Donnerstag, 5. August 2021

naja als kind hatte ich 2 jahre beluga kaviar zum frühstück gegessen, mit toasbrot und butter, es kam aus rascht, 1 kilogram 7 tage

verstehen sie, wiener weiberkultur, linke grüne und rechte, vmat2 krieg: zuerst die geschäfte plündern ruinieren und dann vergasen

iranian gypsies ali gharib and rahim amiri gang, viennese secret service and police

I went to buy lavash today, wholemeal lavash 3 packs for 2 euros, 15 pieces, I looked around in the market, most of the stores were sold out. I looked and searched and found a butcher he only had 3 packages, I bought it, then I went on, at the end of the market another dealer only had 3 pieces, I bought it, then I wanted to go home and suddenly I realized: Viennese Secret services and police still hear and look into the apartment, and knew where I was going to buy bread, I threw the bread away and went home without bread. the bastard listens to react, where do you want to see what we did? only in a bakery or supermarket, we love our houses bought through stasi murder system

what austria does with arab turks iranians and others is more serious than heroin trafficking, international marketing of illegal private life recordings, intimacy recordings of citizens, with the crime: trespassing

آقا دختر اهورایی زبونم لال زبونم لال بهش یک بیشعور بگی چپ چپ نگاه میکنه میره، غیرتش اجازه نمیده بمونه حتی با ۴ تا بچه، این تا سال ۲۰۱۷ لاس زد با ما تا باباش ۵ تا خونه بخره و ننش پول جراحی پلاستک آمریکایی گیرش بیاد. رژیمی کیریه همیشه، کاریش نمیشه کرد، کیری یعنی کیری

satanism is religious freedom, barak obama talks about freedom of speech, because of alternative media and america europe says: our authorities do not work for vmat2, nor our human rights activists.fuck your secularism and democracy you are satanic republics and states

das sagt nicht nur ich, sondern brecht und ich, deshalb scheiss auf dich

feminism in europe was an intrigue alongside zionism against vmat2: and there are actually satanic animals with two breasts and a vagina that see feminism not as a fight for equality, because they never reach vmat2 man and woman, but see feminism as a fair strategy to suppress vmat2 man and woman, with masculine animals with a penis. see what the whores do to my mother and sister

immer noch bastard wien 1932 mit arschfick produktion kind adolf hitler; häupl und kurz: wir müssen vmat2 ruinieren um in saus und braus zu leben, mit unsere wiener juden

a son of the shit bastard, thief, charlatan, cheater, tyrant, with a nazi cunt veronika weiss: i have to guard, spy, stalk and kill my son with the police, secret service. i broke off all contacts with nasser farahani from 2002 until today, from 2002 you bastard judge and police, where is a police file, criminal record and criminal files from 1986 until today. I shit on you police burlis and huris, bastard children

Mittwoch, 4. August 2021

my aunt studied nuclear medicine and physics as a hobby, american satanism is 60% american authorities, mostly the white man and woman for data recognition, violation of privacy and espionage, the taxi driver was also a victim, because of !?

sadomaso relationships and sadism are usually chosen without compulsion, just like when sheytan says: come to me, come to me, come to papi

was kann ich beweisen scheiss ötzi spö fpö? was sagt mohsen du drecksau rassejäger vmat2 jäger, abschaum bastard mit ayatullahs

dirty mother fucker race killer america övp, spö, fpö with ayatullahs in iran 1979-2021, fucking bastard with house dirty UNO vmat2 fascists

what austrofascism and vienna state police, vienna judges' secret services hate: with a 70,000 euro camera lens, my photos of smoke are more expensive than diamonds

american spirit kung fu 2019. for editing, tablet photo raw

there are hundreds of types of cigarettes and tobacco, but american spirit will no longer be sold in austria. apparently manitu is enough, other spirits are undesirable

well and hooo... the indians in america were also schizophrenic like me and had illusions: the white one comes with dark firepower and will destroy our contingent. the white buffalo tells me everything in a dream, the absurd result: afro american stalkers in america are looking for white men with penis size 16 worldwide

these are the austrians since 1954 with the UN or the viennese state police:pinochet batista, argentina and venezuella panama, mexico, ayatullahs and others are our revenge. but today what the iranians and ayatullahs are doing with hizbullah in vienna is laughing, there are not many of you left

tablet photo, raw, last week 24.7.2021 was ist mephisto? or faust's proven science

به علی قسم این حافظ یکجا چندین آخوند رو مچل کرد، دیر فهمیدن، دوزاریشون دیر افتاد، زدن کشتنش، دیدن اه، مادر قحبه میگه من آدمم، شما کجاتون آدمه

fuck fascism, antisemitism, djinns and aliens, vienna uno city and europe, goethe and hafis killer, because of bloodline, who was the killer of hafis?

Goethes Liebe zu Hafis

Ausschlaggebend für Goethes Divan-Produktion ist zweifelsohne die von Goethe erkorene „Zwillingsbruderschaft“ zu dem persischen Dichter Hafis. Der wohl bedeutendste persische Lyriker aus dem 14. Jahrhundert hinterließ eine wahre Schatzkammer lyrischer Produktionen. Und so kam es, dass auch die deutsche Übersetzung des Divan des Hafis eines Tages in Goethes Hände fiel. Beim Lesen und bei der Beschäftigung mit dessen Werk entwickelte Goethe eine außerordentliche Bewunderung für die sprachliche Kunst von Hafis, bei der der Dichter viele Gemeinsamkeiten ausmachen konnte und von dessen Geisteshaltung er tiefgreifend inspiriert wurde.

Mephisto will mit einem Schwindel bei Marthe Schwerdtlein Einlass erlangen; Faust lehnt das ab mit der Begründung, er wolle nicht lügen. Mephisto hält ihm vor, er habe nicht nur als Wissenschaftler zahlreiche unbeweisbare Aussagen gemacht, sondern er belüge auch Gretchen, wenn er ihr ewige Treue und Liebe verspreche. Anders gesagt sind Liebesschwüre potenzielle Lügen, weil für ihre Einhaltung kein Mensch garantieren kann

In principle, it doesn't matter whether you lose your leg in the world war or through race war, through 10 years of insolin poisoning, a one-legged soldier in a city is a one-legged soldier in a city

fascism psychopathy ali and sasan, even ali and sasan

fascism is not nationalism, socialism, love of homeland, fatherland and motherland bondage, fascism is an old disease, spread all over the world and is all possible nationality, fascism is a gypsy of unnatural origin with one goal:
there is no god

Faust in mein Faust ist ein Laus voller Graus, da sagt der kraus: geh im Haus.... Bringe es raus... aus dem Haus,....denn der Faust ist ein Maus mit ein Laus, wir sind das recht/ kraus saus und braus

is mephisto the devil or magic!? why devil?

die texte von azadeh amiri bedeutet: staat österreich will dass du etwas machst damit wir lernen und stehlen können. fickt euch ihr seid unter meine eier, bastarde

family gharib and amiri other indo-arian families were trained by austria, ayatullahs and iranian secret service, cia nsa mossad and others for international chat rooms:we have to learn from vmat2, exploit and kill and earn money