Dienstag, 2. August 2022

the red man myth is a... LOL. a pharaoh gate?the photo is not edited, i threw the stone sculpture into the water and photographed it with special light, the photo of the red man is raw

there was only laughter, like in saddam hussein case

Napoleon and the Red Man

The second myth has to do with a phantom called the Red Man.

The Red Man…appeared for the first time to General Buonaparte, then in Egypt, the evening before the battle of the Pyramids. Napoleon, attended by several officers, was riding past one of those monuments of antiquity, when a man wrapped in a red mantle came out of the pyramid, and motioned him to alight and follow him. Buonaparte complied, and they went together into the interior of the pyramid. After an hour had elapsed, the officers became uneasy at the long absence of their commander: they were just on the point of entering the monument in quest of him, when he came forth with a look of evident satisfaction. Before this interview with the Red Man, he had steadfastly refused to give battle: but now he issued orders to prepare immediately for attack, and the following day he gained the victory of the Pyramids. (4)

Montag, 1. August 2022

if you know the ancient concept and strategy of "great french revolution" you have to move differently to stop the concept of mass murder and racial annihilation

In addition to jazzman, I had ID MARLON, he specialized in monarchist groups, jazzman for leftists, MARLON for rightists, national socialism in that sense

JAZZ_MAN_ barbad farahani

From 2002 I had announced a political fight with armed defense because of mass murders. daily as an admin with hundreds of users, my voice was also secretly heard in iran. all opposition parties got money from ayatullahs through austrian government, for fight? for followers? for mass gathering in iran? or luxury living through empty slogans

you understand, god genes business is like oil fields because 100 million satanists and ahrimanists are networked as consumers, worldwide

because of god genes torture, mass murder plan and hunt for human like 1932 plans against europe and america 100 times 9/11, that is human, god genes terror and chain murders animal

آقا یکی بره از کلیم 28 تا شعر بخونه، بعد یک شعر بنویسه در مورد جراحی پلاستیک، والا جراحی پلاستیک اینها جریانش قدیمیه، ما هم قدیمی، خارکوسده ها


آقا یک روز یکی از این بچه های شیمی درمانی نیویورک اومد پیش ما فرش بخره، خانه ایشون چهارتا برج از شانس ما اونورتر بوده، خلاصه ما هنوز فرش رو تو حیاط باز نکرده شروع کرد سوال کردن: آقای فراهانی میبخشید میشه برم توالت؟ منم سریع گفتم خرابه، با تلمبه هم باز نشده 4 ساعت، باز سوال کرد آقای فراهانی شوخی نیست حالم بده، گفتم میبخشید داداش ما شوخی سر معامله نداریم، توالت خرابه، گفت باری دارم میرینم به خودم، بیخیال، گفتم برو آقا برو:

رای داناسر سخن ساریست
نیک بشنو که این سخن باری است

  گفت پس شعر هم بلدی باری، دارم میرینم به خودم توالت کجاست؟
گفتم ببین اگر عنصری بلخی روخونده بودی، یکم شعور فهمت میرفت بالا، حکمش 3 یورو قهوه در قهوه خونه سر راه، یا کنار خونه ما رستوران ایتالیایی است، برو دیگه، فرش خبری نیست. خودم هم 2008 فهمیدم، فرش کهنه خبری نیست

UN smiles at rahim and current fascism in iran, how many properties have you bought through crimes, human rights violations and torture!? by ruining three existences? well done, ahrimanic narional socialist comrade

i had a plan until 2012, i was alone and it was dangerous in vienna and america and europe, and that was: to take dna samples and gene samples from people who are executed for the smallest offences, by an international authority. today i see that all officials are international members of black magic mafia, including UNO

wiener schmähtandler: a mexico woar in main wien net, na na na, des woars net, des stain ist net von mexicoplatz, des gibt es net in wien, gonz wo oanders her, gonz gonz woanders her

