Sonntag, 16. Mai 2021
پشت آینه
از اداره فرهنگ و هنر اومدم بیرون برم خونه، خیابون سمیه خیلی صمیمیت داشت، دوست داشتم بدون کفش راه برم، ولی نه روی اسفالت بلکه روی چمن، کفشام رو در اوردم پابرهنه بهرحال راه برم، مادرم پشت سرم داد زد هپلی، هپلی، هپلی آدم باش، خنده ام گرفت، مدتی بعد همکار مادر هنگام راه رفتن سوال کرد: چرا به این جانور میگی هپلی، گناه داره. مادرم گفت این ورمیداره دماغش رو پا میکنه میماله پشت آینه اتاق نشیمن، حالم رو بهم میزنه، هی دماغش رو پاک میکنه میماله پشت آینه، هپلی دیگه، هپلی. پیش خودم گفتم، یا هپلی یا مدرسم دیر شد، کدومش؟ آینه تمیزه، پشتش ولی باید اون چیزی باشه که باید باشه، کثافت. آخه یادش نبود مادرم، سال ۱۳۶۳ بود، ۸ تا از دوستهای طاهره اعدام شده بودن، خیابونها بگو بخند بود، پشت بگو بخندها یک جمله: به من چه دیوانن مردم
I am under physical and psychological torture, love sex and friendship network, social contact withdrawal, unemployment, poverty and constant confrontation with street theater, laughing at and false accusations,as fraudsters, criminals and mafiosi without police files since 1986 until today and convictions
angela merkel and fucking bastard sarkozy
in the stasi system, psychologically strategically, murder and psychosis are factored in angela merkel, writing is hafiz and saadi in character. aggression and anger in writing, not with murder and revenge action. this is a natural rational behavior in active stasi method, under psychological and physical torture. love and sex and social contact deprivation
goat and isaac
the rational behavior of god is loyalty to god, because of constant contact with interstellar.
bastards of history and ahrimanists write:
god demands loyalty, sacrifice isaac or goats. is this rational behavior of a god? kill isaac, no kill goat, no kill isaac, no kill goat, hahahha come on, kill goat. do you do it? kill kill kill
apparently natural stone and stone formation is natural law, abrahams butcherei in chechem. genocide because of a lie: kill the goat. 1932-1945
herr ohne gott gene jude die ganze angelegenheit ist ein alien ritual. das heutige wiener verhalten mit ayatullah beteiligung beweist es
UNO and austria: VMAT is no human
Austria says: take 50,000 photos, you are not human, we the ayatullahs and hizbullah and all human rights organizations give PERSIAN VMAT2 no human rights. We did the same with 6 million VMAT2
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mobile photo 2007. editing 2019. azadeh amiri was 2002 german teacher, 1400 salary potential, my know how was worth one million, as carpet and antique dealer with other 16 professions
wehrmachts zionism and global intrique
With this action, the american and EU, UN, ISRAEL AND AUSTRIA, ayatullahs want to say: the political Iranian and his family; two women have no value, actually nationalism and mazdakism. the reason is the taboo topic: history
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many young police officers are wondering why society is not talking, what is going on?
500 women are the core, 5000 the second ring and 15,000 outer ring.
society control is sex and bedroom
UNO city is not a UN or human rights organization, but a butcher's shop with international networks against god genes. the phylosophy: it is humane if only apes and ashkenazi are left, the old one is a crime
Do you understand, VMAT2 is a crime, but in the middle east to cause conflicts, killing 500,000 people in syria is human, wehrmachts jew israel, austrofascism, EU fascism. fucking UNO, amnesty, human rights watch
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...