Montag, 23. Mai 2022

founding a company is a human right, UN says worse than in Vienna: we don't allow it. this is wehrmacht, gestapo, ss

luri bakhtiati and elami, azeri

luri, bakhtiari and elami: Professor Arena Vilna" in his joint research with "Professor Ali Akbar Amir Zargar", a member of the "Department of Immunology, University of Tehran", by genetic analysis of 70 samples of Kurds have proved that the origin of the Kurds is in the Eastern Mediterranean. A study that was never allowed to be published in Iran.

Three: The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors (ie Persians, Arabs and Turks).

founding a company is a human right, UN says worse than in Vienna: we don't allow it. this is wehrmacht, gestapo, ss

my sister will soon open a company, all purchases and sales (6 months) are legal, her savings and money income too. with toppings

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2022

do you understand: if i throw up a stone and it stays floating in the air, the viennese say we can't see anything, the governments in austria have made people more apes than they are, with vaccination even more so

mr judge who was david hume? panel discussion with right-wing viennese and leftists and church!? and my work!?

in austria there is no secularism, the whole package with church, synagogues and mosques support is ahrimanism, the reason is that all three world religions are occupied by spies and demons, everything is infiltrated and influenced with ahrimanic capital. one of the richest countries in the world

ahrimanism, the melchior vmat race is soosool plague, wait for serious individuals, other races. I only dance bandari...

pouuuuuuuh, emam zaman gate

even after ayatullah we remain enemies of israel, we were first, you are a copy. what you are, declares the free archaeology. do you want to use atomic bombs because of the truth!?

in river of blood the ayatullah says for 40 years you are not human, for 24 years embargo against my family says israel, america UNO, TURKEY and EU: human rights are for evolution. embargo affects the people of iran: frying oil 80 thousand tumans, with a salary of 4 million euros

this is all a calculation, as can be seen on the artefact, that alexander stole from elam, out of envy and psychopathy

the origin

the scream under water is the scream of the spirit. and the woodpecker, picus, is the negotiator. the genetic aristocracy has friends

state antisemitism, is also dictatorship, dictatorship with influence in art business, antique business and auction houses, against vmat2. I made that clear to pele. they steal from our apartment, from us MAMA

i have several screenplays, true stories, magic, sorcery, sci-fi with evidence. true stories


It is said that whenever tourists take things (stones, dirt, etc.) from that area, she will cause them to have bad dreams or some disasters in their life until they return the items back. The tourism board in that area get hundreds of parcels a year from tourists mailing things they have taken and requesting them to place it back in the area. The Hawaiians have special rituals to her and pray to her as she is known to be very quick and effective. Of course we do not need to pray to her as she is not an enlightened being as far as we know, but it is nice to know about her and such myths and legends to expand our knowledge. We also now know not to simply take things from Mount Kilauea. It’s important to respect special divinities, land gods, elemental spirits. This post is to introduce you to the beautiful and rich culture of Hawaii. You can do more research on your own on this. Do enjoy.

2020 worldpress. com

when i got the things at home i left the stones in the bathroom for 6 weeks, these 6 weeks were a comedy with MAMA pele. do you know the horror movie MAMA!?

Mrs. Pele and her legacy of pralines in Austria



Die hawaiianische Vulkangöttin Pele wohnt im Krater Halema`uma`u des Vulkans Kilauea. Sie hat die Gestalt einer alten Frau, die von einem weißen Hund begleitet wird. In der Nähe des Kraters nimmt sie die Gestalt eines jungen Mädchens an. Vor jedem Ausbruch erscheint sie am Krater. Die Göttin Pele ist sehr jähzornig. Wenn ihr Missfallen erregt wird, öffnet sie mit einem Fußtritt den Krater und der Lavastrom ergießt sich über ihre Gegner.


at the beginning of the 20th century, the vigilantes probably looked at the chimney pipes on the roofs: vmat or not vmat. art object early 20th century

no human being or vmat can be recognized by appearance or face from where the origin is, laboratory test make the networks, states, police, secret services, UNO, for hate and lynching financial project. together with amnesty international

RANA vmat2 farahani: from the year 1998 no official or state official has responded to this crime. no state obligation for vmat2 attempted murder or lynching.

this is not a conspiracy theory, this movie shows it: SAVAK, SEPAH HIZBULLAH, work together in native murder

viennese stone, balthaser, melchior, casper, who has it in their blood!?

SAVAK has been working with Hizbullah and Ayatollahs since 1981, 4 Freemasonry Lodges, French, English, German and Austrian. today the second and third generation is stationed in america london paris. amir ahmadi luristan type: native iranian mass murder. Freemasonry loyal to 4 generations to come. "alireza"

stored in genetic database human: ahrimanic intrigue system. it is called: conspiracy theory delusion and paranoia