an austrian offers it for 2000 euros, was that jonah? and the whale you jew? with your friends fucking romano gypsy ayatullahs

anti god genes psychopathy, fucking alien manipulated flesh and finance project, painting 15th century

back then there were no gene laboratories and DNA and genetic engineering, so seppi thought: if 40% old god genes are under 6 million then lord ahriman will reward us

ahrimanic flesh and blood, shitty veins shitty flesh and shitty blood says: we are too, we can do that too, shitty flesh and blood eat ahrimanic money through vmat2 sacrifice with shitty iranian flesh and blood, shitty ajnabi veins

i don't think anyone has tried it before me, 5000 photos with hundreds of sensations, from cell phone to tablet via messenger

take an aluminum grail, throw a crystal ball and metal or silver ball inside, half full, turn the glass 26 times in the name of moses and his ancestors and start taking photos, press the buttons without stress and order in the name of jesus christ

political activism with metaphysics, with all the elements water, fire, air, earth, stone would be a fist against israel america europe. Instead, they wanted to destroy us genetically with ayatullahs and hezbollah. we are the master race creation. this is the real hostility and sanctions against iran

vienna is still VMAT2 mauthausen, with its upper class, judges, police and secret service elite, politicians

Sonntag, 31. Juli 2022

والا، تسلا بنده خدا یه یک دلاری نذاشتن بره ته جیبش، میگه: صدا های که شما مشنوید هستند، شما که هستید؟ آنها میگویند و شما عمل میکنید، شما که هستید؟ مگر آدمی؟ ها؟ از کارمند دوزاری اداره مخابرات بیشتری؟ کیرم تودهن سازمان سیا و ف. بی. آی. و؛ غیره

آقا طرف میگه: ما باید از یکسری کار یاد بگیریم و کار را بدست بگیریم، و او را بی لیاقت خطاب کنیم، ارزش زندگی ما داریم، شما ندارید، شما گوشتان برجستگی ژنتیک به حالت دیگر دارد، ما نداریم. ما نمیگذاریم که شما به ما بگویید آدم نیستید. حیف حوصله تحلیل دیگه ندارم، وگرنه یییییککک مزدکیسم شورایی بهت معرفی میکردم که حکمتیسم از مخ بگوزه، و روح جهود منصور حکمت هم از خنده. برو با دمکراسی در کونت رو بذار، دمکراسی شورایی

vienna is still VMAT2 mauthausen, with its upper class, judges, police and secret service elite, politicians

the truth is saladin killed while his police and military service bastard turks and arabs, bastard origin, monkey origin like viennese turks and arabs

vienna is still mauthausen, with its upper class, judges, police and secret service elite, politicians

the international police networks are prepared: the target shouldn't have another 5 to 10 minutes to distribute evidence and publish it on its website, as in myron may's case

christine 81

how the signature "tina to rene" became the christine 81 only woody allen can answer. i try to push the curtain aside, a black satire.
Sarcastic, cynical, exaggerated, biting, witty, funny, surreal, evil, highly literary - a stylistic delight and a wonderful satire on the supposedly post-racist modern age in Vienna

rana was 14 and a minor, the mother applied for a birth certificate. she was only once in iran when she was 14, but what this document says: as a former refugee child she was abused by the first country and second country because of genes, race, ethnic origin and vmat2

all, including international judges and lawyers, accept orders from the CIA/NSA fascists: we killed tara, these three are even more inferior, we fuck the biggest mother fucker people, VMAT2 HUMAN

who were the austrians in 1978? animal origin got rich through 40 years of iran looting and then the business with my family!?

for 20 years our basis of existence has been stolen/plundered and viennese and americans still say: we plunder as human, fuck yourself evolution origin bastard child, bitch mama

shala chafiq was a friend of tara my aunt in paris, i will ask why her sister has to suffer from racism, antisemitism and fascism from several states, states that cooperate with iranian regimes