Donnerstag, 8. April 2021

fuck america, CIA and NSA, ayatullahs and hizbullah friends and race killer. friends of iranian pakistani gypsies,

No business man and political activist poses in front of the cameras for career and life ruin. It is the guarantee for secret cameras, hence the millions of businesses with america, eu and iran.

dirty animals and killers UNO city with kim rosa amiri

a minute of secret filming of political activism and a businessman costs 500,000 euros. Austria had a murder plan according to finance project. UN is in attempted murder and says:
kill him and give us compensation for our real estate deals

as far as history goes, the ayatollahs are worse anti persians than ariels and israel, the reason is:we are emam ali and jesus christ. a common line of history and blood.

Ob eine Frau als Prostituierte arbeitet, ist Jesus ziemlich egal.

Als sie die nicht verstehen, sagt er ihnen Unverschämtes: "Die Zöllner und Huren kommen eher ins Reich Gottes als ihr."

stone set, 8 stones

the ancient civilization and ahrimanism spirit gate

stone set, 3 years of work, 8 pieces, 87 combinations for a time epoch. the capital, in the belly of the capital and sooshiant

austria and capser viennese landscape

the ritual, gold, franklin incense and myrrh for the birth of children ahura mazda was a tradition in austria, how long does europe know the prehistory?

the amiris were 1,800 euro salaries, today rahim is 800 and soroor also 800 euro pension. the 5 million capital, is barbaric blood money and murder of innocent people, a system since the 14th century.

for 4 years i have been writing about the therapy of my mother and sister, amnesty and UN laughs in barbarism system, whores and bastards, genetic psychopathy scum

das geld und standard von amiris ist illegal und fake, deshalb ist die familie immer noch in mordplan. arasch, maziar, azadeh, rahim amiri und soroor shams

the amiris have to be arrested for the last 20 years as well as the viennese collective with black money and races/god genes stasi finance project

dirty UNO and bastard european in UNO, bastard ahrimanic breed. barbarism of the renaissance, barbarism to this day

Target search and stasi murder is actually the afternoon of dark ages, the pillars were built in 14th century for renaissance. the scum europe showed:
with the war of religion we will destroy god genes in europe. the scum of europe against ancient civilization races in europe. our tribes

DNA targets iran

I am a victim of terrorism here, and currently in the state stasi system, but actually america europe israel have been in target search, DNA for 40 years. the sanctions is the stasi system for 70% of the iranians, a joint action, bastards and jackals.
since 2001 my slogan has been armed struggle, and anti europe and america as far as iran is concerned. our world has been contaminated by monkeys, anti genes and DNA, anti humans for 5000 years

this is from lower photo, holy spirit the protector spirit

tablet photo raw. 2 minutes ago. dark force stasi camera

fucking europan charlatans and bastards, and bagherson

there are several human rights violations in vienna, the international judge says:
i am europe you iranian.
the problem with this psychopathy was before alexander. today it's just an embarrassing mask:
we are not fascists, but:
you are unimportant. the hundreds of millions are also unimportant because you are unimportant. we make money with unimportant individuals

tablet photo, colored smoke. the problem is: the door is in carinthia, and the problem is vienna.

the level of foreigners in the green party is lower than guest workers' children, only for one reason: they had never seen one hundred 500 euro bills on the table in life. Alev Korun is a member of the turks and arabs and gypsies ali mafia with a murder plan

Austria against thieves, terrorists and looters, Gestapo formation and illegality gives: civil disobedience, resistance, violent resistance and the right to shoot. against police, state, judges and secret services. this is an illegal mafia town against a family

