Freitag, 9. April 2021

یک ورقه تو پرونده پلیسی ما نیست، مارو هم از ۲۰۰۱ میشناسن، همشون پول گرفتن، پروژه آخوندی و فاشیسم، با باربد، زری، رعنا

طرف سر نژاد داره میره جلو، ایرانی اینجا میگه چشم. من کیرم تو آزادی خواهی شما و فردای آزاد ایران مادر کوسده ها

نمایش ‏و ‏همایش

آقا امروز یارو از ماشین پیاده شد، گفت این آشغال ها کی هستن دارن شعار میدن، راننده پیاده شد در رو باز کرد، گفت: ناراحت نشین قربان خودیان. بعد یارو اینور اونور رو نگاه کرد، گفت فراهانیه کجاست؟ جفتشون خندیدن رفتن تو. این دیپلمات جاکش منتظر بود من رو بیبنه یه مفصل من بخندم یه مفصل خودش، مادر قحبه ها با دشمنان تخمیتون

جاکش ‏ها

آقا ۶ سالم بود از خونه حاجی عبدالله داد زدم طرف خونه حاجی صدیقه، گفتم عزیز، عزیز، کوسکش ها طالقانی رو کشتن. حاجی عبدالله از پایین داد زد: مرض نگیری بیشرف، خواب بودم، عزیز هم از اونور کوچه هی تو حیاط میزد تو سرش میگفت آبروم رفت با این بچه آبروم رفت، ده آخه درده بی درمون نگیری بیشرف. خدا بیامرز ها خوب شد رفتن امروز مارو نبینن، با این کوس کش ها

they say: we are aryan persians you are arabs and jews

european nationalism has hatred god genes, elam and luristan hate since 14th century and before, these immigrants have persian and native iranian hatred:
they say: we are aryan persians you are arabs and jews

ali gharib and sasan darivshzadeh, zabol gypsies, ghazvin gypsies, anti persians and native iranian.

no persian or native iranian is a killer in this way

zigeunerin, romano irani gypsy, azadeh will meine schwester töten, damit sie in reichtum lebt, azadeh shirins kinder, carla die kinder von javad shams und andere werden es nicht

fucking dirty american anti god genes terrorists, fucking animals

 forced signatures for false testimony with torture and death threats is done by the iranian secret service, sepah and hizbullah, the european police, the UN also want to do the same with my family 

kill the amiris, shams, naderis, keyhan rad and everyone else, this is attempted murder of my sister and this terrorism is protected and not arrested

kurz du bastardrasse mit michi, sanam amiri in wien, 600.000 euro mit versuchter"stasi"mord, terrorismus, rassenverfolgung, du scheißdreck ader

neonazi bastards and nazi gold

the viennese proletarity says: hezbollah and our government started it in 1998, but we will end the action with innocent murder for fatherland, blood and honor. kill the austrians and their children everywhere for murder. that is 1938-1945 thought and crime

in wien gibt es zehntausende gemeinde und genossenschaftswohnungen, verpisst euch aus dem fake häuser und standard asse, scheißdreck diebe und scharlatane

EU satanic aryan race barbarism against god genes

stasi torture business contracts only work with traders and political activism, as a certificate of authenticity. 20 years after the completion of the financial project 20 states or more, the barbarism wants to say:
the police secret cameras are secret, everything else was you yourself. fascism in the EU and aryan rase and aryan iranian gypsy race


tablet photo, raw, satanism, beds for reincarnation, genetic and DNA equality and prerequisites.

this method against a family in vienna by viennese and UN employees is not written in any code. one cannot meet these people rationally and politically either. this behavior is a behavior before capitalism and renaissance barbarism

this is not the morality of the 21st century, but the system and genetic culture of the 21st century: In all corporations, companies, offices, organizations, parties, employees are selected according to DNA patterns and genetics, so it happens that the UN, Amnesty, and Zara chant: kill the victims and give us the money for expensive shoes clothes and houses

Donnerstag, 8. April 2021

persians, anti ahrimanic capital. anti stasi finance capital and slavery

fuck america, CIA and NSA, ayatullahs and hizbullah friends and race killer. friends of iranian pakistani gypsies,

No business man and political activist poses in front of the cameras for career and life ruin. It is the guarantee for secret cameras, hence the millions of businesses with america, eu and iran.

dirty animals and killers UNO city with kim rosa amiri

a minute of secret filming of political activism and a businessman costs 500,000 euros. Austria had a murder plan according to finance project. UN is in attempted murder and says:
kill him and give us compensation for our real estate deals

as far as history goes, the ayatollahs are worse anti persians than ariels and israel, the reason is:we are emam ali and jesus christ. a common line of history and blood.

Ob eine Frau als Prostituierte arbeitet, ist Jesus ziemlich egal.

Als sie die nicht verstehen, sagt er ihnen Unverschämtes: "Die Zöllner und Huren kommen eher ins Reich Gottes als ihr."

stone set, 8 stones

the ancient civilization and ahrimanism spirit gate

stone set, 3 years of work, 8 pieces, 87 combinations for a time epoch. the capital, in the belly of the capital and sooshiant

austria and capser viennese landscape

the ritual, gold, franklin incense and myrrh for the birth of children ahura mazda was a tradition in austria, how long does europe know the prehistory?

the amiris were 1,800 euro salaries, today rahim is 800 and soroor also 800 euro pension. the 5 million capital, is barbaric blood money and murder of innocent people, a system since the 14th century.

for 4 years i have been writing about the therapy of my mother and sister, amnesty and UN laughs in barbarism system, whores and bastards, genetic psychopathy scum

das geld und standard von amiris ist illegal und fake, deshalb ist die familie immer noch in mordplan. arasch, maziar, azadeh, rahim amiri und soroor shams

the amiris have to be arrested for the last 20 years as well as the viennese collective with black money and races/god genes stasi finance project

dirty UNO and bastard european in UNO, bastard ahrimanic breed. barbarism of the renaissance, barbarism to this day

Target search and stasi murder is actually the afternoon of dark ages, the pillars were built in 14th century for renaissance. the scum europe showed:
with the war of religion we will destroy god genes in europe. the scum of europe against ancient civilization races in europe. our tribes

DNA targets iran

I am a victim of terrorism here, and currently in the state stasi system, but actually america europe israel have been in target search, DNA for 40 years. the sanctions is the stasi system for 70% of the iranians, a joint action, bastards and jackals.
since 2001 my slogan has been armed struggle, and anti europe and america as far as iran is concerned. our world has been contaminated by monkeys, anti genes and DNA, anti humans for 5000 years

this is from lower photo, holy spirit the protector spirit

tablet photo raw. 2 minutes ago. dark force stasi camera

fucking europan charlatans and bastards, and bagherson

there are several human rights violations in vienna, the international judge says:
i am europe you iranian.
the problem with this psychopathy was before alexander. today it's just an embarrassing mask:
we are not fascists, but:
you are unimportant. the hundreds of millions are also unimportant because you are unimportant. we make money with unimportant individuals

tablet photo, colored smoke. the problem is: the door is in carinthia, and the problem is vienna.