Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2022

داستان من درآوردی

آقا 26 سال پیش نشسته بودم در یک رستوران ایرانی، داشتم غذا میخوردم دیدم بزن وبکوب رقص شروع شد و زن صاحب رستوران شروع کرد به رقص.. خلاصه دیدم نامردیه، کسی نمیره برقصه، کسی بلند نمیشه. خودم بلند شدم شروع کردم به رقصیدن با خانوم و ریز و درشت رقصیدن، صاحب رستوران تا دید من دارم میرقشم و 10 نفر دیگه بلند شدن اومد طرف بنده و با اشاره به زنش گفت: ببین گند خریدم عسل درآمده، ببین ببین. ما هم از رو زرنگی 3 بار بلند گفتیم یاشاسین آذربایجان، یاشاسین...یاشاسین. خلاصه خنده بر لبان ما سر گند کس ندید، فقط یک بطر ودکا از سر ما پرید. بفرما حاجی شما هم از اتریش گند خریدی دیگه عسل درآمده، ها؟ نامرد لبخند بزن، شاشیدم به اون آذربایجانی که از توحمایت میکنه

the question is always the same, yesterday as today: do you have no water, no bread, no house, or no wife? the answer in prehistory in vienna and in persia is the same: everything that comes out through the digestive system tastes like honey, you creation

in 2002 i said to these taxi driver: you are human too, in chello kebab restaurant ali gharib, i also said human to ali, look at what human has been doing for 20 years. vienna said: he is not a persian, he's physically and facially not like you, he's not human

that's why i send photos every day, after 18 years of paltalk. I'm 47 and I shit on your mother's cunt because you don't look like me and others like me

In 1980 Iran was a 36 million country, today 85 million, therefore: the government is gypsy blood, the civil servants are gypsy blood, the police/secret service is gypsy blood, bizbollah/sepah/basij is gypsy blood. the economic system gypsy corrupt, the environment gypsy behavior, legal system: islamic gypsy, hagh a self-determined produced shit since Safavid times

i wasn't a sattar beheshti in 2001, but this statement: shoot animals in the head and don't go to prison, don't let animals humiliate you because of the call of freedom. there are 25,000 discussion hours from me

for 25 years evin prison, kahrizak, ghasr and dozens of other prisons are torture financial business with millions of bastard viewers, from israel, america, europe, asia and middle east. billion business because of ratings

the history books always contain supposedly, maybe, probably, but who wants to research shiites should not ignore the tribes of cosmas and damian, abuzar was also one

this european shit came to iran, became shiite and says: hazrat abbas wanted to get water for chelokebab, mahiche and abgoosht, so his hands were cut off. iran rock art 5.000 B. C.

vienna police are with ali and hussein gharib and hundreds of others, european bastards meat and blood, aryan police, shit veins shit blood shit aryan

Austria is a European bastard that with the support of this European bastard has been saying to us for 40 years: you are not human. the psychopathy is so great that vienna cannot even stand a family: mother and daughter and son

why the state says the siblings are not human is the same reason as in kefalonia, greek islands and mauthausen

1200-1800 euro salary family is human

anyone who plunders and ruins with criminal actions even wants to say in court i did it as a human being, when this formation builds up in a village, the village people, then the whole thing ends in an even greater tragedy, because all that money is an illusion for being human, it says: I'd rather die in Illusion Matrix as a human than in reality: subhuman. I will not be judged as a criminal

old school against satanism, my mother and sister and me. plato even had a piece of magnet with him

heas, wos die kiwarai zu wundersom'n zaig moant: du arschloch perser du, du schöpfung du, i zaig da mit a kipferl in der früh sho wos i mit di moach'n koan, i sitz mi hi, i trink a kaffecherle und scheiß di mit kamera magie zoam, ka mensch red mit di, des ist magie, main oarbeit ist magie


Circe is a daughter of the Sun, one of the Titans, just as Medea is the granddaughter of the Sun. The Titans represent an earlier generation, or dynasty, of the gods. Not only can Circe transform men into beasts but she can predict the future. Through her predictions and instructions, Homer links Circe with the other magical motif of the epic, the necromantic scene in Book 11 of the Odyssey. Following Circe's instructions, Odysseys digs a trench, pours out as an offering to the dead a drink consisting of honey, milk, wine and water, and slaughters two black sheep in such a way that their blood runs into the ditch. This attracts the shades of the dead in flocks, and by drinking the blood they regain, for a short time, the ability to communicate with the living.

vienna and greece massacre. 60% of Wehrmacht Jews and Wehrmacht soldiers were Austrians

خلاصه رفتیم یونان عنشون با گوهشون با هم قاطی شد، بعد پرتمون کردن بیرون از یونان، برگشتیم دوباره ایران، گفتیم: نگید ایرانی بودیم پرتمون کردن بیرون، خوبیت نداره، بگید دانشمند یونانی بودیم، یکیمون گفت: ببین هوشنگ، رو اون تخت سنگ بنویس دانشمند یونانی اومد ایران، خوشتیپ مارو بکوپ رو سنگ ها.... ما بودیم. یه حالی بهشون بدیم، نمک میخوریم نمکدون نمیشکنیم.

117 kilos in Jezebel's house. the fact that samson went blind was: insulin in jezebel's baghlava, what stays healthy in the veins and arteries behind the eyes. tablet photo raw

why have these iranians been working for the state of austria and the networks for 22 years!? to bring rana and me: death, misery, torture, depression and panic, to bring sociphobia, psychosis and depression? secretly?

حاجی فیلم معنا داره ها، اگر کارگردان ایرانی بود سانسور میکردیش

europe israel america UNO are with solidarity networks, the iranian europeans: koskesh jakesh madarjendeh. only armed struggle is the solution

hidden jezebel spirit is a business with vmat2, since 1998 works only a whore and the family as pimps for states.



گفتم صنما دلم ترا جویانست

گفتا که لبم درد ترا درمانست

گفتم که همیشه از منت هجرانست

گفتا که پری ز آدمی پنهانست

since 2002 i have been asserting as an activist in chatrooms, in vienna and internationally: european animals in iran and europe, israel, as well as onsori balkhi writes, only understands gun language


davood sobhmanesh (davoodi) my uncle, was in isfahan qom and tehran a hint a importance, bookseller, expert in ancient writings, antiques dealer, poet and journalist, this is my elamite part. What hezbolah and ayatollahs in tehran did to him and ultimately poisoned him (heart attack) is the european part of iran, in solidarity with viennese animals. because of his sister

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2022

your right is 970 euros a month, who says: i determine your fate and existence and worth, is fascism. because of god genes? . with 38 projects, 24 inventions and 20 years of antiques and antique textiles experience. and the kebab ali from a ghazvin gypsy village is illegally worth a million because of romano gypsy blood

the police also supervised the theft secondary, 2008, antiques worth 280,000, euros. iranian gang and some austrians

Rana and I are constantly being stalked, secondary with satellites and state cameras, the spectators are the Viennese judges police and networks, also international networks, hand out the evidence, you also have cameras in the forest,

we went hiking there yesterday and collecting stones, there were many ritual places, and we both had 2 hour dizzy spells, seems a message of satanism, because my sister go hiking there often. i will find you

was my sister politically active?

wo war ein mädchen mit 13 politisch du scheiß kurt waldheim ÖVP, UNO TIER scheißdreck BASTARD ABSCHAUM, und heinrich gross SPÖ evolution bastard affe du huankind michi franz gusi werner und andere, fischer, SPÖ ABSCHAUM TIERE