Sonntag, 23. Januar 2022

in a recording studio, rana farahani is 8000 euros salary potential, because of inventiveness and potential, i'll get the evidence, she's not a jew like in 1938, she's not that, neither am i simone. tara in america fucking cia fbi and nsa, tara the aunt in america, you fucking dirty asshole cia fbi

viennese judges: with the help of international judges and human rights charters, we want to live forever through race and jews and vmt2 torture and murder in superfluous wealth, with the risk of death

وااااییییییی آخه که جونم، قر کمر حاج آقا،

azadeh amiri is worth 14.00salary" i am a person with 16 professions and 38 projects, aryan networks global: the jews should die, she should have millions for luxury living

with the slightest anomaly and disease chemical and poisoning will die for one of us 5000 animals. at smallest. 1938 was enought aryan bastard

rituelle Gewalt beschränke sich auf satanistische Gruppierungen und „germanofaschistische Sekten“, und indo germanische bastard fleisch

the problem is also the aryan brotherhood in the FBI and CIA: we will never extract and prove the illegal standard and luxury life of the aryan race, including hizbullah and ayatullah, from the internet.

new empire persia against europe america israel should be built differently, an empire without aggression against darkforce. animals should show themselves against peace and race as in vienna

in every city with democracy facade there are these naife underground organizations against vmat2 man and woman: don't buy anything if something belongs to him or her, give academic education 3 low level job. no career chance. most wives and girlfriends are the spies, with thousands in collective and secret cameras


آقا یک روز لب دانوب نشسته بودم، دیدم یک دختر نچسب داره سر نخ میده،  پرسیدم اسمت چیه؟، گفت شبدر،، پرسید شما مصطفی هستید!؟ گفتم نه برمک، گفت اه. ه. ه. ه. ،من خیلی فکر کردم آقا مصطفی باشید، گفتم خدایا پروردگارا، ویاگرا رو برای همچین جریانات این حیوانات درست کردن، ولمون کن دختر. آقا مدتی گذشت، گفت شما عمیق به آب نگاه میکنی، نکنه شاعر هم هستید، گفتم فقط گل بی گلدون رو بلدم، از گوگوش، اگر میخوای میتونم مثل یک هوشنگ واست بخونم. گفت واااااا. لول. یاد این جریان امروز افتادم با این زینت

nieder mit faschismus, tod antisemitismus, es lebe mazdakismus, scheiß auf austro faschismus,

Photo: Barbad farahani

son of the bitch america EU and vienna, irani head and uterus is peace, cyrus the great, human, you asshole sick mass murder gene with austria

the torture in vienna with my mother and sister is because of race, genes and dna, mostly austrian women without a healthy uterus, as a friend of the ayatullah regime, ranked 1, this vienna will kill you all with gypsies. arm yourselves because of vienna and ayatullahs

hey uno crazy vienna, crazy demon: this set is unbelievable, unbelievable, we should have this stones, unbelievable

i will pay 500 euros for dna and gene test to show what austria wants to kill, genetic miracles, master race. which is taboo topic in austria

بیگی من و، میخوام برم سیزده بدر، ده بیگی منو

ayatollah regime, ahmadinejad antisemitism, is wehrmacht jew and collaborator jew antisemitism, look at viennese jews today and ayatullah's, hezbollah, austrofascism and stopbthebomb

the question is, charlie hebdo is freedom, hassan abdol too!?

heas freimaurer jude mit neonazis, guten morgen, shalalla lalalalla dulakhim shulakhim, didi diridi di biri biri, bib bib bib bibi bibi dulakhim shulakhim, hahaha hihihi shurakhim dulakhim

Samstag, 22. Januar 2022

shit austrians fucking austrians, bastard scum: mauthausen drawing 1945 , oriental jews in vienna., 80% of viennese jews

elam, rock art, gene and dna, melchior balthaser casper. fuck viennese nazi doctors

i will pay 500 euros for dna and gene test to show what austria wants to kill, genetic miracles, master race. which is taboo topic in austria

اکنون میان عن و گوه، روشنفکر قلابی کوسده مادر آریایی ایرانی

after 25 years of stasi and terror in vienna, the viennese police believed that they could kill me without risk. the order from iran:we need the prophet stones from his sister for finger rings. first kills the brother and then his sister and mother

last post... We had and have native rights in Austria, tribal rights and land rights, spö took away the citizenship from us by force at the time and still does today, together with the green and övp fpö. today like yesterday. our brains are damaged because of ethnic origin, said yesterday heinrich gross and today heinrich spö gross


آقا یک خانمی نشسته داره نگاه میکنه، میگه چرا کاسه زینتی نیست!؟ خیلی زرنگی آره؟ میخوای بدونی توش چیه. به توچه، اه، مگه اومدی به ما لب دادی چند روز!؟ که طلبکاری

das rezept ist so alt wie balthaser und melchior du jezebel und affe, energie!? meine steine, unsere stammes recht, nicht deine

Unrechtstaat österreich kann keine gesetze durchbringen wegen corona und corona impfung, ein nazi staat dass durch frauenmorde kinder morde tochter und söhne, mutter morde millionen euro umsetzen will oder hat

du scheiß hund du hundesohn scheiß österreicher, luren und elamis sind juden und wir haben mit iranische zigeuner die besten schancen für juden vergasung, für die wiederholung. du hund du elendiges du tier du scheiße, du scheiß österreicher

billige huankind österreicher zigeuner brauchst für gaskammer wiederholung, drecksau österreicher abschaum huankind, zigeuner ali brauchst für gaskammer, billige abschaum drecksau österreicher