Sonntag, 31. Juli 2022

vienna is still VMAT2 mauthausen, with its upper class, judges, police and secret service elite, politicians

the truth is saladin killed while his police and military service bastard turks and arabs, bastard origin, monkey origin like viennese turks and arabs

vienna is still mauthausen, with its upper class, judges, police and secret service elite, politicians

the international police networks are prepared: the target shouldn't have another 5 to 10 minutes to distribute evidence and publish it on its website, as in myron may's case

christine 81

how the signature "tina to rene" became the christine 81 only woody allen can answer. i try to push the curtain aside, a black satire.
Sarcastic, cynical, exaggerated, biting, witty, funny, surreal, evil, highly literary - a stylistic delight and a wonderful satire on the supposedly post-racist modern age in Vienna

rana was 14 and a minor, the mother applied for a birth certificate. she was only once in iran when she was 14, but what this document says: as a former refugee child she was abused by the first country and second country because of genes, race, ethnic origin and vmat2

all, including international judges and lawyers, accept orders from the CIA/NSA fascists: we killed tara, these three are even more inferior, we fuck the biggest mother fucker people, VMAT2 HUMAN

who were the austrians in 1978? animal origin got rich through 40 years of iran looting and then the business with my family!?

for 20 years our basis of existence has been stolen/plundered and viennese and americans still say: we plunder as human, fuck yourself evolution origin bastard child, bitch mama

shala chafiq was a friend of tara my aunt in paris, i will ask why her sister has to suffer from racism, antisemitism and fascism from several states, states that cooperate with iranian regimes

تارا خیلی نوشت، ولی افسانه خاکپور باید جواب دهد

هجده سال سابقه کار در ایران یعنی غیرت، 15 سال کار در وین یعنی هویت و ماهیت، مادر جنده خانه عفافی، بجز کون دادن کار دیگه داشتی که اومدی وین خودت رو در حد ما میدونی؟ جنده خارکوسده پاچه کلفت، کون لیس

hatred to bagher race (Melchiorrace), the collaboration of CIA with iranian embassy and hussein and ali gharib, family shams and amiri is the proof of american austrian european mass vmat2 murder plan. my aunt was killed in america in 1990, vienna has not left rana and zari in peace since that time.


از حق چو ندا شنید ممتاز محل

زود از همگی برید ممتاز محل

رضوان در خلد بهر تاریخش گفت

فردوس محل گزید ممتاز محل

vmat2 breeding persia, prophet and magician, eagle and man. melchior balthazer casper,

خلاصه زکی به دکی، بیا بگیر

اگرچه طبیعت اژدها خشن و بى‌رحم است، ولى جواهرات گوهرهاى شب‌چراغ را دوست ‌دارد و به همین جهت در بسیارى از افسانه‌ها، علاقه‌ى این موجود به گنج و حفاظت از جواهرات، دیده می شود، چنان‌كه «عطار» گوید:

گنج معنى دارى و گنج تو جاى اژدهاست / نقش ایزد را ندارى، نقش تو نقش آزر است

چون نیست رنج پاى به گنجت درون شدن / بى رنج تب گذار در این گنج اژدها

منظورش لر فراهانی است، انگار گاو زیاد داریم، ناصر و برادران انگشت شمارند

مى‌توان گمان برد كه ضحاك، در اوستا، دقیقا اژدهاى هولناکی است كه مانند برابر خود در وداها، «ویشوه روپه» (Visvarupa) سه سر، گاوها را مى‌دزدد؛ اما در ادبیات پهلوى، او مردى است تازى كه به ایران مى‌تازد، بر جمشید چیره مى‌شود و پس از هزار سال سلطنت بد، سرانجام از فریدون شكست مى‌خورد و به دست وى در كوه دماوند زندانى مى‌شود و در پایان جهان از بند رها مى‌گردد و به نابودى جهان دست مى‌برد و آن گاه گرشاسپ او را از میان برمى‌دارد.

avesta, red dragon. tablet kamera raw.

I'm trying to reconstruct this mirror in front of the fire, it's a complicated process, but the Persians have prehistory history with their eagle

Sinti and Roma usually have a white Aryan girl.the 16 tribes in iran are different from the gypsies in europe. the sinti and roma see themselves in iran as iranian aryan natives

With a girl and ahrimanic financial project, Vienna has managed that all academics, scientists in the field of human rights look the other way. all international authorities and organizations and lawyers

Do you understand.... i am not jew neither is my family, we are vmat2 from iran confronted with an ancient ritual sacrifice, for prosperity and peace

According to Plutarch[3]:  46  Zoroaster named "Areimanios" as one of the two rivals who were the artificers of good and evil. In terms of sense perception, Oromazes was to be compared with light, and Areimanios to darkness and ignorance; between these was Mithras the Mediator. Areimanios received offerings that pertained to warding off evil and mourning.

luristan rock painting, gap between momtaz and the tribe, relatives and family

صبح بخیر، حاجی هرکسی خواست کار جدید ملکوتی یاد بگیره بگو با تلفن ستلایت تماس بگیره، والا، موجش قویتره میخوام وصل بشم برم فضا. قیمتش اینه.

Samstag, 30. Juli 2022


آقا 19 سالم بود و به یک تالاری دعوت شده بودم، کمی گذشت و با چند سنگین وزن آبادانی آشنائی پیدا کردم، کمی نشستم بینم رو اینها میشه حساب باز کرد یا نه. خلاصه چندی نگذشت و دختری یک شیشه شراب باز کرد، دیدم سنگین وزن شماره دو شیشه رو گرفت و همه روسرکشید بالا، و شیشه خالی رو گذاشت جلوی ما. به شماره یک گفتم: بینم این تو محله شما آب هم اینطوری میخورد؟ گفت نه، ولی همیشه میگفت مغز نابغه باید بگوزه تا آدم بشه! و مردم دست از سرش بردارند

از حق چو ندا شنید ممتاز محل

زود از همگی برید ممتاز محل

رضوان در خلد بهر تاریخش گفت

فردوس محل گزید ممتاز محل

vienna says to a romanian gypsy aryan race and to me jew, and because of jude there is no evidence, a stasi agent for 20 years

This psychopathy that America, Europe has been showing to Iran and the Middle East and North Africa for decades is because of this: monkey, new human and human, old human, also because of us with three shops

I will show these scum Austrians what it means to ask for money and not to work. 280,000 euros was a heavy robbery with azadeh. refuse services like the viennese judges, police, authorities, public prosecutors, agents for the protection of the constitution

ابوالفضل توده ای بفرما پیاله، خجالت نکش

جون دلم

من نمیدونم این کی بوده با تو ازدواج کرده، ولی تو 20 سالت هم بود سگ اهریمنی هم از تو چندش اسهال خونی میگرفت، حالا با 60 سالگی میگی: خوب منم راستش چند ساله سکس ندارم، اشکال کار دولت اتریش کجا بوده!؟ ‌مادر جنده قاتل، کوسکش زن و بچه کش


secret cams for intimacy and in privacy is for forced sterilization and sex torture. I have had no money for sex for 5 years, and I have no chance of finding a woman, because of hate campaign and non-stop police cameras. this is torture, dirty concentration camp torture