Sonntag, 6. März 2022

albrecht altdorfer, great persian kings, magician, prophets. europe call us jews, jews call us jews LOL, we the chosen ones, we the origin, creation, the chosen 12 tribes ahura mazda

a single zion nazi earned 2 million euros with secret cameras and an international hate campaign, and i don't have 600 euros for a used camera. i'm diabetic and my food costs a total of 1200 euros, the state gives me a pension of 970 euros so that monkeys don't see 38 projects and 16 jobs

6 millions with wehrmachtsjuden, for 80 years there have been tenfold vmat2 genocides with zion nazi israel, austria and germany

psychopathy gene evolution und sheep's greatness

austrian government is in antisemitic attempted murder, like 40 years iran. 20 million iranians have armenian/jewish blood, 60% combined with vmat2. an artist musician, my sister, my mother a dealer and craftswoman, I an antiques dealer with another 16 professions. attempted murder because of race genes dna and vmat

the problem with vienna is: we profess darwinism and evolution but fuck anyone who says: i wasn't a monkey, you're a monkey origin

if one is god's sheep, then at some point he says look around... do you have pity!?

vienna is a city that is happy: until 2017 we took his younger years with azadeh and the amiri family, and from 2017 we destroyed everything else to this day, and these viennese claim to be normal. fuck you and wait for your end after 2 world wars and millions of deaths. paranormal psychopaths

Nuclear weapons and nuclear forces are ancient psychopathy

6 stones and crystals, nuclear fission, atomic warhead., bad tablet photo raw

a day 10 euro purchase from me is worth 600,000 euros. only i know why, a day from a judge with 10 euros a depressive nothing, depressive aryan emptiness and nothing. nothing worth

I need 5 international lawyers because of: hide evidence, attempted murder, torture and looting murder, the government politicians, secret services, judges and police claim: vmat2 jews property belongs to us, and we have the right to genocide and looting. cia and nsa protect all nazi chatrooms and vienna's networks. anti-semitism and attempted murder are the order of the day in chatrooms with judges from vienna

6 stones bought last week, raw tablet photo, for editing

my oncle davood: i piss on 5 million euro, i am elami the son of bagher

the psychopathy america israel vienna europe is provable: nasser farahani one million euros the brothers and sister 500,000 euros each and they kill the two children with their mother, luren are inferior to elam... they all have a price the luris

America EU, Iran with a kebab ali, and German teacher amiri: why do you want to stop that and educate people about race. genocide is a secret, working with gypsies sepah, hezbollah, ayatullahs has been a secret for 40 years

holy grail

Allah (AJ) Grants Ease After Hardship

Light of Prophet cleaning soul,Muhammad name,soul,purifySo, as soon as you squeeze and you make salawat on Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, there is a cracking and your soul is coming out. If that soul is moving into the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, every beatific light and fragrance begins to dress it and through the difficulty, you feel it. When there is no difficulty, you are not crying. Every time you are sad, where are you if you’re a believer? You are in sujood (prostration): ‘Ya Rabbi, it is heavy for me. It is too much for me.’ He says, ‘But every time I give you ease…’ That is why Allah (AJ) said, ‘First I give you difficulty, then I give you ease.’ Why He didn’t say, ‘I give you ease and then I give you difficulty?’

﴾ فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا ﴿٥ ﴾ إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا ﴿٦ 

94:5-6 – Fainna ma’al ‘usri yusran. (5) Inna ma’al ‘usri yusra. (6) (Surat Ash-Sharh)

what has been misunderstood, imam ali and his tribe were holy waters and grall, karbala, was the fight because of holy water race. the hands of hazrat abbas and his tribe. native iranians were and are genetic relatives from ancient times, vienna

in europe, iranians, syrians and others are being secretly examined for eugenics. the blood and DNA genes are examined and ethnic origins are investigated, because of the policy of boycotting the Jews, the stasi financial system, and the establishment of the thousand-year empire with black capital for the aryan race

خشتک اجباری، جاسوس اسکندری ایران، کلفت داریوش کبیر و بزرگ

آقا این واسه ما مشکل روحی روانی درست کرده، دیروز شنبه بازار یه انگشتر دیدم، گفتم خوب 300 تا قیمت داره این میده 60 یورو، اومدم بگیرم دیدم اه، این چقدر شکل مسیح قولی نژاده، گفتم بیخیال، راسیست شدیم رفت. خدا ببخشه، برکت نمیدیم
آخه خشتک اجباری یک جریان داره، در اروپا و آمریکا زن کولی آریایی داره از مرد نامرد سوءاستفاد ابزاری میکنه که از زن قبلیش مایه در بیاره، همون فمینیست و زن حقوق بشری. خوب خشتک یعنی همون لچک اجباری، مبارک باشه بکش روسرت زن نامرد

This purchase, six stones from a hundred is 20 years of work, experience, innate intellect and intelligence, anahita and the burden of evolution and creation

Samstag, 5. März 2022

this is austria and europe: since 1998 the life of a woman has been blocked, a woman who restored carpets 10 hours a day, and thrown into the stasi system, and she was made poor, and for 15 years the viennese have been showing: look like elam lives and how aryan gypsy race iran lives. 1800 euro aryan officials became millionaires through the stasi system

iranian history, culture, economy, politics was never of gypsy and aryan origin, it was genetic and it is being destroyed and was destroyed

innate intellect elam, luristan kurdistan, azerbaijan, holocaust for 40 years

jean piaget wrote a lot and did a lot of research, but that's just orthodox state science, the psychology of intelligence also has another branch, this conflict is innate intellect, vmat2 database

facebook is unblocked

racial murders and vmat2 genocide in iran with viennese participation since 1979. everything is coordinated by vienna's secret services and secret society, and ayatullahs, gypsies and hezbollah have to do their jobs to maintain power and money

ایرانی خوار جنده وینی از تبعیض نژادی داره نوشخوار میکنه، ایران نیست!؟ کیر تو کوس عمه جندتون کوسکش مادر های زن ایرانی!؟ تو زنی یا عن جنده لاشی! ؟

ببین چیکارش کردن، باقالی پلو و ماهیچه رژیم رو میخوره و میگه تبعیض نژادی نیست، ما که سفیدیم ریده شده به ما رفته، تو سیاهی بلایی هم تو سپاه کیرت نمیتونن کنن، فقط رفتی تو خارکوسده بازی قدیمی، هی گفتیم تو یکی گوشت نخور، هر گوهی ما میخوریم تو نخور جون آهورا

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...