Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2021

there are more than 80 laws that austria has broken, serious violations of the law, viennese police, secret services, hizbullah and ayatullah terror. this one is enough to say that secret camera over 3 days is absolute nazi and ayatullahs terror

my dirty studio: flashlight 6 euros, magnifying glass 5 euros, loudspeaker 50 euros, candlesticks 1 euro, tablet 30 euros, crystal 4 euro, crystal 12 euro

tablet photo, raw. 2 minutes ago, stasi nazi pot, VMAT2 looting

this crime of austria and mojtaba khamenei and ali khamanei is: focus world psychopathy on a family without police and criminal files between 1986 and 2021. austria earns money with jews and ayatullahs through ahirmanic ritual, innocent murder like in iran

veronika douda farahani weiss, 5 chlidren 3 grandchildren. fuck her

i live in an austria where i am confronted as a terrorist and stasi victim of vienna and tehran:
Nasser farahani, we will give you 2 million if you kill your son, daughter, ex-wife, you should testify with the secret service and the police that your son is lying

fuck ahrimanic capitalism and society

elamic air force is back with old kings and melchior, this fight against ahrimanism is the last fight on earth, with global emam zaman soldiers

tablet photo raw, 2 minutes ago. stone crystal, mirror art.

long-term strategy, exploitation great persia and great old race. austria and my family, 40 years of iran

funeral pyre for Ahrimanic women, because of murder intrique, crime against innocent VMAT2 girls and woman

Since Cambyses, judges have been murdered and burned and skinned because the nature of bastard europe and his race is: freaks of ahriman.
the statements of international judges and public prosecutors are irrelevant because these people were active in chat rooms and networks. 
There remains only the option: armed fighting in Iran, Europe and America for VMaT2 ethnicities and minorities, funeral pyre for Ahrimanic women

Rudolf steiner über VMAT 1 und 2 und ahrimanische spiritualität, black magic mafia wien, Hindi ali romani azadeh, stasi system und soziale finanz verteilung

Die luziferischen Urlehrer der Menschheit

Und je weiter wir zurückgehen in der Menschheitsentwickelung, desto mehr finden wir gewisse Menschen, die durch ihre in ihren Reinkarnationen gelegenen Vorbedingungen dazu reif waren, sich bekanntzumachen mit denjenigen Weistümern, die im Besitze der luziferischen Wesenheiten sind. Wir sprechen ja zum Beispiel von den sieben heiligen Rishis der Inder. So wie der Inder selbst immer, wenn er aus seiner Weisheit heraus gesprochen hat, aufgefasst hat die Weisheit der sieben heiligen Rishis, wusste er, insofern er ein Eingeweihter war in diese Dinge, dass die eigentlichen Lehrer der Rishis luziferische Wesenheiten waren.

Denn dasjenige, was die luziferischen Wesenheiten in die Erdenentwickelung mitgebracht haben, in die sie, wie gesagt, sich hineinverflochten haben, das ist vor allen Dingen alles dasjenige, was die die menschliche Kultur durchsetzende Gedankenwelt, die intellektualistische Gedankenwelt, die im besten Sinne des Wortes vernünftige Welt, die Weisheitswelt, immer war. Gerade wenn man an den Menschheitsursprung zurückgeht, dann findet man, dass die Quellen für die heidnischen Weistümer immer in luziferischen Wesenheiten zu suchen sind.

VMAT2 stasi hostage taking und fascism global

I have been in the police stasi system since 1998 because of VMAT2 and political activism, a stasi system of the police and secret services can only be proven by judges, police and secret services, the financial system and capital. One RAF possibility is the only thing that the state allows: if you take rich minors as hostage, then there is evidence, but 35 years of imprisonment for you not for us, and Austria says we are not concentration camp fascists because of VMAT2

in UNO city arbeitet nur VMAT2 faschismus 1938, VMAT2 faschismus 1938, gegründet 1954

european/american rich amimal or neo animal nazi children

every person in this city has a car, house, job, capital, family, luxury, social contact, circles, elite children, parents, european states say:
if this family has one of them then we kill, zionism and jews are on our side like in 1938. junk money is taboo

