Dienstag, 26. Juli 2022

this behavior is unnatural: ruining a woman with both children with lies. does austria want to make the declaration as the master race or subhuman!? we need condominium and several properties and our salaries are too low for it

since the 19th century, austrian history has proven that we have no empathy in us! we are, as it says in school books, evolved and modern animals. it says in school books that "HUMAN" is a further developed animal. I say= you, not me. your history proves it: you animal an i human

in the tenth in the 14th district of vienna there are artefacts from 70,000 B.C. to centuries and thousands of years before the ice age, and these animal origins tell to us jews

austrians (especially nazi whores and the daughters, evolution animals) are the best friends of ayatullahs because they officially see 20 million iranians like the jews in 1932, for austria it didn't matter which religion and ambition. old race is jew

behind my and my mother's business was 18 years of work in the iranian culture ministry and 15 years in vienna. in a society of animal scum, new iranian and austrian. austrian animal bastards

I was presented internationally with a campaign of lies and fake material, so that the police would not be punished internationally because of the NS repetition from 2001 to 2007

آقا بچه های شعوبیه دست به عملیات مسلحانه انقلابی بزننه رژیم میگه: ال داعشی به ما حمله کرده، خارکوسده ها از دم آلبانی، گورجی، رومانی، یوگسلاو کولی، ما شدیم عرب و جهود و داعشی

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ (حجرات، آیه ۱۳)

I was presented internationally with a campaign of lies and fake material, so that the police would not be punished internationally because of the NS repetition from 2001 to 2007

why this porcelain is always different in different positions is because: there was someone who wasn't from this city, he was different

there is a piece of porcelain, it tells why a city doesn't see a family...

Montag, 25. Juli 2022

مادر جنده های خود باخته

. آقا یکروز امام علی اومد گفت بچه ها؟ نامرد ها؟ چرا اینرو دولا کردین و سرش رو کردین زیر خاک، چرا به ماتحت دارید سنگ پرت میکنید، گفتیم یا امام همه قوانین که نمیشه از شما باشه، بذار این یکی از ما باشه! اگر سند پیدا نکردم یک روزی از این جریان در ایران

آقا ما از دست شاعر های ایرانی هم حال و احوال مان بد شد، ر فتیم اما علی رو آوردیم ایران، هی به ما گفتن: برو پهلوان لمپن، برو بچه پروو، برو بی آبرو، بی تربیت، بی کس، بی شرف. ما هم گفتیم کس داریم با این بیشرفی، میریم به اون میگیم ننه این یکی معشوقه خارکوسده رو باید از کون کرد، حالا ببین اون چی میگه


معشوقه دلم بتیر اندوه بخست

حیران شدم و کسم نمی گیرد دست

مسکین تن من بپای محنت شد پست

دست غم دوست پشت من خرد شکست

if vmat2/god gene don't deserve human rights then slaughtering monkey animals is a privilege, you should start with international authorities officials.

Give me 70,000 euros lens camera and I'll prove publicly that evolution is not of natural origin, but gene manipulation, artificially produced

was 9/11 the right answer!? maybe but i say you just have to show the blond blue-eyed monkey its place in this world: you animal origin i always human

For 30 years, illegal vmat/ god genes trade contracts in Germany/Austria have only been one thing: NATIONAL PRIDE. nobody protests, we are the right

huankind warum wirst du polizist oder arzt, akademiker? sozialarbeiter? staatsanwalt? richter? warum ka händler oder händlerin?

I was 26 and the state gave 50 to 70 year olds money by ruining my existence, career and life. with the secret lectures: vmat2 deserves no human rights, they overwhelm our children. I'm 47 today

war das ein mensch? ist das ein mensch? du scheißdreck wiener nazi richter mit rahim amiri und ayatullahs, abschaum

changing the world is this: we consist of two different pairs of shoes, changing the world is: genetic evolution down, human up. This monkey theater with rich monkeys, police, politicians, journalists and judges is that: monkey gender has a key position

azadeh worked for CIA and several states from 1998 insofar as she was aware of vmat2 and god genes and knew about race with her family

I have to go find a box for these metal magnet stones, duration 5 hours

in the times of kalim there was no genetic engineering and laboratories.the animals kill kalim without seeing LAF



خوش آنکه لاف هنر پیش بی هنر نزند

اگرچه برق بود طعنه بر شرر نزند

بچاره دست مزن در بلا که شصت قضا

نشان غلط نکند، تیر بر سپر نزند

مکن سئوال که ابواب فیض اهل سخا

گشاده است بروی کسیکه در نزند

چراغ عقل دهد روشنی ز پرتو عشق

نظر نه بیند تا آفتاب سر نزند

فراخ حوصله گر خانه ای بسیل دهد

چو موج دست تأسف بیکدگر نزند

بجز تو کز دل بیچاره صبر می طلبی

کسی نگفته به بسمل که بال و پر نزند

دلم ز جانب آن چشم فتنه جو جمعست

که مست سنگ بد کان شیشه گر نزند

درین بهار چنان روزگار افسردست

که غیر شمع گلی هیچکس بسر نزند

کلیم خوارتر از خود کسی نمی بینم

چرا ز حلقه اهل وفا بدر نزند

fascism found by my mother yesterday

i never wanted to show the astronauts in vienna because of the deformed ayatullahs with atomic bombs, but it's about time

the age this information can be easily ascertained and even that evolution was our pets like caeser only evolution was another kind of revolution.

شوخی با امام

vienna has history with its journalists. am i jewish? or old race and victims of nazi doctors, after illegal blood genes and dna investigation and publication?