Sonntag, 7. August 2022
مادرت رو گائیدم زنیکه جنده خارکوسده، شاشخالی لجن
آنقدر گفت پیروزی از آن ماست، به این معنا که پیری زودرس از آن ماست، صد نفر نیرو لازم داشتیم ها صد نفر. 30 نفر ایران، 30 نفر اروپا و 40 نفر در آمریکا به معنا و انگیزه 9/11. زور گفتن جواب داره. حالا شده: منبع درآمد باید از زندگی ژن و مرگ ژن باشد
With the help of America and the CIA, the ayatullah regime and austria have educated and concentrated the networks and society on the most primitive needs and demands: consumption.neoliberalism concerns are exaggerated consumption, where is the money supposed to come from!? the solution was ausschwitz secret camera action
Samstag, 6. August 2022
sadegh is vmat1 or VMAT2: andera sadegh austria
in vienna there are often jesus campaign actions, like today on mariahilferstraße, i walked by and saw a white woman singing and an african handing out flyers, then i started to sing the blues:
das wasse voim aug düdüdüdum
hot a schwarze punkt, düdüdü dum
a vodka a ruuuum sogt zu mi saug mi mit a wurm: dum dum dum: wegen des aug
dadada bum,
die schaun mi oaaan als wer i nur dumm dadada
a vodka und a rum dazu tequila mit wurm rübi rababa, dabibübibu
jesus woar a clan, des woars sich du hoummm hahahah
shubidabibü rababa daba
scheinheillige arschlöcher
azadeh amiri:, weil kein anfangsverdacht. arschloch österreich ist dreckiger als die ayatullahs
The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors
today i am confronted with the fact that three austrian secret services, including police and civil servants want to kill me, ayatullah's hezbollah iranian government earned over 500 million euros through me and my family, with cyber terror and consumer collection, the whole project with fake material, doubles and actors
wappler sigi, kiwara sigi
When I was 19, I stood at the Westbahnhof train station, to my left a police officer came up from the escalator, he passed me and went down the escalator to the right again. i was talking to two girls i met by chance at the station and we laughed. two minutes later the policeman came back up the escalator to my left and came straight to me and said: empty your pockets! the two girls looked desperate what he wants. in any case i said: we go to the police station you write a protocol why you suspect me and what should be in my bag!? he said no, empty your pockets now, i asked if he wants to die? do you want to die beppi? or seppi? or are you monkey sigi? it ended with 6 police cars, no record and no criminal charges, only i never saw the two girls again. I should have sent him to walhala, better 20 years
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...