Sonntag, 9. Januar 2022

my father had a fur coat shop, we have 4 properties, but we are starving and need more, azadeh is an angel

anunnakis always lower their heads in front of us, but whoever supports animals and pulls them up has mass murder before, for 5000 years

Mossad terrorists earn money like animals like animals, with vmat2, like 1938 to 1945. Wehrmacht Jews against persian race and middle east tribes. 345 photos, 2000 editings

we don't work, we don't answer, we don't know anything, it's just because of race genes and dna. amnesty and the U. N and dozens of other organizations are involved in global genocide plan

the hatred against us is melchior gene dna and vmat2, the origin


hey richter: lailahaellallah, alte rasse wallah wallah, alles natur ishallah

stone ufo, like prophet muhammed stone

the aryan brotherhood and sisters have competition with evidence and facts: 500,000 years of elam in europe

wiener richter sind psychopatische rassenmörder mit rahim und seine freunde, mit rahim und seine freunde sind wiener richter psychopathische rassenmörder

scheißdreck, du bastard arschloch, das geschäft war ein juden geschäft, nicht wahr!? weil nazi ärzte sagten: armensich judisch ist er, armenisch jüdisch, wie die Äthiopier, er soll in armut leben., armut

was sagten die österreicher 1998? neger mit armenisch jüdisches blut, oida!? , a hauf'n a hauf'n, gott gene hot er a no, und so wos kummt zu uns, a neger jude

natural stone, luri elami kurd and azeri deylami gilaki children. mix race, 12 tribes emamzaman and ahura mazda

my grandfather bagher hated ayatollahs. what concerns hormoz island bandar abbas and abadan is: the american mind control progam technology in great persian gulf, non stop anunnaki ahrimanic rays

police want to commit theft, with spö övp, fpö and green approval and wien wants to say we don't see anything, like 280.000 euros 2008

wien hat wieder vernichtungslager errichtet, für rasse und vmat2, 80% tiere und 20% müll

michael häupl and his nazi friends wanted to achieve something with secret cameras: in 1945 austria was occupied because we killed races, we convince you with secret cameras: don't criticize us anymore for race killing, especially when it comes to iran

what, vienna is, is 80% anti-Semitism, 20% what? stolen genes but garbage, what ali gharib is currently doing with azadeh: today: we have to kill the family. those who want their lives back


i have diabetes and every 4 months i notice: my eyes are getting weaker, farsightedness and near vision, so i always make a juice of 3 kilos of lemons with a peel, garlic 1 kilo and ginger 2 kilos, it is enough for three 1.5 liter bottles and a tequila glass shot glass 3 times the day before eating. "3weeks" it re-opens all blood vessels, pathways and nerve tracts

the problem with china is: we have overpopulation, with good garlic and these genes live people over 90, better criminal garlic

well i was just sent to buy garlic, we will eat fish today. i went to a supermarket that is open on sunday, i looked for garlic and found some, the first thing i said was: shit! no dinner today, the garlic is from china and my mother is allergic to garlic from china. i said god forgive me, i tore the label off, opened the cord and put it in a plastic bag and made it made in spain.I can't do without dinner

michael häupl and his nazi friends wanted to achieve something with secret cameras: in 1945 austria was occupied because we killed races, we convince you with secret cameras: don't criticize us anymore for race killing, especially when it comes to iran

non-stop secret cameras in the west, europe, america, canada, australia, turkey and other countries: anti-Semitism, racism, forced sterilization, denying the right to work and family like in 1938

natural stone and formation backside, ahrimanic darkforce against deer

what many european parents taught their children: says we have the right to kill elamis. rahim and israelis, cia support you in cyber world. Many are killed in Iran too, why not us!? . messiah and deer race madness and satanism sects

wiener elami künstlerin soll getötet werden wegen millionen euro schwere antisemitische geschäfte der richter und juden mafia

das sind die wiener antisemitische richter mafia mit nasser farahani, es wurden hunderte tausend euro bezahlt für mord und totschlag. mutter und tochter

if nasser farahani does not sign the islamic divorce papers after 20 years, then i will kill him, he wants to stoning my mother as an islamic husband in iran when she travels to iran

two governments iran and austria pull antisemitism up with financial business, with the intention: 'It is none of our business, but collectives that earn money illegally will kill witnesses with evidence. 500,000 Nazi collectives and israelis

من کیرم تو کوس خوار مادر مدیریت مملکتی که دین و آئین مردم روکرده از خوار مادر مردم پول در آوردن هم اتریش هم ایران

شماره عنصری39

نه خفته ست آن سیه چشم و نه بیدار

نه مستست آن سیه زلف و نه هشیار

یکی بیدار طبع و خفته صورت

یکی هشیار طبع و مست کردار

سر جعد و سر زلفش نگه کن

چو خطّ دایره برسیم گلنار

یکی شد مستوی بی رنج مسطر

یکی شد منحنی بی رنج پرگار

بروی و موی او مر مانوی را

ز مذهب آشکارا کرده اسرار

یکی را حجت اهریمن آمد

یکی را حجت یزدان دادار

ز عطاری و نقاشی دو گنج است

بزلف تیره و رخشنده رخسار

یکی برسان عطاران تبت

یک برسان نقاشان فرخار

رخ و جعدش ز دو رنگ مخالف

همی بی اصل بنماید نمودار

ما 2001-2002 سیاسی شدیم 98 تا 2002 به ما چه کار داشتید