Austria and Ayatollahs, the Iranian regime: we do not accept this family as a citizen, citizenship is illegal because of ethnic origin and race. just like in sistan beluchistan, many of them do not get a birth certificate there either

verstehen sie, CIA und NSA sind alqaida terrorismus, ISIS terrorismus, 9/11 terrorismus, ali, azadeh, hussein, amir, ashkan, azadeh, rahim, arasch und maziar terrorismus. CIA und NSA sind iranische terrorismus. gegen rasse und VMAT2

tablet photo, 2 minutes ago. holy water and old civilizsation

رفته ‏یونان ‏۵۰۰ ‏نفر ‏و ‏کشته، ‏بعد ‌‌‏میگه: ‏ما ‏سیاست ‏نژادی ‏در ‏ایران ‏و ‏خاورمیانه ‏نداریم

she is not from peru, bolivia, or cuba, she is from iran, ethnic origin austria, "chemical food"

austria wants to destroy the last piece of genes and DNA with germany and europe, the last piece, my sister is a musician, i am a businessman, my mother is a carpet dealer

austrian racial politics iran, 1850-1929, 1979-2020

austrian race politics in iran was never revealed, even many austrians do not understand why so many honor medals were distributed to iranian citizens between 1951 and 1956, not just iran but globally. like today because of my family's financial project


مولانا ‏میگه

: قسم سوم با خران ملحق شود....خشم محض و شهوت مطلق شود...... او ز حیوانها فزونتر جان کند......... در جهان بار یک کاری ها کند


آقا ایران فهمی و جهان فهمی یک زمانی در ایران تا به امروز مثل پاسگاه کلانتری بود، مچ گرفتن و تعقیب کردن و بازرسی و جنایت شناسی. اسم سرهنگ هم اون زمان بود: حاج ابراهیم کلانتر اعتمادالدوله، آره، سرهنگ بود، محمود محمود هم که زیردستش بود گفت کشتنش، انگلیسی ها کشتنش، عمو حیدری گفت: بابا اتریشی کشتش، چی میگی!؟ محمود گفت خفه شو. ببند دهنتو، اتریش گوه خورد، انگلیس بود. حالا امروز  دیگه نه اعتمادالدوله هست نه حیدری. محمودی نشسته داره رد گم میکنه، میگه استکبار جهانی، امریکا انگلیس، اسرائیل. ما هم میگیم باشه، به تیمسار پیغام دادیم تو چیکاره ای، جریان سر کیر و کوس ایرانیه برادر. اینم من نمیگم هااااااااا، ویلهلم رایش میگه 

seit 10 jahren ist veronika douda farahani weiss geldwäscherin für iraner und terrorismus, und sagt: ich bin auf euer seite, nasser auch

abdolrahim amiri 5 häuser und 5 millionen euro stasi pot mit azadeh amiri, mordversuch und hass kampagne, terror, internationales geschäft

austria you huankind, i haven't seen nasser farahani since 2002, had no contact and never spoke to nasser on the phone. Sending 500,000 euro stasi money to nasser psychopathy and sick person results from a deep hatred and psychopathy for stasi psychological war

so it happens that you have to talk like this: michi/sebastian you and your friends are genetically under the pubic hair of our testicles, this is your problem, this is your racism and psychopathy

iran massacre, no massacre in europe and america

There is a difference between new capitalist and old capitalist, old capitalist has tradition and is deep, this depth always wanted to talk and discuss, so from the 18th century the political and economic language was developed. Hegel engels marx and many others, revolution with high articulation and intellect and language. left should exist, but not native people and indians, indians don't talk much, theirs
nerve pathways are open. what today's leftist doesn't understand: you have a bird, and ridiculous, you don't know that. therefore iran massacre, no massacre in europe and america

tablet photo, raw. stone, cristal, mirror

52 volumes marx, engels feuerbach and hegel, lenin and mao, was a fashion phenomenon, for many clothes, shoes, hats and home decoration, for other masochism and sadism for jerking off and satisfaction.

Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2021

for editing, tablet photo raw. timelord khidr. stone, cristal, mirror

tablet photo raw, 2 minutes ago. time lord, interstellar. stones crystal mirror combine

The UN and the Iranian secret service have been negotiating for a year: the scenes of his mother and sister have no longer any value, the people have no longer any interest, we have to kill both, our german and austrian friends, sebastian Kurz, agree with us

tablet photo, raw, 20 minutes ago. agha ma paltalk ham finglish minevshtim, adat dari dige? migam kuni dokhtareh az pashne kafshesh adams mikane mizareh dahanesh mijoe, toe kharkoste sazman etelaati az dar kune ma?

little girl iran

I saw a girl in Iran today, she noticed a chewing gum on the soles of her shoes, she pulled it away from her shoe and she noticed lines, funny lines, she took her cell phone and took a picture of it, and said to herself:
There are two djinns on this chewing gum, two djinns, then her eyes got wet, she cried, she took the chewing gum in her mouth and chewed it insolently, and cried out:
pulls me up, pulls me up, pulls me up like azadeh, my mother needs medication in the hospital, she needs medication

tablet photo, raw. 1.5 minutes ago, jezebel and the city. for editing