Samstag, 6. August 2022

today i am confronted with the fact that three austrian secret services, including police and civil servants want to kill me, ayatullah's hezbollah iranian government earned over 500 million euros through me and my family, with cyber terror and consumer collection, the whole project with fake material, doubles and actors

wappler sigi, kiwara sigi

When I was 19, I stood at the Westbahnhof train station, to my left a police officer came up from the escalator, he passed me and went down the escalator to the right again. i was talking to two girls i met by chance at the station and we laughed. two minutes later the policeman came back up the escalator to my left and came straight to me and said: empty your pockets! the two girls looked desperate what he wants. in any case i said: we go to the police station you write a protocol why you suspect me and what should be in my bag!? he said no, empty your pockets now, i asked if he wants to die? do you want to die beppi? or seppi? or are you monkey sigi? it ended with 6 police cars, no record and no criminal charges, only i never saw the two girls again. I should have sent him to walhala, better 20 years

I've only been showing since 2019, they knew about it from the illegal gene and dna test in 1998. the dragonfly and elamite knights in mysterious gold leaf. tablet editing 2019

haga baga bamba shamba karamba aus dem orient, du arschloch nazi

achaemenid empire, gene politics and settlements colonies. the mixed race

this passive aggressive behavior with secret cameras and chat rooms is that:, crete is no longer possible, official kefalonia genocides forbidden

i will soon lose all my teeth because of alien fascism iran, europe, there is not a single dentist that doesn't say no to stasi torture money. from the esterhazys, habsburger, meindl family, ayatullahs and bajuwaren

Freitag, 5. August 2022

houm! heas scheißdreck wüst alle umbringa'n so zu sagen: wir sand mensch, und wir bleiben mensch? niemand kann uns das wegnehmen?

Historisch wird die Verwendung von Weihrauch im Christentum auf die Parallele im Kult der Israeliten zurückgeführt, in deren Tempel zweimal täglich Ketoret verbrannt wurden. Ursprünglich aus dem kanaanäischen Räucherkult stammend, wurde der Weihrauch im alten Israel zunächst als „Neuerung“ abgelehnt. Erst später fand er Eingang im Tempel-Gottesdienst. Spätestens im nachexilischen zweiten Tempel von Jerusalem (ab etwa 540 v. Chr.) befand sich vor dem Vorhang des Allerheiligsten der Rauchopferaltar, an dem morgens und abends ein Rauchopfer dargebracht wurde.

Crocus gatherer, mural painting, Xeste 3, Akrotiri (Thera), 15th century BCE, National Archaeological Museum, AthensDIVINE SCENTS IN ANCIENT GREECE

austrian police, secret service and politicians race in crete greece because of gene dna and race, 60% austrians 40% germans. 1941

the answer europe was abstract art, i often looked at picaso, the message was: you will never change, we fuck your mothers and sisters and wives and children, you still smear vaseline when you want to fuck us, you fuck never a dry ass

you should learn from persian poetry how to annoy viennese animals so that they say in chatrooms: we have freedom of speech, iran has races that nobody needs, everyone is like barbad farahani, they should all go away, that means: die! CIA and NSA UN International Court of Justice listening to all chat rooms. just now

achtung juden gedichte, was sagt er? die wissenschaft sagt: jude jude jude, alles iranische juden, dichter philosophen mediziner, alle jude jude jude


چو تاب زلف دهی از بنفشه تاب رود

زنی چو خنده گل از بس عرق در آب رود

چنین که روی جهانی بسوی خود کردی

عجب که سایه ز دنبال آفتاب رود

چه جای شادی، غم عار دارد از دل من

بناز جغد درین منزل خراب رود

ز سوز آهم نم در نهاد دریا نیست

مگر سحاب بسرچشمه سراب رود

دعای صحت تو هر زمان بجای نفس

بسوی لب ز دل گرم شیخ و شاب رود

فرشته راه نیابد که بر زمین آید

بچرخ بسکه دعاهای مستجاب رود

گلاب از گل خورشید می کشد عیسی

پی علاجت اگر حرفی از گلاب رود

تو همچو لاله زتب گرم گشته ای و کلیم

چو شمع از تن زارش توان و تاب رود

iranians live under oppression and contamination, the only thing that vienna and austria says is: we have jews, vmat2 jews, also in ahwaz, luristan kurdistan and elsewhere

