Sonntag, 3. April 2022

meuchelmord, giftmord ist ein arisches tradition, heute mit iranische zigeuner shams amiris und gharibs seit 40 jahren mit wiener ungeziefer und tiere, mit abschaumherkunft

die welt braucht keine tiere, ungeziefer, faschismus, rassimus, antisemitismus, vmat2 jagd, die welt braucht keine tiere, wiener tiere und abschaum. bastard psychopathie herkunft

tier rasse östrreich hört nur auf mit rassenmorde und vmat2 verfolgung, wenn sie wie tiere und ungeziefer vergast werden. dreckige meuchelmörder, bastard scheißdreck herkunf und rasse

müßen östrreicher nach 80 jahren nationalsozialismus wie ungeziefer vergast werden, damit das land mit rassen und vmat2 morde aufhört!? heute seit 40 jahren mit ayatullahs

wenn ich sterbe oder rana, dann gibt es 5 andere mit 5 millionen euro kapital und möglichkeiten euch wie tiere zu vergasen, bastard abschaum rasse. fake standard reiche familien tiere

sarin gas und gift ist das einzige was vmat2 morde global aufhält, gegen reiche familien UNO amnesty und wien, das einzige was diese tiere aufhält

nerve gas and mustard gas, sarin is the right thing for viennese animals that keep attacking and killing innocent people because of vmat2, nerve gas and mustard gas. for 40 years annihilation iran because of race

if there is a poison in our body for incurable disease, then, poisons this bastard country, first the children of red and green parties and then the upper class underage, 80 years after national socialism it's time to gas Viennese animals and bastard origin, like wild scum animals. bastard racist and evolution animals, bastard scum race austria

because of the death sentence from iran, vienna has led everyone into the stasi financial system, into lynching: kill him and his family, otherwise you will lose your holy money, jews money

In addition to Hizbullah and Ayatullah terrorism, and network fascism and anti-Semitism, Austria is guilty of 35 serious human rights violations, Vienna wants to end this with an innocent family murder, along with America and Amnesty International and UNO city

حاج آقا هنوز سالم، نه. ه. ه. ه. ه، جووووون نه. ه. ه. ه

به من بخند خارکوسده

Arimanius, tablet photo

alte kunst michael, du rot bürgermeister

I've been writing for 4 years, I'm vmat2 and have 16 jobs and 38 projects, actually a vmat2 degree, viennese whores european whores and israelis are getting worse every day with the help of the police, monkey scum, monkey scum whores. scum uterus

9/11 is why americans are bastard races, they prove that with the murder of innocent VMAT2 mothers and daughters, children. globally with the police

a police force that collects 100 million euros in black money because of race, NS repetition and vmat2 is no longer a human being

9/11 is therefore: you can hold 100 hostages in a bunker, the police call the fbi and cia and they shoot through 10 meter thick concrete, the reason: there is no evidence of the vmat2 extermination program

LOL oh plato plato plato, we are divine and fucking america produced Riddick

the mother of the american is an animal, the father is an animal and the origin is clear: vmat2 murderers with networks in iran because of genes dna vmat2 and revolutionary ideas, chain murders in iran america and europe: we killed the aunt why can't we kill these 3 too

Instead of reporting 35 human rights violations, NS repetition, anti-Semitism and discrimination, international authorities consult with the perpetrators, with attempted murder. including stasi nazi agent nasser farahani, a million euro bastard

سیصد گل سرخ

سیصد گل سرخ یک گل نصرانی

ما را ز سر بریده می‌ترسانی؟

ما کر ز سر بریده می‌ترسیدیم

در محفل عاشقان نمی‌رقصیدیم

to earn money you need knowledge azadeh.i can bring the price of a painting by caral carli mazzucato from 14,000 to 140,000 with a few pages of writing

this amiri/shams race is invalid in iran, mentally invalid: we have to destroy life in order to live well., invalid like vienna and austria, evolution and sick origin

in the 21st century no pig says who we are, we the master race say what you are

mythology has been transformed into fairy tales was interpreted naively and misplaced. one finds the truth in vienna and austria. 15 to 30 meters deep, Egypt was just an intrigue, with evolution., isis sculpture egypt

الاغ طلایی

نهایتاً لوسیوس در طی روند این مسخ، و تبدیل و تغییر کالبد انسانی اش، به اوج درماندگی و فلاکت می‌رسد و عمق و ژرفای تباهی و فساد خویش و همین‌طور جامعهٔ روم را به نظاره می‌نشیند و پوچی و انحطاط اشرافیت پوشالی آن را با تمامی ذرات وجود می‌بیند و حس می‌کند. آن گاه، یعنی در زمانی که لوسیوس به منتها درجهٔ فساد و تباهی خویش رسیده‌است، وی ناگهان به خود می‌آید و از وجود پلید خویشتن در قالب الاغی خود دلزده می‌شود. پس با تمامی وجود خویش می‌خواهد که از آن پس کالبدی انسانی و رفتاری بشری، به معنای واقعی کلمه داشته باشد.

دیری نمی‌پاید که آرزوی لوسیوس برآورده می‌شود و ایزدبانوی فراوانی نعمت، یعنی ایسیس، به یاری او می‌شتابد و او را به کالبد انسانی خویش برمی‌گرداند.

golden ass, ahrimanic society and isis as human., SOS

Austria is killing us with kurt waldheim bastard and scum race sebastian kurz since 1981, with kurt waldheim scum animal and filthy bastard race, sebastian kurz and häupl, inferior animals austrians

wir sind herrenrasse, ihr seid abfall, ahrimanische affen produktion