Sonntag, 28. August 2022

mammoth and the other race.. .. many have forgotten it, the barracks were separated because of fascism, we are the black and white and the other race ecstasy

I bought the porcelain bracelet yesterday, I think that's funny: G. is the golden seventh heaven darling. austrians can also do something special, G. is feminism under 18 centimeters fascism

his followers with dragons, do you know the mythology of return?

I also have the Emperor of China with me, he rides around in our small apartment. LOL buy 15 houses nobody visits you inferior

"توله سگ ناصر"

سگ همچنین در دین زرتشتی و میان ایرانیان باستان ارزش و جایگاه ویژه‌ای داشته‌است. سگ از احترام و تقدس فوق‌العاده‌ای برخوردار بوده و مقام حقوقی چون انسان داشته‌است

Samstag, 27. August 2022

حاجی هدایت ارشادی سنقاوری کیومرث رو میشناخت ها، شاهنامه رو از بحر بود، البته کرم تو کونش هم فراوان بود، زنیکه رو آورد تو فامیل تا تفاله های زنیکه بگن: رعنا و باری و زری بمیرن به ما و فامیل هیچ ربطی نداره، پول یا مفت کجاست؟ آره حاجی؟

schizophrenia has guests from the old world in vienna every day. do you understand hunaba shimana lakmusana krimana chosuna?

this action against mother and daughter apart from my person is the dirtiest hells demons system against vmat2, ritual murder somewhere with kidnapping, who were the consumers?

حاجی مگه آخه هر جهودی باید مسلمان بشه؟ خواهر مادر من و ایران رو گائیدی، نمیشد مسلمان نشی؟ نه؟

isn't that nazi satanic terrorism against vmat2?

hey joe, was that terrorism? why is vienna not terrorism? international 100 million consumers and no journalist writes?

Hundreds of millions of people have been murdered in the last 600 years because ape origin and evolution has inferiority complexes compared to creation: always human and was human. a black jew and wehrmacht jew history and nazi satanism intrigue

vmat2 trade is an austrian-israeli-american national pride and sport, while all countries are proud of their rich children from rich families, who earn money with vmat2 in such a clever way that nobody can earn it, the rabble is happy with 500 euros of black money

APOLLON. the stones cost 40 euros, construction, calculation, energy point, feng shui system, and image material, approx. 5000 photos from the set 25,000 euros

the stones are from the doers, ahrimanic evolution engineers and from the vmat human. therefore, stones and artifacts are seen as crimes. tablet photo raw, stones and crystals

orient, asia africa, latin america should never forget anything, 600 years of crime is because: evolution and apes origin are victims, but we are not the perpetrators. blond with blue eyes but victim, the behavior is because of weak genes and this origin

murder attempt is: vienna is with all its social strata second national socialism with green party and leftists, while everyone believes that they are not fascists because of nazi satanism money, and because of the reason that the victims are from tehran and not from jerusalem. despite psychological manipulation, physical punishment techniques and cyberterror, nobody believes they are a nazi

all international authorities and human rights organisations, parties, interpol europol, vatican, synagogues and mosques trust in this man and his relatives: nasser 5 million euros for you and 3 million for the relatives are enough? for rana's silent death and zari's silent death?

آقا اداره فرهنگ و هنر نشسته بودم آب بازی میکردم، دیدم آبدارچی هر روز آب میبره دفتر رئیس هی میگه: چاکرتم بیا آب بخور قوت کلام بگیری، بگیر نوکرتم. اونم هی میگفت: جعفرجون ترو جون حاجی، خوارم گائیدست، به زنت بگو بره بیرون از خونه بریم دو بست تریاک بکشیم دادش گلم. خوار این اتریش رو من گائیدم

all arabs and turks in vienna have evidence from alis chat rooms and voice files: these people can do a lot, we have to observe, secretly spy and learn, we are human vmat2 is not human

mammoths are extinct, but we still live with an ability not to buy water from the supermarket, but to find the water source ourselves

i have 38 projects, politicians are mostly with a salary of 3000 to 12,000 euros water bringer

franz and michi still have the problem of bringing water, so they sold our private lives. both below zero and below hair of my testicles after 20 years of stasi system and attempted murder, franz mother was a cleaning lady and from michael? masseuse? seamstress? Teacher? call girl?

My head cinema began when I got the mammoth ivory bracelet today, she rang and called Franz until she ended up in a concentration camp, Franz was tired of fetching water forever

today i bought two rare metal objects from the flea market, together they cost 10 euros, bronze and metal 5 euros and the artdeco doorknob 5 euros. both purchases were a sign: fetch and bring the water. I have to go looking, will someone leave me alone? or are you following me to contaminate the water source with radioactive?

9/11 is geopolitics psychosis, but individual assassinations and perpetrators are victims of international judge sects, nazi satanists

The massacre and animal behavior on Greek islands and murder of 2000 Italian soldiers was therefore: 60% of the Wehrmacht soldiers were Austrians and Austrian Jews, invaded 4th century AD from Rome. Prehistory traces erasure

between 1932 and 1946 the dirt that was in austrians was never in a german, austrian fascism is nazi satanism with black wehrmacht jews, worse than german fascism, women are worse than men because of vmat uterus madness

not a single person went hungry in austria, but everyone brought us to poverty and mortal danger, that is the austrian flesh and blood, also in churches. all hospitals and dentists, pharmacists are suspected of murder because of hundreds of millions vmat2 torture business, and hide evidence

Do you understand.... every day i go to a church institution where charitable work is done, a 1200 euro worker puts his state university degree into practice: he is an armenian jew and vmat2, we all have to show manipulative stasi behavior. 1200 euro worker, without school qualifications but academics as far as Stasi torture is concerned

exploiting the life of vmat models and living like animals in abundance and excessive consumption only makes god's calls to abu abdollah hot