حاجی آب اهواز حضرت عباسی نیست ها، واسه همین گیر سه پیچ به ما دادی با این چوس ریش حرومزاده، گائیدی مارو حاجی، ما آب حضرت عباسی اینجا میخوریم

that's RANA'S crime: you're DNA JEWS, SCIENCE SAYS JEWS to you, and WE TOO

the austrians give millions of euros of black money to international authorities, and beg for a total blockade: we need the ausschwitz secret camera campaign for the final solution and final victory

what to do with rom? today rome, new rome vienna says: kill your cousin RANA for money, what should i do with farnaz and farhad? or the state, sasanian roman gypsies

if you investigate, abuzar, emam ali, hazrat abbas, emam hussein and hassan were close relatives of jesus christ from kurdistan, root race, origin, vienna/austria. karbala was "jerusalm" crime

what these fucking austrians found: my grandmother from hamedan/arak jude, bagher my grandfather: ethiopia sudan elam jude crossing, and nosrat my other grandfather: farahani lure. 12 chosen tribes ahura mazda. you charlatan Israel

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

if someone places a nerve gas bomb for these animals in a disco, then i only piss on austrian corpses, out of solidarity

Do you understand? farnaz farahani and her mother are romano gypsy aryan, like azadeh amiri and ali gharib, we are insulted as not aryan and as jews

österreicher sind noch, noch 1932 tiere, abschaum rasse und herkunft, noch! aber bald werden diese tiere und abfall, diese müll gene und DNA zu 1938-1945 massenmörder, huankind österreicher, drecksauuuuu österreicher

what these viennese animals and scum austrians are: do everything you want, but if you are arrested we will kill rana and the mother, you perpetrators have protection against jews

this austrian evolution in silk coat is ridiculous monkeys than those in iran, bastard animals

آقا ما میرفتیم زندان اوین حال میکردیم مثل عیسی مسیح، آنقدر میشاشیدیم به هیکلشون و میخندیدیم بعد میگفتیم خوب حالا خفه کن، ولی یه لحظه: هارت هارت هارت زارت زارت مادرجنده ها، خوب حالا بیا خفه کن. جریان ستار بهشتی هم همین بود

seyyed bloodline is the ancient civilization bloodline, thou shalt not kill affects only this circle. we have this problem in iran with khamenei and rafsanjanis, lajevardis, larijani clans, zandai pari the knife sharpener race and tribes, natural genetic enemies. how many seyyeds under 120,000 you sinner?

mojtaba khamenei say once: hooloo...foofooli photo baby LOL


I bought a summer scarf today, which costs around 40 euros, I bought it for 3 euros, I hung these two silver crosses around my neck, over the scarf. one from mexico and the other probably a croatian church, or others? anyway, i just got home and my sister was screaming: do you want to get yourself killed, the austrians are looking for signs to kill. LOL, in Austria there is a new extreme anti-Christ wave, still with passive-aggressive behavior, still

the bible is a lie, theologians are charlatans, mary magdalene was the whore queen, she quickly found whore society and collectives and killed jesus, with black jews from the wehrmacht

my last contact was in 2007 and from 2002 i saw these people a total of 5 times

zan dayi pari wasn't from us, she was a wandering gypsy woman who sharpened knives in a wagon, my mother's uncle, a bookseller specializing in antique books married her. i believe this is why mrs fraha diba never bought directly for her library from uncle hedayat ershadi, but she bought through agents and middlemen. enmity with rana and my mother is genetic oddity, without conflict and quarrel a killer woman, because of money

huankind scheißdreck österreicher hat sorgen: juden göld gehört uns, iranische juden gibt genua, das göld hama sölber verdient, ausschwitz geheim kamera aktion ist unsers, unsers, unser göld, iranische juden sand des, und wir hob'n des göld wos ma brauchean. judean sand des aus dem iran judean

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...