Mittwoch, 10. August 2022

i organize evidence and kill fascists/satanists in the name of law, constitution and resistance law and civil law, this state is attempted murder of a family, called jew, murder because of ethnic origin, race and vmat2. I dress to contracts from 1946 to 1954

yes mr judge that is the wiring and connection elam and luristan you shit spirit, demon asshole with UNO asshole demon elite

to kill vmat2 uterus are organized by feminists and women collectives and young people are motivated to do so, as in vienna

Practicing satanism in the civil service is fascism in that satanism despises religion and jesus, but the ulterior motive is to despise and destroy race

amir sabet shirazi, ashkan keyhandrad, ali gharib, arasch und maziar amiri, rahim and azade amiri: VMAT2 IS LOTTO

deep insight into history and prehistory sees this news differently, in 2004 i thought: 9/11 wasn't enough. the masses don't understand anything, and VMAT/ GOTT GENE mass murders continue

i organize evidence and kill fascists/satanists in the name of law, constitution and resistance law and civil law this state is attempted murder of a family, called jew, murder because of ethnic origin, race and vmat2. I dress to contracts from 1946 to 1954

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

In this Europe and America with its international authorities there is no secularism, but satanism with atrocities and VMAT, GOD GENES rituals. satanic supremacy and lucifer states

azadeh and rahim stole this 19800 euro from me in 2008, with other iranian and police and judges help

until 2002 i studied hundreds of auction catalogs next to dozens of books, 1200 to 1800 salary police officials installed in my business for the civil servants and the networks and their families and judges: watch what he does and how he makes money, the jew is like a thief, in a town with more than a thousand junk dealers and antique dealers

به تو چه هیچکاره بیشرف

خلاصه رفتیم چنتا چیز امروز خریدیم، این رو دیدم یاد دایی خدابیامرزم افتادم، آخه یکبار با اون رفتیم فانفا بعد از جریان بیناموسی ناصر، گفتم بلال فروشه اون پیراهن صورتی است.... داره بلال رو از سطل صورتی در میاره بیرون. این یارو فروشنده هم امروز موزیانه سوال کرد: این رو چرا خریدی، گفتم مگه 5 یورو حرف توشه؟ به توچه. آقا ما 20 سال تجربه کاری داریم و کتاب خوندیم که دهه 1960 شیشه یعنی چی، 50 یورو فروشش برای همینه، به توچه، به توچه که اومدی مغازه من دوربین کاشتی کونگشاد هیچکاره، هیچکاره بیشرف، مادر جنده ایرانی و اتریشی، به تو چه

‌مادرقحبه ها نشستن فقط ببینن که کی چقدر پول خورده که ما نداریم، وگرنه طرف چند نفرکشته به تخمش هم نیست، ایرانی نیستی آقایون و خانم ها، ایرانی نیستی، دشمنی شما هم با رژیم سر پول و مادیات است، که چرا اون میخوره ما نمیتونیم بخوریم

میگم خوب شد خاوری عتیقه فروش نشد، میگم پول خوردنی نیست ها، دادنی است، ما هم از سال 2002 زر زدیم، چنتا عتیقه هم فروختیم کنارش، والا. ببین چکار کردند. اهل مبارزه نیستی گوه بخور بگو خورده واختلاس کرده. تو بهش دادی، برنامه صفحه آخر. مادر قحبه ها

1.6 million foreigners live in austria, we have been citizens since 1992, despite 3 shops and a music career "we are not human" that is because of old elam vmat2 and the bloodline, 80% "jewish" 15% "armenian"

all viennese iranians including hezbollah/ayatullahs: we have evidence of state crimes, but we all want to buy real estate like rahim, ali, azadeh, we do human and vmat2 trading, if not, then we will provide evidence

چپ ایران یعنی مادر جنده، مادرجنده، جاش خارکوسده خود باخته مادر جنده، خود فروش، تواب، ما چپ نداریییییم چپ تاریخش دهه 60 تمام شد، مرد، آدم مرد حیوان باقی ماند

fact is bohème bourgeoisie VMAT2/VMAT1 always had solutions, iranian socialists and communists have proven: we are of ape origin, after 40 years of mass crimes in iran, iranian leftists sell HUMAN as goods today. millions of euros were distributed to iranian leftists through stasi assassination attempts.

I say I've been politically active with political armed defense ideology since 2002, Viennese society says no, you're just a Jew, after 40 years of mass murder, Austrian animal origin says: you're just a Jew

current fascism iran, friends of austria germany europe america israel has statistics to deliver, over 10,000 dead within 12 years. including secret camera action against my person and family

مادر جنده شد 2500 سال، کوسکش خانم بیار رحیم امیری

good morning, crazy native iranian jew in vienna holy grail and ark of the covenant seeker

Even the location of Genghis Khan's tomb is mathematics, physics, angles and metaphysics. asshole orthodox science



this isolation has described kalim and dozens of persian poets for thousands of years, grail and crystal and water

go to fuck monkey, evolution subhuman, nazi alien abschaum hure, anunnaki bastarde, alien djinns tiere

Dienstag, 9. August 2022

This country has with parts of the population and networks NS repetition complexes, power feeling and jew annihilation complexes, holocaust denial complexes, the best partner and friend, the most honest democracy helps with wishes

this is all plunder, aryan race jewish race story, the victims are not human and not full citizens is himmler's cult statement in vienna, ahrimanic animals. al arabiya farsi is a recognized news magazine

negro jew genes is a bad swear word judges collectives, we are lefthand elam

these aryan gypsy tribes in iran are like bank robbers: we die and kill for luxury living without work. my statement is not racism, but the criminal act is proof, insofar as the state also judges criminals and victims based on nationalities and based on their ethical origin

ببین مادر جنده، این گدازاده گدا گوزول بی همه چیز از سال 1999 میومده از زیر فرش خونه ما پول میدزدیده، همین رحیم با علی و نیر و سرور، نصیر، رضا، بهروز حشمت، بعد تو میگفتی باری بوده؟ رعنا بوده؟ بیشرف... 30 سال اینها بیکارند و پول مزدوری میخورن. 1800 یورو حقوق و خونه 400.000 یورو؟ اونم دوتا؟ سال 2002؟


آقا رفتیم از پارک ملت فانفار، این یارو رفیق ناصر امیر احمدی دخترش هم اورده بود، دختر خوشگلی هم بود، خلاصه رفتیم سوار تاب شدیم و بعد سوار چرخ فلک، گفتیم بیا بریم بلال بخریم مهمون من، رفتم دوتا بلال گرفتم و گفتم  الان ناصر پولش رو میده، دیدم اه، بیناموس خوابوند تو گوش ما و بلال هم از دستمون گرفت:، گفت: به بلال فروش گفتی خره پولش رو میده؟ بیشرف تخم سگ. جلب، بی همه چیز من خرم؟ دیوس، بیناموس، آقا یک نگاه به بلال فروش کردم، یک نگاه به دختره، یک نگاه هم  به فضا، گفتم نمیای مارو ببری نه؟، نمیای؟ آخه گاو آفریدن داشت، آقا؟

آقا حوصله ام سر رفت رفتم اینستاگرام، دیدم یکی اسمش المیراست، اینطوری میکنه و 10.000 تا لایک میخوره، عجب