Sonntag, 2. Januar 2022

what interests ahmadinejad holocaust after 80 years? except: psychopathy austria UNO CITY pays 20 million euros to ahmadinejad gypsy gang for denial, of murder 6 million vmat2, including a denial against my family

viennese judges: we have to write out death sentences for racial trafficking and stasi money, tehran has death sentences for a vma2 family because of political activism

wiener richter: we have to write out death sentences for racial trafficking and stasi money, tehran has death sentences for a vmat2 family because of political activism

elams and my ethnic country of origin is vienna the reason for antisemitism today and KZ yesterday


jury is unreachable on the space station, not to be killed. So it is also in a stasi system with terror iranians, a city full of murderers bastards sick and scum and police: remain unreachable and systematically work Russian with tablet.

elams and my ethnic country of origin is vienna the reason for antisemitism today and KZ yesterday

I'll bet 10 stones: noah lived in Vienna's tenth district and built a ship on the kahlenberg

maya, aztecs elamis, luris, india and further 7 tribes have worked in dimensions in vienna that viennese sects need another 500 years to plunder and destroy, another 500 years

heas kirche, bist du deppert oder wos? impfen soll i mi a no sogt Stephansdom

elams and my ethnic country of origin is vienna, and even a doctor kush is threatened and is under censorship

jesus tribe lived underground in vienna

what doctor heinrich kush says: all underground passages and cities were covered up by the church. I say why: jesus corpse and the holy grail should not be found in austria, and secondly iran archeology should not have access LOL WITH SO MUCH CONCRETE AND BARRIER

these animals are spirits today, just like anunnakis and djinns

there is a doctor kusch in austria and, he explains my animal theory and animal women behavior, or let's say origin, bastard origin

sick austria and austrian state

this breed has no feeling of happiness, the feeling should be without mobbing, stalking and the stasi system and torture. we, vmat2 are amused in a natural way. this 8 million country has 80% depressive with a knowledge about vmat2, with murderous thoughts. the country proved that in 1932. today too

ritualists have ingenious psychologists and strategists, ingeniously copied science and social politics. also for a revolution.

38,000 were researched for ancestors before the revolution, kurt waldheim was in harmony with toudeh/aksariat, farokh negahdar and savak

آقا طرف نفوذ کرده درسندیکاههای کارگری، میگه دست از خرافات و اسلام بردار، از اونور خمینی روصدا کرده: حالا بیا تو، نامسلمون کمونیست رو بکش. بگم چی؟ خوب کیر تو دهنت دیگه، مادر قحبه

the austrians suddenly want to raid the apartment and kill us because of anti-semitism and money, look what political iranians are saying and doing with vienna

من کیرم تو دهن حزب توده و اکثریت سامی ستیز وین

38,000 were researched for ancestors before the revolution, kurt waldheim was in harmony with toudeh/aksariat, farokh negahdar and savak

38,000 dead activists were not taken seriously in 1988, to this day death is not taken seriously because UNO City and Vienna are the masterminds because of race and genes, nobody takes us seriously either. black money and luxury life, even for Nasser farahani and his brothers

قوطی چوبی کهنه 7 یورو

رقابت خاله حرصه، خرس گنده

آقا یک سری از ایران اومدن اینجا، رقابت ها وحسادت های کورشون رو هم با خودشون اوردن اینجا، با ماهی 900 یورو: این چی داره اون چی داره باماهی 900 یورو  که ما نداشته باشیم. کوسخل تشریف دارن، کسی که 24 سال درس خونده خبره است و کارگشا است با 5 یورو چیزی میخره که تو بلد نیستی بخری. ولی خوب، تو هم برو بخر. فقط این 5 یورو 20 سال تجربه کاریست، قیمت آینده اش هم 5 صفحه مقاله کارشناسی

richter und richterin eine alte geschichte. auch erwähnt in onsori balkhi


چو آفرید بتا روی تو ز دوده خدای

مجوی فتنه و روی ز دوده را مزدای

بعارض تو آن گرد مشک سوده بسست

بچشم سرمه مکن ، خلق را بلا منمای

بلای تافته جعدت بسست بر دل خلق

متاب زلف و دگر بر بلا بلا مفزای

ببستن کمر و لب گشادن از خنده

همی میان و دهان ترا نبیند رای

اگر نمود نخواهی همی میان و دهان

یکی ببند لب از خنده و مبان بگشای

دگر بجور مکوشی که جور نپسندد

خدایگان خراسان امیر بار خدای

یمین دولت پیروز روز ملک افروز

امین ملت پیغمبر جهان آرای


bill withers 
My friends
Feel it's their appointed duty
They keep tryin' to tell me
All you want to do is use me
Ah-huh, but my answer (Ah-huh)
Yeah to all that use me stuff

Do you understand.... tabriz adam, armenia adam, ankara freemasonry the mass murderers laugh at both of them, waging war and killing both of them because of one-hill nationalism

