قریب، یک روز دیدم یک نفر به اسم پیروز هی میشینه کنار ما غذا میخوره اونجا، با ما هم هی میخواد حرف بزنه. یک روز گفتم فلانی لهجه ات مثل ممل آمریکایه، جریان چیه؟ گفت من کنسولگری آمریکا کار میکنم، قسمت مهاجرت و ویزا. یکم گذشت گفت: ببین روزی ۸ بار دستم رو میشورم، حالم داره بهم میخوره، روزی ۱۲۰ تا پاکستانی هندی افغانی میان میشینن جلو چشمم، دست میدن، دست به صندلی میزنن، به میزم میزنن، اصلآ وضعیتی، شما میفهمی چی میگم نه!؟ گفتم داداش راسیست ماسیستی، گفت: میام ناهار و شام اینجا میان ایرانی ها باشم، ما آریایی هستیم با همیم. خندم گرفت، پیش خودم گفتم خودت هم همرنگ و ریشه علی هستی پاکستانی، شما فقط اومدین ایران بگین ما فاشیست ایرانی هستم، کورش هم مثل ما آریایی بود. طرف تا به امروز داره با حسین و علی و آزاده و آرش امیری کار میکنه 

die dienstverweigerung der polizei, staatspolizei, geheimdienste und staatsanwalt, richtern, bedeutet: versuchter rassenmord und mordplan. österreicher sind native perser mörder

bastardrasse, wien, drecksau huansau schießdreck blut wien

bastard breed monkey austria, dirtiest figure in this world vienna and its bastards do not leave me in peace, for money, the ayatullahs, everyday psychological warfare . dirtiest animals in this world viennese dirt breed bastard breed

europe and iran racial politics

Iranians have to think about and understand one thing:
is the liberation of iran possible through terrorist attacks and bomb attacks in austria and europe? or the recognize from all UN families? employees and their children?

it was due to the destruction of my family, and 3 shops systematically earned hundreds of millions of euros, and international judges and public prosecutors and human rights organizations want to say with a Venice carnival mask: unimportant, you are not important here in iran either.

huansohn du drecksau österreich und europa und amerika, fucking CIA/NSA und UNO war das nicht genug?

1938 aryan system against native iranian. UNO city, vienna, america DNA and human hunt

azadeh amiri has
with vienna police politicians, viennese networks, with iranian families systematically pulled money out. with espionage, illegal entry into a company, theft and looting,
give out the system and money

Vienna / UN has plundered 3 lives for iranian gypsies, 3 successful people, indians are good the native iranians are jews. gypsies live with 1,800 euro jews from 3 shops