Samstag, 2. Oktober 2021

aliew and ghassemloo

between 1999 and 2002 i happened to go to traditional viennese restaurants 3 times, i ordered soup of the day, every 3 times there was pork paw soup, i only ate it 3 times. be careful Vienna is paranormal, it is no coincidence. this soup is history. warm pig paw soup

no comment, natural formations

blue danube and french revolution massacre

François Hollande and Sarkozy were a bit more secret during the times of the Danube Monarchy, today those with morderne Vienna are like whores with a collar: it's me

native race great persia

80% of the muslims cannot believe that dogs and cats are haram, that was your logic and falsification of the religion, in iran dogs and cats were halal. the same applies to energy and my work. anti satanic movement needs technology and energy

can art be timless?

12 tribes mutant

a long time ago i sang, i drink whiskey next to water pipe, i eat shami with ketchup, i am the mutant for a long time i am persian man in vienna, long time ago i was the master of the alps, hohoho i am persia a very old persian in vienna


The clip gives me a lot of ambition, but it reminds me of 2001, I was with a customer and wanted to sell antique carpets, an Austrian who wore a turban at home and built a tent with carpets, I asked: Can you dance like that? I!? he paid 87,000 euros and danced like a sting


آخه ‏تزجعفر، ‏خارکوسده، ‏تزجعفر ‏کونی


oh baby i'm good, a minute ago with tablet camera and mirroring, bloodlust?

uno city mafia, viennese mafia and iran racial business. sarajewo sniper

wiener and kurt waldheim uno city black dark force politics:
makes a report in iran: petrol is getting more expensive.
2 years ago 5000 people died, like in 1992 in Yugoslavia by snipers. who were the snipers for 5000 iranians?

crushing the austrian constitution with your feet is alien and black darkforce fascism

aliens, and elam history, vienna.

vienna and vienna police: from 1998 to today, azadeh amiri has been our heroine, NS repetition was only possible with the aryan race from iran

we are a rare race and semites and human rights organizations do not leave us alone because of money and luxury life

this is not the beginning of vmat mass murder, this is the end with leftover goods, rare people. after 5000 years

die wiener polizei arbeitet mit diese personen seit 18 jahren, mit diese personen gegen prozente,

vienna police have illegal 100 million euros at their disposal, earned illegally with cia, through my private life, and i have no money for 5 teeth

1979 revolution is the behavior of the iranians in vienna: don't let his plane land anywhere, we are humans, not him

In 1979, ahmadinejad protected the american embassy employees. I would have killed you immediately behind your tables because of organizing the revolution

i shit on europe and america and uno for supporting scum, sucm, iranian scum

Arasch und maziar amiri, azadeh. rana und natascha kamputsch projekt, für reichste zigeuner zu werden

die amiris und shams, ashkan, azadeh, mohsem karimi, mahmoud farahani, rahim amiri, amir shirazi ali gharib wollten mit entführung von rana farahani die reichsten zigeuner werden, mit soroor shams und gesamte familie amiri, mit entführung wie natascha kamputsch. UMO city als beschützer

we have an alialiali

after 20 years of racial madness stasi torture and theft: copies his work and works with state resources. the aryan race will destroy his tablet LOL

but i have to buy better camera. for editing, visual language, tactics against darkforce

10 euros

Today i bought a hama angle scope, an add-on for luppe glass, make 4 out of 2 and 8 out of 4 crystals

12 tribes vmat

in order to preserve the breed against ahriman and fight against satanism, many iranian women should actually have children from latin americans so that the 12 tribal crossbreed becomes active again

austrian anti native projekt iran, with gypsy iranian and ahmadinejad, 1998-2021

آقا از سال ۱۹۹۸ تا به امروز ممد نادری، پسر عمه آزاده، و زنش تهران رو با خشایار محسنی گرفتن زیر دستشون، ما چجوری میتونیم پروژه ۱۰۰ میلیون نفری با ایرانی بومی درست کنیم، این وستط دو تا بچه هم آزیتا زائیده و بهشون یاد داده ما با مخوف بازی و دسته بندی آدمها و یار گیری آدم بکشیم و پول در بیاریم. حالا شروین شده عن تر از آزیتا، شیرین جنده تر از نامرد ممد، خشایار هم با علی دایی نشستن اونور با احمدی نژاد تنبک میزنن. اینجاست که آدم به اسید، سرب داغ و آتش فکر میکنه که از این کوس بچه بیرون نیاد، کیری هم از اینها باقی نمونه