Sonntag, 3. April 2022

Instead of reporting 35 human rights violations, NS repetition, anti-Semitism and discrimination, international authorities consult with the perpetrators, with attempted murder. including stasi nazi agent nasser farahani, a million euro bastard

سیصد گل سرخ

سیصد گل سرخ یک گل نصرانی

ما را ز سر بریده می‌ترسانی؟

ما کر ز سر بریده می‌ترسیدیم

در محفل عاشقان نمی‌رقصیدیم

to earn money you need knowledge azadeh.i can bring the price of a painting by caral carli mazzucato from 14,000 to 140,000 with a few pages of writing

this amiri/shams race is invalid in iran, mentally invalid: we have to destroy life in order to live well., invalid like vienna and austria, evolution and sick origin

in the 21st century no pig says who we are, we the master race say what you are

mythology has been transformed into fairy tales was interpreted naively and misplaced. one finds the truth in vienna and austria. 15 to 30 meters deep, Egypt was just an intrigue, with evolution., isis sculpture egypt

الاغ طلایی

نهایتاً لوسیوس در طی روند این مسخ، و تبدیل و تغییر کالبد انسانی اش، به اوج درماندگی و فلاکت می‌رسد و عمق و ژرفای تباهی و فساد خویش و همین‌طور جامعهٔ روم را به نظاره می‌نشیند و پوچی و انحطاط اشرافیت پوشالی آن را با تمامی ذرات وجود می‌بیند و حس می‌کند. آن گاه، یعنی در زمانی که لوسیوس به منتها درجهٔ فساد و تباهی خویش رسیده‌است، وی ناگهان به خود می‌آید و از وجود پلید خویشتن در قالب الاغی خود دلزده می‌شود. پس با تمامی وجود خویش می‌خواهد که از آن پس کالبدی انسانی و رفتاری بشری، به معنای واقعی کلمه داشته باشد.

دیری نمی‌پاید که آرزوی لوسیوس برآورده می‌شود و ایزدبانوی فراوانی نعمت، یعنی ایسیس، به یاری او می‌شتابد و او را به کالبد انسانی خویش برمی‌گرداند.

golden ass, ahrimanic society and isis as human., SOS

Austria is killing us with kurt waldheim bastard and scum race sebastian kurz since 1981, with kurt waldheim scum animal and filthy bastard race, sebastian kurz and häupl, inferior animals austrians

wir sind herrenrasse, ihr seid abfall, ahrimanische affen produktion

does anyone know the Elamite language!? or were there only telepathic conversations and contact to other continents via radio waves, are the stones thoughts teleportation tools and the track to the past and contact?

intellekt ist das hier, litratur und grammatik für affen: wir sind mensch

österreich tötet uns mit kurt waldheim bastard und abschaumrasse sebastian kurz seit1981, mit kurt waldheim abschaum tier und drecksau rasse, sebastian kurz und häupl, minderwertige tiere östrreicher

i will find and kill all viennese iranians if they had earned money with my family, i will burn their children with petrol that is fascism and racial annihilation progam

this is not state power but pure fascism with mother and daughter, and my person, hate campaign for lynching or poisoning by the police, judges and the Islamic Republic of Iran

i will find and kill all viennese iranians if they had earned money with my family, i will burn their children with petrol that is fascism and racial annihilation progam

we had 3 businesses plus a music career, most iranians have a salary of 1200 to 2400 euros or are unemployed, my mother: 18 years of work in the iranian ministry of culture and 15 years of work in vienna.

Samstag, 2. April 2022

i will find and kill all viennese iranians if they had earned money with my family, i will burn their children with petrol that is fascism and racial annihilation progam

judges study 300 books, but still animals and monkeys origin, normal 90 IQ normal with 4000 euros salary. with no prospect or possibility of millions of capital, IQ 90 animals.

wiener richter sind tier rasse, deshalb das verhalten gegen drei staatsbürger, tier rasse hurenkinder abschaumrasse.

world vmat2 trade center with wehrmacht jews headquarters wasn't enough dirty americans!?, 9/11 wasn't enough because of vmat2 destruction program you animal america!?dirty fucking american human trader. 9/11 wasn't enough!?

evolution fanatics bastard race even in all human rights organizations crush all laws under their feet because of old race and vmat2

these are 3 EU passports and UN says: we have the right to vmat2 human trade

huankind richter die straftaten sind wie eine tone heroinhandel. du nazi schwein richter und richterin, du arische abschaum rasse

my sister and my mother and i have been living under isolation and torture for years because of our race, genes, and austrian torture financial project with ayatullahs and hezbollah

the most unbelievable cheek is: all american embassies are occupied by blond european monkeys for international native vmat2 murder, look at vienna

600 years of colonialism, renaissance barbarism because of this: the bastard is monkey and we are human, including cia nsa monkey bastards with mossad

yesterday i was standing at the flea market, a girl with 3 bought books looked deep into the eyes of the neighbors, with the hint: do you have access?, can you kill him!? I will even become a nobody with bought 300 books. my mom and i are vma2 killers by instinct

cia and nsa are trading partners in vmat2 torture show sale vienna is also involved

500 vienna nazi judges are with ayatullahs and international fascist networks in racial murder attempt