بچه ‏های ‏ظهر ‏کوچه

کوچه سید صالح، خیابان هدایت، یک علی رضایی بود، یک ممد رضایی بود، یه مهدی بود یه امین، یه مجید بود با چنتا گور خر دیگه. یک بار گفتن کجا بودی ۳ ماه، گفتم پل سیمان، یک دفعه همه بیشعور ها شروع کردن خندیدن، بعد دسته بندی شروع شد و شروع کردن شعار دادن: باری کله گنده، باری کله گنده، رفته پل سیمان پیشه گنده، باری کله گنده رفته خونه ای گنده. یک ذره نگاه کردم اینور اونور، یکم بالا پائین،،چشمام رو چرخوندم و بعد یه مشما یک کیلویی از جیبم کشیدم بیرون، گفتم ببین مملی کاشی رومیایی تاحالا دیدی؟ از پل موله سیمانه با این چاقو. یک دفعه همه خفه شدن، ماتشون زد کاشی هارو دیدن، گفتم کله گنده گنده گوزی و معرکه زیاد داره، بعد رفتم. فقط میخواستم نیم ساعت بخوابم زیر تخت کسی من رو نبینه چه جوری به قیافه های الدنگشون میخندم. بچه های خوبی بودن، ولی پل سیمان با کسی شوخی نداره، از زمان ماقبل از تاریخ 

chicago and vienna polit mafia

I am confronted with fascism with attempted murder by the networks, politicians have all taken their pistols out of their drawers, SPÖ / ÖVP. the politicians want to play gangster chicago model 1920, we defend the stasi system and stasi money

emam zaman soldier from iran are also in vienna and are waiting for the green light: he is still alive, the ayatullah stasi financial project money is in danger

natural stone, natural formation

every vegetable seller, tobacco seller, kebab seller, taxi driver forms a collective and wants to decide what to do, isn't it better to kill? the state needs help, for all of this:the viennese jew is sitting upstairs and has participated


salam alayküm keyfal hal, shukran shukran kharab ahwal, dudul war da, ich war dar, alle zusammen keyf o hal, keine rasse keine hass alle waren begnadet im tanz, ishmael wollte immer oben sein, seine mutter sagte: bitte bitte still sein, affe lernt es und will  auch oben sein 

the Wehrmacht Jew stands today in mauthausen next to networks of fascism, a partnership because of my family and a million-dollar financial project, one says i am a victim, the other says i am no longer a perpetrator. mauthausen had nothing to do with religion but with old race and new race and oriental/persian god genes and tribes

today is holocaust commemoration day, ask the green party and jews: my sister had 5 years of therapy how much money did you earn with god genes and bloodline with holocaust stasi stalking system

the austrian president and chancellor and parliament are fascists, earning money because of race and ethnic origin is fascism. fascism because of our bloodline


i haven't seen nasser farahani since 2002, he got money from stasi pot, so that he lives until 90. and laughs at my person and family, as terror and stasi victims, fuck austria and austrian whores

old money

if you have a mafia gang, the state mafia, you can hide 15 million or 25 million old, old hiding has a system where nobody can find it, despite an account or a locker.
azadeh amiri can officially lose 5 million on the stock market, as a superstition or hundreds of other people, but the real capital is old hidden

کلک ‏رشتی ‏ب.ب.سی

توت ‏فرنگی

سال ۲۰۰۴ داشتیم طرح سیستم مبارزه مسلحانه میریختیم، چشمم خورد به عکس های ایران، گفتم آی ریدم تو روحتون، کی رو فرستادن جلو ما بکشیم، جون تو، الان هم همین رو فکر میکردم، ورداشتن پهن رو میزون از رو زوایه گذاشتن رو سنده، یه تربچه هم روش، میگن توت فرنگی رو وین بزن بکش، اینورها پیدات نشه. پول خوردن مردم، قاتلت هستند

شال ‏سبز ‏هم ‏این ‏سیمونه ‏اسراییلی ‏انداخت ‏گردنتون، ۲۰۱۰ ردش کردیم رفت، گفتم گوه نخور، ما شال رنگی و مخملی نداریم، شال میخوایم چیکار، رفت نشست کنار سپاه ترکمون زد به ما، زنیکه اسراییلی

ای ‏بابا، م‏ارو ‏چرا ‏میزنید ‏بیشرف ‏ها