Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2022

a burned austrian is a step towards world peace. if, despite evidence, this country will not arrest anyone for fascism

hurenweib österreicherin nazi tier ich werde dich mit deine kinder verbrennen, gib das gestohlene geld zurück, gib das gestohlene geld zurück, ich werde dich für welt frieden und ein welt ohne faschismus tiere verbrennen

the police want to present me as a poor person, where was the poverty!? except for 20 years of non-stop cameras. the viennese police robbed and looted me. 280,000 euros with amiris, where was the poverty?

if my relatives are watching through secret cameras right now, kill everyone, even the grandkids, i'll come later and piss on the graves. i am under NS torture. political activist 2002-2022

I was and am a political activist and a victim of terror, if from my 25,000 hours of discussions, every day, since 2002, a single day or file is missing, then I will file a criminal complaint against America for terrorism and the stasi system alongside the Ayatullah regime. thousands of rooms with tens of thousands of users 2002-2017

kiwara die iraner werden eure familien töten, weil du heimlich blutlinie suchst und zu perser jude sagst, die familien von ärzte, richter, geheimdienstler und politiker, ihr sucht heimlich blutlinien in labors und spitäler füre NS wiederholung business

ich bin unter polizei und hizbullah folter, eine bewaffnete aktion ist freiheitskampf wegen stasi system und nonstop stasi kameras. wenn ich trotz beweise gefoltert werde

besmillahe rahmane rahim, ya emam zaman. I washed myself clean from all sins for 5 years

mein geschäft und leben zurück sonst nehme icht ausende das leben weg, wenn niemand wegen verbrechen trotz beweise verhaftet wird

there are thousands of people to this day with illegal material and income, worse than heroin trade, vienna police say these are elam and negro jewsblood, we don't pursue anyone and don't investigate

islamic vmat2 world is confronted with these american and european animals, the children are monkeys, and every action bismilah rahman rahim a gift to god and gabriel. see what these aryan animals/terrorists are doing outside of all laws and human rights laws. with zion animals, with ayatullah animals

2017 was daylight on this antisemitic attempted murder action international, vmat2 war mode is also international judge and prosecutor, with turn flashlight off. simulate for charlie hebdo case

rana is luri elami with this bloodline and vmat2, called jews, but in reality old vmat2 breed

wiener polizei richter und staatsanwalt sind verpflichtet verbrechen zu melden und beweise zu geben, ohne terror, waffenkampf und gewalt

because of this bloodline, no regional and international officials have been working or will work, for 20 years and today, this bloodline is forbidden in iran and europe america, israel,

wiener polizei richter und staatsanwalt sind verpflichtet verbrechen zu melden und beweise zu geben, ohne terror, waffenkampf und gewalt

these mass murders are only possible in libya, syria iraq, iran palestine and lebanon, not in turkey. there's a reason: it's us, it's the turk

because of this bloodline, no regional and international officials have been working or will work, for 20 years and today, this bloodline is forbidden in iran and europe america, israel,

there are thousands of turkish women who have been unemployed for 35 years, why not with these women!? because we have original elami god gene!?

all international organizations including police secret services, cia nsa interpol europol and human rights organizations are in war mode against god genes, "jews" god genes

because of this bloodline, no regional and international officials have been working or will work, for 20 years and today, this bloodline is forbidden in iran and europe america, israel,

elam rock art, god gene race. 3 holy kings persia

Plinius widmet den Anfang von Buch 30 den Heiligen Drei Königen und bezieht sich hier und da besonders in den Büchern 28 und 29 auf sie.[56] Für ihn sind sie im Grunde Zauberer, aber sie könnten auch Priester einer fremden Religion sein, wie die Druiden der Kelten in Britannien und Gallien. Er nimmt Moses sogar in eine Liste berühmter Magier auf . Nach Plinius berührt die Kunst der Weisen drei Bereiche: Medizin , Religio und Artes Mathematicae (30,1), „Heilkraft“, „Ritual“ und „Astrologie“. Plinius religio ist nicht dasselbe wie unsere Religion, manchmal verwendet er sie im Sinne von „Aberglaube“, manchmal im Sinne von „Ausdruck religiöser Überzeugung oder Sitte“.[57]]

slavery was abolished a century ago israel america europe ayatollahs: god gene secret camera slavery is a state duty because society needs it

Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.

uno and amnesty international: he is elami god gene and nobody, it is better if he dies with mother and sister

cyber terror is death sentence and lynching

because of this bloodline, no regional and international officials have been working or will work, for 20 years and today, this bloodline is forbidden in iran and europe america, israel,

without a police record, criminal record, or criminal acts, the american animal says: we are more terrorists than hizbullah and ayatullahs in terms of race, we also killed his innocent aunt after double degree

in austria pedophiles, rapists, murderers, thieves and all criminals have data protection, as a human right and because of lynching danger, we don't because of ethnic origin and god genes

ahrimanic forces and eu fascists, zionists and zion nazis are and were so psychopathically offended by iranian practical knowledge, that even for decades women were forbidden to ride a bike

40 years iran: theorist and political rhetoric, political philosophy subjects is no danger for iranian government, only practical knowledge and action and movement and native rhetoric is a danger

when the american government says you are not human because of your ethnicity, then i say 9/11 victims were not human, and many more of you