Mittwoch, 2. März 2022

picus and bad camera, 6 stones bought today

Laut dem 14. Buch der Metamorphosen Ovids war er mit der Nymphe Canens, einer Tochter des Ianus, verheiratet und soll durch Kirke in einen Specht verwandelt worden sein, nachdem er ihre Liebe verschmäht hatte und seiner Frau treu bleiben wollte[

the ayatollahs and hezbollah are in iranian embassy and emam ali mosque dangerous individuals with viennese society support! support because of race. after a terror action the regime families flee from austria and only the, nazi austrian and nazi israeli pigs stay there with denial

I asked today: are you a fratelli mannelli!? from the 70s? i said: probably not, that was another tutti frutti, sometimes mermaids come and make art. I called my sister and asked if she needed a new ashtray... surprise


پیک زاده ی جام است و جام زاده ی شیخ است، از دست ساغر شربت جا افتاده ی نوه وای که چه ناب است،
پیک زاده ی جام است و جام زاده ی شیخ، لعنت و نفرین بر تو ای شوخ، ای بوزینه زاده ی فیک.
این شوخ به شرت ما گوزیده، ماتحت مرا بوییده، چه بگم، تا به امروز روزی سه دست گودیده.
از دور خرباری از پشم ما دیده، باری، این حکم از کجا آمد که به او ریده

Buddha and devil, tablet photo raw

70.000 years after



i fantasize and i got immersed in yandi mythology, unfortunately only a tablet camera. position and light with precision camera is a different story

today i was in an antique shop in the 3rd district of vienna, the owner kindly offered me a box full of stones, between one euro and 3 euros, there were around 100 stones, i was satisfied with these 6, around 10 euros. nice shop next to viennese district court in the 3rd district. asian!?

I am an Austrian citizen, unfortunately no monkey evolution and pure Aryan blood, this city and state wants to kill me because of Nazi repetition and race trade financial plan on the internet

richter, bolizei, politiker, geheimdienstler CIA, NSA ihr seid affen herkunft und wir schöpfung, hört auf mit vmat2 massaker, du,du bastard weiße amerikaner, wir sind mensch, ihr affen herkunft

Dienstag, 1. März 2022

european states, tehran, and vienna took away my standard, security, and the metaphysics and meaning of life, this isolation with stasi financial system, distributing money to relatives and family, to social networks and activists is stasi torture, physical and psychological as in Iran

black magician, and whistle-blower

up to 5000 photos with a special camera are possible in this box. 100 photos a day with special light, angle, mathematical and physical calculation. gypsies and jews business with vmat2 needs something different

black magic "jews" and indoaryan, stalking, stasi murder system is tradition

when i scream in front of the iranian embassy and imam ali mosque: regime change and ayarullahs have to go, then both are offended, the jew and austrian spö övp fpö green and left aryan gypsies. not the scandinavian aryan race, it does not concern them, no relatives

the black magician says: i am a jew and a concentration camp victim, i have to get out of the victim role, i need iranian vmat2 targets as psychological help

the last 20 years have been racism and fascism terrorism and the judges in vienna are the perpetrators

Prosperity and joy is the only thing that interests the sick animal tribe Aryan branch of Vienna, just like back then, when vmat2 burned in concentration camps, and the beer bars were full. full with loud singing

Lamb sacrifice and prophecy of the end of the world

darkforce duo

native brain database, stone system

as a kid i wasn't allowed to watch tv after the revolution. so i made with my imagination a shepherd, sheep, djinn abdul and pari nayereh and paradise. you never lose the child inside you

history must be corrected, israel is an occupied country by ahrimanic black magician race who fraudulently call themselves jews, as do the ayatullahs of iran, both are one lineage. Collaboration and Wehrmacht Jew against vmat2 and race

wiener polizei hat für rassenmord etbalieren in europa und UKRAINE und in iran, 120 millionen euro gesammelt,

wiener polizei hat für rassenmord etbalieren in europa und UKRAINE und in iran, 120 millionen euro gesammelt, für rassenmord etablieren in europa und UKRAINE/IRAN 120 millionen von internationale nazi netzwerke

water ritual saghar... with necklace, greek islands