Samstag, 25. Juni 2022

austrians erased the rule of law because of god genes race fight and racial war, racial madness, because of 3 people with old dna and genes. theft is what?

kiwarai will ranas sachen stehlen kommen, kommt auf die straßen sonst töte ich diebe

80% of austrians/israelis bring up their children antigenes, anti god genes and as actors, that's an old tradition, before the first and second world wars. these international networks are what they are: the bet: can vienna do it again like it did back then

does anyone know seventh letter by platon? the way to the international court of justice is long and costs a lot of money

the guy is not as crazy as me but he has 6&7 angelic way covered with fossils, all phenomena.

oida das büld vo main schwesterle zaigt ma wos: so vü huankinder sand an die mauer international ober des ane geht ma würkli am oarsch! bohème proletariat lyrics

i had a thousand political rooms from 2001, in 2009 israelis said speech for us against ahmadinejad, so we say we made you a politician, fuck your mother fucking israeli, worse than ayatullahs, damn child murderers, vmat2 murderers

to this day, right now, people are being killed and tortured in evin prison tehran, UNO is live with secret kameras, with ayatullahs in our apartment and says: arrest the terrorist, we were not and we are not

حاجی از ایران نمیری بیرون؟ نه؟ ما به کارمون و زندگیمون برسیم؟ گیر کردیم به حضرت عباس، جعبه باید بریم بینیم کجاست، طرف کنگر خورده نمیره بیرون

shake the mineral water 26 times, for 26 generations before moses, our moses, and take a sip, don't forget ya emam zaman

bullshit blonde monkey, i'm iranian from tehran, what's wrong with you? million euros sent to iran? for god gene destruction? we don't interfere in domestic politics? but we send money for tribal warfare and human trafficking?

primitive bad genes monkey, you pig you scum you dirt, magic is science you nothing you unnecessary for this world

tablet camera, ahrimanic alien genocide intrique. iranian persian vmat2 photo. persian ethnicity not austrian

so when it comes to antigenic politics and vaccination, the leftists and the church were enthusiastic too. ya emam zaman, we need help. vmat human genocide

Do you understand? we are antigens, we are gene mafia, don't tell us anything, we ensure prosperity

is austrian government the austrian constitution? it says no, we are personal rights 1932, we are gene mafia, trader and mauthausen stasi system with secret cameras

Samstag, 25. Juni 2022

but because of the rise in prices and the crisis, in august we'll be paying 500 euros in an aid package for underprivileged pensioners and from october onwards for everyone

this cyber terror is an old stasi ritual, dozens of thousands of women have the killer role, one of them sophia gharib, nobody knows sophia from chatrooms: i am IQ 60 from school underdeveloped children, and rana is in the newspaper, i have to kill. like dozens of thousands of other monkey women

خلاصه حاجی حمام ومهدعلیا و بخار و آب، فلان بهمان

rendezvous with joe black is a strange story when two archangels ahura mazda get involved


داودی، آخوند نامرده داودی

تنهای عیب نیست، نیامدن ایشان برای ما شرم است، لایق هستیم یا نیستیم!؟

آقا یکبار از این دیو اهورایی سوال کردیم این شعر از بلخی یعنی چی؟ گفت مادر صلواتی، مشکل ما با شما کسخل ها ابدی است، آخه قربونت برم، شما یا ستاره شناس میشید یا شاعر، همتون مارو گائیدید، بند و بساط اینارو ما هی باید جمع کنیم، سوسول کونی ها

دل مرا عجب آید همی ز کار هوا

که مشک‌بوی سلب شد ز مشک‌بوی صبا

ز رنگ و بوی همی دانم و ندانم از آنک

چنین هوا ز صبا گشت یا صبا ز هوا

درخت اگر عَلَم پرنیان گشاد رواست

که خاک باز کشیدست مفرش دیبا

به نور و ظلمت ماند زمین و ابر همی

به درّ و مینا ماند سرشک ابر و گیا

what the police do: victims are jews perpetrators aryan, impunity is understandable

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what a lieutenant Beck did with judges and military intelligence, actually edelweiss command central 3rd generation: NATO american military we discovered a gene and we can't idandify it, can you do that!? vienna has known this breed since the 15th century. actually the search on greek islands and kefalonia with viennese and austrians. edelweiss mountain troop command, grandfather becki

i have 38 projects and several inventions and i am confronted with aryan inferiority in vienna, viennese and gypsy iranians: through human trafficking and stasi camera actions we are the master race

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