Samstag, 25. Juni 2022

آقا یکبار از این دیو اهورایی سوال کردیم این شعر از بلخی یعنی چی؟ گفت مادر صلواتی، مشکل ما با شما کسخل ها ابدی است، آخه قربونت برم، شما یا ستاره شناس میشید یا شاعر، همتون مارو گائیدید، بند و بساط اینارو ما هی باید جمع کنیم، سوسول کونی ها

دل مرا عجب آید همی ز کار هوا

که مشک‌بوی سلب شد ز مشک‌بوی صبا

ز رنگ و بوی همی دانم و ندانم از آنک

چنین هوا ز صبا گشت یا صبا ز هوا

درخت اگر عَلَم پرنیان گشاد رواست

که خاک باز کشیدست مفرش دیبا

به نور و ظلمت ماند زمین و ابر همی

به درّ و مینا ماند سرشک ابر و گیا

what the police do: victims are jews perpetrators aryan, impunity is understandable

leutnant beck und wehrmacht franzis österreichische millitär

what a lieutenant Beck did with judges and military intelligence, actually edelweiss command central 3rd generation: NATO american military we discovered a gene and we can't idandify it, can you do that!? vienna has known this breed since the 15th century. actually the search on greek islands and kefalonia with viennese and austrians. edelweiss mountain troop command, grandfather becki

i have 38 projects and several inventions and i am confronted with aryan inferiority in vienna, viennese and gypsy iranians: through human trafficking and stasi camera actions we are the master race

arische psychopathie mit 800 euro pension, vorher 1800 euro gehalt

busserl schatzerl du heanrotz'n bua, du

as a sign of national socialism and "racial theory" fischer and lenz, security police with secret services, judges want to kill me in front of 100 million spectators with the intention: we are hean'rotz bubean, subhuman in 21st century

heas schau den spiegel oan, heas oida bist du deppert oida ötzi, übersetzung bitte, abudllah abdullah übersetze für ötzi

heas millitär ötzi, koffer, kennst googoosh? übersetz di des hansi. nimeh gomshode amod. bid bid bid bid

my career plan was world art, antiques and antique carpets for comfort. are you crazy fucking nsa/cia america eu austria?

area 51 these lenses was underground right? and capitalism gives it out rationed with 50 years of strategy!? lol

Freitag, 24. Juni 2022

if i take this photo with 70,000 euros lenses, then it was the lens, it's 70,000 euros who are you? that's monkey reasoning. possible 1979-2022 with ayatullahs, hezbolah, ali khamenei

possible with ahmadinejad and ayatullahs

I live in a country where a disabled person is paid 80,000 euros for comfort and easy living. what fascism says to mother and daughter and son for murder: you are worth nothing. like in iran. this contradiction is the reason why many say in doubt: we hadn't seen anything.

because of that: genes and dna from old times, driving motivation and ambition 1920, we were evolution and these asians and native americans and persians, oriental always human

my grandfather, chakeram bagher ghassab. bagher the butcher

Mr. adolf, wiener: aryan means a very old culture, from ARI tribes elam, ethiopia to iran north africa and iraq, syria, and other areas, lebanon, palestine

the dangerous thing is: my career started in 2002 after 8 years of work and apprenticeship in my mother's shop, with a million euros of know-how and knowledge as an investment. Doctors and hospitals ruined a million in 2002 without thinking about the consequences because of racism, fascism, anti-Semitism and hatred of god genes. with military police and 3 secret services

adolf huren wien in spitäler und auf richter stühlen

Adolf didn't only have 500,000 whores in the battlefield, he had 4 million whores in hospitals, nurses and doctors for experiments on 6 million race, genes and dna. today: we don't have any special or genetic miracles, we are god's handiwork, so that officials live in prosperity beyond their salary

I only have a tablet camera, sometimes the light isn't right

Freitag, 24. Juni 2022

my family is an example of why this world is more of a tragedy today than it was in 1932: global networks vienna berlin paris brussels ankara washington and other cities find 10 times the number of victims with gene analyses. 60 million

Do you understand? because of this: black deep depression, policeman, lawyer, judge, politician, secret service and others want to destroy a touch of life/magic/breath, a minority with indigo genes and prehistory dna

my family is an example of why this world is more of a tragedy today than it was in 1932: global networks vienna berlin paris brussels ankara washington and other cities find 10 times the number of victims with gene analyses. 60 million

i need this one golden grail from the museum for other possibilities and calculations, with 500,000 euro equipment, just one point: mauthausen cameras is that: we decide who is human who is not, we decide because of human rights, not god with his god gene plague

we are the dignitaries and protectors of the holy grail, do you see viennese police secret service and judge animals with CIA? you guys are hunting us and want to kill us all. holy grail great persia and our falcon or buzzard. genetically

what this is, water and portal and message is science that no one wants to publish because of old genes and human, only hollywood, fictitious

judge the lies and fake material, doppelgangers have destroyed 20 years

when i reach my ship i bring peace

Nasser wants to kill me and thinks along with his wife: judges don't see us, police and secret services don't see us either, vienna sees us. we want to live in peace for the next 15 years. until we are 85, what is your life worth? who is it good for and how was prosperity financed!? portal to their apartment. holy grail

what the ayatollahs are in vienna is the new world order with jerusalem and the vatican: old indigo genes must disappear, ahrimanic genes or god genes. this is evolution against all, black magic and white magic. these tribes are more murderous than ahrimanic indigo genes

خلاصه، شیطانپرستی شاخ و دم نداره، رفته با یه زنیکه فاشیست ازدواج کرده، 5 ساله ملت دنبال مرگ ما هستن، عکس میذاره میگه بیا، لا کوس، نه اون یکی، این یکی. ما به این کوس 2002 گفتیم تو پدر ما نیستی، برو گمشو

since 2007 I never wanted that the political struggle and revolution relates to evolution killer race and human. that was a mistake. iranian austrians, europe and america: many parts of your society are killer apes in civil service and international agencies

I have prophets I'm a human you don't have any you're a monkey, do you fuck off? or not in the 21st century with animal behavior!? shit parties austria and UNO

michael häupl und HEINRICH GROSS SPÖ, du huankind, bastard affe und evolution, du bastard scheißdreck gene, neanderthaler herkunft und stamm

2009 "hardliner" barbad farahani wien. politische aktivismus

barefoot is no longer looking for che but for rich children, for god genes stasi system. photo 2009

UNO, amnesty, human rights watch: as far as god genes are concerned, we have personal opinions, we do not report anything and see nothing because of a mother and daughter