Freitag, 29. Juli 2022

کونده ننه خارکوسده، این عکس رونشون میدم لاش کون بی خاصیت، بی عرضه آئین سگ، ننه سگ، پدر سگ، کونی مسلک، این سالون رو من در تایلند هم درش چهار قدم راه برم، پول بستنی 200 یورویم رو درمیارم، کوسکش تو عرضه دراوردن پول زولبیا بامیه هم نداری، مادر جنده آدم فروش، شاشخالی اجنبی

مادرقحبه، مگه پیغمبر اسلام و امام علی صدتا قانون ندارند که کوس و کون یعنی جون؟ پول هم میدادند، حرم هم داشتند، حالا ما حرم اجاره کردیم با 4 تا زن، به توچه مادر جنده اجنبی مسلمون نما؟

the viennese have collected hundreds of millions of euros for the final solution, himmler's and adolf's legacy: vmat2 racial mass annihilation

these assholes have turned the 12 tribes multi racial society the chosen ones into 12 tribes yahovighatabshamakahaba fuck off

the police keep 100 million euros in front of the eyes of society with a manipulative mind control method and program, the government 500 million euros so that nobody protests, that is vienna's vision for the future with AMERICA and the UN: we can use this method to kill vmat2 en masse again

green ya mola will come soon and he will destroy israel first, israel first, because of this deep animal behavior: nothing happens to us, only we remain as valuable, we are the choosen tribes. the others should all genetically disappear from this world

Ancient persian art: aaaariman, aaaaariman mage nagoftam mano nazar sare kar, aaaaariman, koskesh, mano mikhay bazri sare kar!? man khodam 16 ta kar baladam, 38 ta projeh daram, to mano mikhay bezari sare kar!? madarjendeh

the police keep 100 million euros in front of the eyes of society with a manipulative mind control method and program, the government 500 million euros so that nobody protests, that is vienna's vision for the future with AMERICA and the UN: we can use this method to kill vmat2 en masse again

the austrians, established middle class, leftists, green, party, the government and judges, with police, wanted to kill us in the 90s, me and rana, they couldn't do that and then they showed their aversion to race vmat2 model 1932 with secret cameras : what do they do at home every day

the persian poet writes: mass murder torture and minority persecution is genetic. Also in Vienna since 1998

خلاصه کلیم


در آتش ارفکنم تخم مهربانی را

دهم بتربیتش آب زندگانی را

بدوستی که گرم دسترس بجان باشد

بمزد، کینه دهم دشمنان جانی را

حنای عیش جهان چون، شفق نمی ماند

دلا زدست مده اشگ ارغوانی را

تعلقم بحیاتست وقت پیری بیش

که مفت باخته ام موسم جوانی را

غمی زکار فرو بسته نیست، می ترسم

که از بدیهه اشگم برد روانی را

بآن رسیده کز آئینه رو بگردانی

چه خوش رسانده ای آئین سرگرانی را

باختیار جهان دلنشین کس نشود

چنانکه منزل بی آب کاروانی را

بسرو خانگی ار آشنا شود قمری

ببال اره کند سرو بوستانی را

کلیم بخت مرا روز خوش نصیب کرد

مباد یاد کنم عهد شادمانی را

my sister sold her music equipment, she doesn't understand why her music isn't going any further, she gave a few hundred for the purchase, you viennese judge

forced lumpen proletariat

آقا حسن لات و لمپن بودن میدونی چیه؟ تحرک فکری برای تفریح ذهن، این رو رفتم خریدم، دیدم مارکش قدیمی 1920-1930 چین چونگه، خلاصه رفتیم تو حال با خودمون:
چنان چینگ چونگ زد در کون
پری ور بپری از حال رفت شد از کون پریشون
حراجش، قیمتش از کونش پیداست
چنان چونگ وونگ کونگ قیمتش از کونش پیداست...... که، بقیش زیادی زشته

نتیجه گیری:قیافه کوسخلی باید بگیری به خودت بری خرید، بعد زنه میگه: اسکل بخر، اینجا کوسخل سنجه، فکرکردی چی؟ چی خریدی بردی؟ کوسخل چی خریدی؟ بدبخت تو میشناسی یا من!؟

new creation is good?

fish eagle

God did not create that majestic creature to sit in the comfort of its nest or to walk on the ground like a chicken or a turkey.

Nor was it created to flutter about, flipping from limb to limb, flapping wildly like the sparrow against the winds of a storm. No, an eagle is created to soar!

It has been specifically designed to soar above the heights! That is an eagle’s created purpose. 

And believers, I hope you are getting this because you have a created purpose too. You were not created to be bound to the world or to struggle against the storms of life. You were created to soar in victory!

The method by which an eagle gets a mate is pretty interesting. You see, it is not just about "love" for the eagle. It is also about future stability.

The male eagle gets interested in females around three to four years old. For us, that would be kind of young, but for an eagle, that is the point of maturity

tablet camera

black stone, the third eye elam, cheshmeh ali and jesus, future visions, prophesy

christianity is based on the blood of jesus, it is science. plasma in old civilization body and blood means: continuous processing with electromagnetism and physics, metaphysics. jesus blood healed the blind and the sick

the hatred of israeli kos: jesus was science, mathematics, physics and medicine, jesus was god's child, a miracle and scientist., also his tribe and other tribes

Do you understand? anti-hiv medication can be made from my blood plasma, healing forever, because my blood and flesh is the salvation of mankind. i am old civilization race

It's as simple as the news and happened: woman infected 2500 people with hiv in luristan with a syringe needle, all villagers were treated with a single syringe, lack of syringes or lack of empathy!? if these people manage 2500 people in one day, then we can manage 2 million in two years, without an injection

i have been living away from all relatives and iran for 36 years, i wanted to go back with 100 armed men, assholes. it would be the end of the regime, 100 man army

Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2022

in any case, the genetic race mixture in vienna was to blame for the fact that there are also colubian mafia cartels in iran

and in fact djinn and paris, ahriman and anunnakis spirits got a human face through evolution, bad tablet camera raw

خلاصه ذات ملکوتی حاجی. د بده

دل تا بخانه ای است که هر ساعتی در او
شمع خزانه ٔملکوت افکند ضیا

میگه علی و آزاده از آقا پذیرش گرفتند


heas ötzi, michi und franz, ghafie und radif ist das: kemoal der türk mochte des a amoal, aber für eam woar's ka moal, seit der 70er san ma a opfer, also kamoal wie kemoal, des ane g'schicht hait san ma zoam und also ka moal

i found the set of 8 magnetic stones today, i just have to find the right light and stone position, nice wave and energy

خلاصه رفتم امروز منطقه 14،بینم قافیه و ردیف بندی رو پیدا میکنیم یا نه، دیدم خودشه، میگه گوسفند در خواب بیند پنبه دانه، شتر هم از راه میرسد و میزند در کان ما دانه به دانه، ولی تا آن زمان ما نشستیم روی دم خود در این میخانه، خوابش رو ببینی زندگی لطیف را. کدوم دوربین، نور افکن، کدوم فناوری؟ کدوم شانس

azadeh amiri is romanian gypsy race, ali gharib is balkan zargari gypsy race and european and american fascism says: through illegality and murder we have to place the aryan romano race in a higher position as a native race, in iran and in vienna and europe

ناصر کیرم تو کوس فاشیست جندت، کونی، جاکش کونده رژیمی خارکوسده با محمود و عباس