Dienstag, 24. Mai 2022

this is a fact and truth of the EU states america israel turkey iran in the 21st century: burns vmat for restaurant money. fbi, cia, nsa, interpol, europol protect your data

no civil servant in vienna has 20 euros for a daily meal, but the tables are all full because ahriman cooks for zahaak and his people

that's the result of 40 years of vienna-tehran relationship: find families, vmat families and we donate chelokabab every day, that's the only economical solution. in the last 20 years, our people have bought properties with wehrmachtjews and ayatullahs for 500 million euros

خلاصه بعد از 40 سال: سلام علیکم، حال شما؟ یا پول نداری یا قند داری خوارت گائیدست، تاریخ داری؟ پس یعنی این

spirituality and fascism

evolution fascism also in israel is a psychopathic filth as far as vmat is concerned,

this boycott and embargo is austria ayatollahs, israel, zionism america solidarity in iran, for iranian people, native race. a show and game

understand: in order to ruin vmat2, vienna says: these masterpieces are worthless, "our" estimate is not contestable, whoever refutes it will be pursued internationally by our secret services

the question is: can fascism destroy works of art and property of a woman with hate propaganda and stasi murder campaign today

Montag, 23. Mai 2022

we are former refugees from 1986, since 1992 the state of austria has been saying: we have citizens and are not bound by the geneva convention and treaties, ayatulahs are pursuing "austrians" with us, and earn money with austrians, EU citizens.

austrian woman has become a trader of races and vmat2, alongside the ayatullahs with the help of america and israel. it wants to achieve death sentence law in austria, unofficially with banned illegal network government, the deep state

we are former refugees from 1986, since 1992 the state of austria has been saying: we have citizens and are not bound by the geneva convention and treaties, ayatulahs are pursuing "austrians" with us, and earn money with austrians, EU citizens.

albert Birkle is currently in auction in vienna, me too somehow. my nature is also 65 kilos, today i am 69. between 2008 and 2016 i was 100-117. who filmed also poisoned my body. High spirituality can be achieved fat-free and poison-free

we are former refugees from 1986, since 1992 the state of austria has been saying: we have citizens and are not bound by the geneva convention and treaties, ayatulahs are pursuing "austrians" with us, and earn money with austrians, EU citizens.

LOL. geh rein, nur vmat kann es lösen

americans have concluded contracts in vienna with ayatollah regime and israel, vmat2 is to be killed after financial action. we still have native race ayatullahs, still the original, 5%

son of the bitch advanced killer monkey, that's what pele and picus say to this day

In 1985, someone in hoveizeh high school distributed marg bar khamenei, marg bar khomeini on fyler. the culprit was wanted for 4 months, wallah ghassam it was me

we are former refugees and are being persecuted and humiliated as a minority by the iranian regime, by dual citizens, iranian embassy, iranian emam ali mosque

there is no difference between the iranian government and austria, old iranians are being persecuted. in tehran for example: a man with two doctorates becomes a taxi driver, or in europe, or in america: or in washington: cia kills tara khonjmanesh with the help of cousin of ali gharib and rahim amiri after double studies

We came to Austria as refugees: Geneva Convention of 1951 and Protocol of 1967

household silver, crystal and some stones. silver and crystal: 12 euro equipment

All Viennese judges are replaceable, like hay, there are students, my abilities in science are not replaceable. officials are replaceable, politicians, public prosecutors, police, secret agents are all replaceable, normal as hay. damn cheap nazis


Circe was a beautiful woman-a seductress or temptress- whom Odysseus visits on her island and who change his companions into swine. It is not clear why she does this. Perhaps because she hates men; perhaps because she represents a more ancient matriarchal society; perhaps because she is just a semi-divine power left over from an older culture, a relatively harmless power if one keeps one's distance, but very dangerous if one comes within her reach. Although Circe changes Odysseus' companions into swine, she has no power over Odysseus himself, because of the magical herb, moly, that Hermes had given him. Not even Hermes, however, can protect Odysseys from Circe's physical charms; when Circe realizes that she has no power over Odysseus, she offers him her bed, they become lovers, and he stays for a while.

All Viennese judges are replaceable, like hay, there are students, my abilities in science are not replaceable. officials are replaceable, politicians, public prosecutors, police, secret agents are all replaceable, normal as hay. damn cheap nazis

founding a company is a human right, UN says worse than in Vienna: we don't allow it. this is wehrmacht, gestapo, ss

at 24, lure was the youngest dealer and antique textile and carpet expert, at 27 international art connoisseurs

founding a company is a human right, UN says worse than in Vienna: we don't allow it. this is wehrmacht, gestapo, ss

in luristan, men lived to the age of 300 and women gave birth to children at the age of 160

i'm 47. I weighed myself today, I'm 69 kilos, am I sick!? or just pretty and healthy?