Montag, 15. November 2021

aksariat party vienna: between 1968 and 1979 the native race was carefully researched and a list was secretly drawn up, in 1982 the party with toudeh elected ayatullah khamenei party, 1988: wereapprox. 38,000 targets murdered. the same system in europe and america, my family is an example

gypsie iranian vienna: we help european anti-semitism to kill rana in a ritual

islamic republic of iran has held onto power with gypsies for 40 years, 5 million so that we cannot solve the country's problems. 5 million murderers of innocent people like rahin azadeh and ali: we help european anti-semitism to kill rana in a ritual

the romanian european gypsy race iran with ghalibaf and larijanis, ahmadinejad: we have second world war opportunities and fun in iran and abroad, we live at the expense of others with ayatullahs, money without work with israel jews

Moses was anti capitalista, israel ahrimanic capital system

moses turned his walking stick into a snake with the first miracle, against pyramids pharaoh system, he was one of us, moses has nothing genetically to do with israel, but with ahura mazdana, sooshiant hooshder mazdak, zarathustra. and others, he was anti ahrimanic capital and slavery, viennese jews and israel are ahrimanic capitalism and system with freemasonry, proof: vienna and my mother and sister. I will find the wood and throw it in front of you

dirty fucking america CIA NSA FBI with american society in vienna, i'm not isis hizbullah and al qaida, austria says with your help: we have iranian jews slaves for financial projects. you fucking terrorist and terror land america

زاویه مکمل و متمّم ننننننننننه ه ه ه ه ه

black magic soroor, and big whore grandmother shams

Do you understand
soroor shams, has contracts with ahmadinejad and javad zarif and with israel and america., an insurance agent with 1200 euros, salary only had 3 children, a whore and two pimps. 15 million euros. 1200 to, 2400 salary potential. black maigc networks iran israel america and europe

Sonntag, 14. November 2021

god gene knows the depths, you are looking for old graves for ahrimanic prayers

area 666 vienna, hidden archeology

15,000 americans live in austria, 15,000. several sects and churches under the name protestant. secret archeology and pollution of ahura mazdas earth.
and working together with fascism with jews and ayatullahs. against my mother and sister because of god genes and ethnic origin austria. almost all of them are european genetically blond and .....

shame on israel, and viennese zionism networks, because of ritual murder with austrian fascism

this ritual attempted murder is with ahmadinejad hizbullah and mojtaba khamenei, now the vienna police want to kill 3 jews and plunder them? Because Vienna did not earn any money from the stasi and nothing happened., Austria calls ahura Mazdaner Jews because of vmat2 shame on israel and Vienna Zionism networks. advocates for genocide and pillage like 1938

tablet photo is proof, raw photos, do you make money with ali and azadeh? everything else is unimportant

سگ ماهی

آقا رفتیم یونان جزیره کفالونیا، داشتیم کنار بندر راه میرفتیم چشمم خورد به آب، دیدم همون لحظه از 50 متری یه کله با چشم زده بیرون، گفتم نهنگی، کوسه ای، دلفین هستی. یا سگ ماهی، چرا 2 دقیقه راکد وایسادی سرت روآبه و مثل سگ به صاحبت نگاه میکنی، بعد دیدم خودشه از ما بهترونه، داره میگه: خجالت از خودت نمیکشی، با نامحرم اومدی اینجا یک شب نتونیم بهت یک حالی بدیم، مرتیکه بی شرف. خلاصه خندم گرفت، اونم سرش رو کرد زیر آب رفت

the question of how many jews were murdered in greece one side, the question is how many freedom fighters were murdered, resistance was genetic

Crocus gatherer, mural painting, Xeste 3, Akrotiri (Thera), 15th century BCE, National Archaeological Museum, Athens DIVINE SCENTS IN ANCIENT GREECE

djinn and pari elami prinz

india rock art. 5000 B. C.!? djinn ali and anunnaki jezebel

djinn and pari coin austria 12th century

djinn and pari stasi ritual against god genes

djinn und pari, elami luri prinz

djinn and pari, elami luri prinz

i will appoint and organize death and terror against viennese politicians if, if this state says: there are no equal rights, equal rights for mother and daughter, european citizens, because of ethnic origin

i'm drinking a glass of water and listening to stayin alive, with john travolta movie scenes. fuck you, who wants to steal stones !?

israel, wenn simone neonazi, zionistische frauen bewegung flüchtet ist es egal, es leben andere frauen und töchter in wien und europa

ali gharib is just a kebab seller and coffee house owner: we have to sell native persian genes on a global level, UN says yes and allahu akbar

ein richter hat mit 80. 000 bis160. 000 euro gehalt jährlich zu leben, vmat2 stasi ritualmord, und serienmord für überfluss und luxsus hat nur eine antwort und ausweg: autobomben., es gibt genug franz fuchs in alle länder und städte. organisiert

all energy and healing stones are on wordpress. com issued, viennese secret services and police want to steal khamenei for mojtaba and ali, as in ghassemlou's case

ein schritt richtung unsere wohnung wegen plünderung und kunstraub und ich töte euch. ich bin nicht ghasemlou. ich in kein ghassemlou du selbsmörder du terrorist und ali khameneis hund

psychopathie und symbolismus: "Ich wollte schon immer bei den ganz Großen dabei sein" - DerStandard

Die literarische Epoche des Symbolismus begann etwa 1890. Ihre Wurzeln sind in den gesellschaftlichen Umwälzungen und historischen Ereignissen des 19. Jahrhunderts zu suchen, z. B. der Industrialisierung, dem technischen und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt und der Entstehung des Materialismus und philosophischen Positivismus. Mit der Zeit machte sich der Verzicht auf abstrakte Werte und idealistisch-ästhetische Empfindungen auch in der Literatur bemerkbar, hauptsächlich im Realismus und im Naturalismus. Doch das neu entstandene rationalistische Weltbild war kein einheitliches und wurde durch zahlreiche Entdeckungen in den Bereichen der Mathematik und Physik, z. B. RöntgenstrahlenRadioaktivität und wenig später der Relativitätstheorie, immer wieder in Frage gestellt. Diese Krise des positivistischen Weltbilds und der herkömmlichen Religion und Moral sowie die Auffassung der Welt als etwas unzulänglich Erfasstes führte zusammen mit der Aufbruchsstimmung der Fin-de-Siècle-Kultur zu der Suche nach neuen Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten.

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hurenkinder grüne und linke mit falsche impfpässe, isst bio und impft euch gegen corona!? .ich glaube daran dass ihr geimpft seid für gene therapie und gene manipulation