Montag, 27. September 2021

alles was diese scheiß mensch in wien mit meine mutter und schwester macht hat ein genetische hintergrund und charakter:, i bück me net für a cent und 5cen, i neeeet, wer bin i, wer bin iii, i bück me net für des,

wer zuerst feuerbach gelesen hat, ohne marx zu lesen, und dann engels und dann marx, muß eines verstehen mazdak war der monarch und der sozialist, mazdak war der absoluter macht, mazdak war MENSCH, licht gegen dunkekheit, gott gene gegen bastard gene

imagine: 300 artists should make 300 donation machines for world hunger, sample start wien, with the announcement: please throw 1 cent to 5 cent coins that you can find on the floor in this box! Assholes run around immediately put it in their pockets and say: ma göld

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99%: geh leck me am oarsch wos geht me kinder und jugendliche an, sads juden? des brauch ma, i opfer me net mit ein euro am tog, na, na na, i net solang juden wie eich gibt. ein euro ist main göld

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8 million people live in Austria, with 313,000 millionaires. With a 500,000 user, with a hundred networks, membership can be requested: one euro a day. one euro is 500,000 euro a day, 15 million in a month, for children and young people, for projects and future perspectives of aryan race, but no, austria says: we need jews vmat for economy

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what the rich children in south africa, north africa, europe america iran and austria have done: we have a terrorism and stasi victims in a democracy, a person without rights: we can earn millions through long-term strategy by destroying his existence internationally with secret cameras. a matter of uterus: my mommy's uterus is: for building up and a healthy economy your garbage containers for destruction

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in america there is more hatred than in austria as far as the history of iran is concerned, what was intended for mexicans, "a wall" is a long-term strategy for iran. radio activity because of uterus, atomic strike or bombing of nuclear facilities. my mother and sister first

مادر جنده ها از خواهر مادر ما بدل سازی هم کردن، بعد کله کیری میگه: خوار مادر کوسده تر از این نبوده یعنی تو دنیا اینکار رو بکنه، برو کوسکش بدخواه، مادر قحبه، کیرم تو دهنت، عقده پفیوز

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درمان ‏مدادی و خودکاری ‏

fragen sie österreich und michael häupl SPÖ, warum eine million armenier mit kemal, luristan mit ahmadi, 6 millionen juden in europa, massenmorde in südamerika, griechische inseln, afrika asien iran naherosten, 500.000 syrien, und dazu meine mutter und schwester

4000 iraner in wien sagen: wir arbeiten wegen zari und rana mit österreichische regierung und polizei zusammen. zwei frauen ohne verbrecherakte und polizei akte oder gericht akte.

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stasi action with cameras was not only because of kosum, the social distribution stasi money is for the tasty hunt in iran: how much of old race you can find for us, origin austria and prehistory

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Sonntag, 26. September 2021

who was djamshid gharib in vienna 1953, native iranian killer for austria!?

you understand, there is no such thing as a hussein rahim gharib or rahim, there is a 5 million society that works with europe: killing the native minorities until iran becomes gypsies aryan

amir ahmadi, hindi paki iranian, austria and vmat2 genocide iran. like today: viennese iranian are right to kill native iranian families in vienna

there is a pdf file where a request was sent to the austrian parliament: why did so many foreigners receive silver and gold marks from the state of austria?
some iranians were involved in luristan holocaust, third generation earns money with stasi holocaust in vienna today, with dimanat rewards, houses and luxury living

ahmadinejad blackmailed the vienna police for looting, vmat2 apartment storming. together with mojtaba khamenei and an adolf hitler that calls himself häupl. in secret chat rooms, right now,

i hate you, vienna and this fucking alien demon. dirty black matrix world

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a police with several hundred cases of racism annually refuses to accept any kind of authority because of a family, terrorism and stasi victims. 500 vmat2 murderer judge next to police

a police with several hundred cases of racism annually refuses to accept any kind of authority because of a family, terrorism and stasi victims. 500 vmat2 murderer judge next to police

a police with several hundred cases of racism annually refuses to accept any kind of authority because of a family, terrorism and stasi victims. 500 vmat2 murderer judge next to police

a police with several hundred cases of racism annually refuses to accept any kind of authority because of a family, terrorism and stasi victims. 500 vmat2 murderer judge next to police

ما ‏هنوز ‏داریم ‏با ‏یک ‏تاب ‏اشاره ‏ی ‏کار ‏میکنیم و ‏حرف میزنیم، مانند آن ۱۸ سال، آی خارکوسده ‏مخفی

آقا الان داشتم برنامه کتاب باز با میزبان دکتر فاطمی نگاه میکردم، حوسله ام سر رفت رفتم تو رویا،؛ گفتم حساب کن آخر زمون بیاد همه دارند میمیرند و تو گیر کنی تو این سالن پر از کتاب و در بسته، کسی میاد تورو ببره بیرون یا نه، دلهره ‏

as admin i had full rooms for 18 years, political rooms as an informative person about iran and world politics

internationally I have been destroyed because of 16 jobs and 38 projects, do you want to let our children suffer? with your international projects !? sick Viennese scum

jesus christus wurde stundenlang gefoltert weil bastard bajuware und bastard römer maria verbrennen wollten: warum gebärst du solche kinder. und der jude hat wie heute zugeschaut und geld verdient. veronika weiss du bastard herkunft

and that's scum leftists and right, greens and everything else in vienna: shit viennese judges bastard scum judges: why do you give birth to children like that so that our children suffer?

was hatte ein wert in österreich? amiris installieren illegal heimliche kameras für uns. alles sonst was barbad macht und kann ist wertlos hahahah wir sind herrenrasse wir sind österreicher

the path of suffering jesus christ was for mother mary, she should suffer more than jesus

viennese police and secret service are being blackmailed: either looting or we will give out evidence because of 20 years. blackmail from iran mojtaba khamenei

the pot is coded the other way round, give secretly your sperm to maria, god's order, moses was target at 3

these amiris shams naderi and pyran, were always 1200 to 2400 euro officials, viennese judges say: they were always rich and barbad and his family beggars

hurenkind scheißdreck wiener göld aus meinem geschäft host verdient, illegal, und es sozial verteilt. du tier du bastarase du abschaum, das ist NS WIEDERHOLUNG