Donnerstag, 25. November 2021

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Compulsory vaccination is because of old genes, and dna, the risk that children with old bones and vmat genes are born, even if the parents are not vmat carriers, it's race, metaphysics and time and place. compulsory vaccination are the 3rd and 4th generation of adolfs Kilker women

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I have been destroyed by terrorism, fascism, anti-Semitism, anti god genes staate and atheism gods genes fascism throughout the world, the Neanderthals and homo sapiens show themselves because of the corona anti vmat2 vaccination poison. 24 years of terror and fascism and the mask falls off because of vaccination

Mittwoch, 24. November 2021


Terrible these pictures, terrible that these people live so naively with us and have no idea about anything. terrible these pictures, this naivety believes we are in paradise. Terrible that these people come to wolves and believe the Austrian constitution is honey and waffles, terrible terrible that they wake up with sauerkraut when it's too late

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Mediocrity should stay in his class, what adolf did, is still being done today by network of criminals and politicians, the state and the police, secret services with young people: you are higher and aryan race, do it better, if you can not, kill them. you are higher

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کمند کیانی بینداخت شیر /// به حلقه درآورد گور دلیر

کشید و بیفگند گور آن زمان /// بیامد بَرَش چون هِژبرِ دَمان [۵]

ز پیکانِ تیر آتشی برفروخت /// بدو خار و خاشاک و هیزم بسوخت

بر آن آتشِ تیز بریانش کرد ///  از آن پس که بی پوست و بی جانش کرد

بخورد و بینداخت زو استخوان /// همین بود دیگ و همین بود خوان [۶]». [۷]

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