Dienstag, 1. Februar 2022

viennese police is national socialism and anti-semitism, 80% of viennese are in solidarity, because of hatred of vmat and because of money. there is no vaccination for the 1932 disease

who needs a glass of salt? the device is ok

here where I stand freedom fight should begin. not on iranian streets. 3 years of movement, systematic fight against europe in all capitals, for liberation from death, starvation and infanticide

international courts of justice and public prosecutors put everything aside from 2017, not from 2002. because they were involved in stasi finance themselves? next to ayatullahs!? the question. next to dictatorship regime? because, all officials are genetically elected? without empathy race employees like in uno city

viennese feminism: emancipation and equal rights for women, buying a house and prosperity only works with race trade, women and daughters from iran and the orient. vmat2 business. this is lucifer feminism

das hier ist antisemitismus, massenmord, faschismus, rassenverfolgung und xenophobia. verantwortlich für 6 millionen vmat2 morde, 100 millionen morde, und noch mehr auf alle kontienete. und heute stasi mord finanzsystem

the future of iran has no chance without nationalism and racial doctrine. insofar as europe is the opposite pole and strategically wants to destroy everyone with ayatullahs. example front national and the networks europe america

2 tablet photos raw

not a single journalist writes about 25 years race project iran austria stasi finance murder business because everything is supported by israel and america


آقا سال 2008 رفتم با یه بهزاد آنجلو استامبول، خلاصه داشتیم راه میرفتیم چشممون خورد به پلاک دیزی و آبگوشت و کله پاچه لذیذ. یک راست مثل گاو رفتیم به سمت پائین و میز گرفتیم. زود متوجه شدم آشپز داره مثل پینوکیو راه میره و گارسون مثل آی روبات آهنی، یه نگاه به آنجلو کردم دیدم کرم داره، 5 روز خمار دماغیه، گفتم فلانی زر زیاد نزنی ها، اینها ترسیدن من رئیس باشم تو هم ابولقاسم، سرمون رو میبرن همینجا، بلند شو بریم. رفتیم بیرون گفت: شاشیدم تو صورتت، من ریده شده بهم رفته، من ریدم به دیزی آبگوشت کباب آخه اینم شد مسافرت. خلاصه نصف ایرانی های شهر ماهم همینن، خلاف و مصرف، حالا هی زر بزنید

anti-democratic strategy in europe and america has iranian dual citizens as help, former refugees and today iranian dictatorship friends,

What viennese police and ayatullah regime has done since 2002 with international hate campaign is: taking away freedom of movement, freedom to choose a profession, free right to found a family and hundreds of other international violations of rights

آقا فرق بین صلیب سرخ با هلال احمر چیست!؟ اگر گفتید

black stone, and crystal set

1938 war rituelle vmat2 ausbeutug durch ahrimanische force, keine israel angelegenheit.

trespassing, theft and forced entry will be punished immediately with death as domestic rights., ghassemloo case

it is damaged

actually, the device may also be damaged

facebook clip.... my sister bought these stones because of beautiful scenery and phenomena, apparently this scenery is bio organic production

red-brown alliance europe and political history and today

since 2019 i have been copied by atheists, satanists and fascist sects, socialists and communists, with the motto: vmat2 is unnecessary and the reports are exaggerated, we can do better. i only have one tablet, the whole viennese action has history

great persia 1912, navajo aztec maya, asia africa mixture, 12 vmat2 shaman tribes mix and ethnic origin vienna. golden age

gezwungenermaßen, du affe ich mensch, du killerrasse, empathielos, und ein drecksschwein., huankind burli und huri

my activities in vienna..... when the police get involved in politics and present themselves as terrorists and benefactors, then we're not talking about nationalism but monkey theater in a banana country

Montag, 31. Januar 2022

tablet photo raw, cristal, stone, mirror. interstellar. native race the master race, the human. ancient viennese stone

wiener richter:, wir sind das recht neben die ayatullahs mit rana und zahra farahani. nach geheim kamera aktion, wir sind das recht. wir sind nicht weniger als ayatullahs gegen rasse und finanzprojekt

the future of iran has no chance without nationalism and racial doctrine. insofar as europe is the opposite pole and strategically wants to destroy everyone with ayatullahs. example front national and the networks europe america

left hand hero

آقا دارم فیلم سینمایی خروج رو نگاه میکنم، گفتم: یک چهارم سنگ های مارو عدل آبادی های اون زمان درست کردن. والا خیلی ادعا و پشتکار میخواد، داستانش هم بیشتر سر شهید پروری و مبارزه با اهریمن است

چطوری سرکار، زکی

آقا هوس فیلم پلیسی کردیم، زدم یوتیوب"بهترین فیلم پلیسی ایرانی" دنبال سامانه میگردم برینم به پلیس تهرون، نشستن مثل ابولقاسم ازکفر قاسم به جنده بازی پلیس اتریش مثل خنگ ها وکودن ها میخندن. میخندن و خوش و بش میکنن، بی ناموس

unjust state austria wants to say with ayatullah's dictatorship, with violence and illegality: you are not human and have no rights. there is a stasi system, violence, slavery and death. i say freedom for archeology and let's do gene and dna test you darwinist

it has reached Iran

the question is why this anti-democratic strategy and line with me and my family!?
A pattern repeats itself over and over again:
real estate and land prices are rising so high that austrians think i'm not human anymore, no car no house, i can't keep my tradition and culture and goal in life anymore. I am not a human. 3rd generation works in politics, secret service, police service and as a judge. it says you are human, barbad farahani and his family are not human. loot, plunder, buy house and car. it has reached Iran

samson and the state