Dienstag, 6. September 2022

isaac and simone race, god said: abraham kill barbad, isaac and simone are good children, they fuck the world for me, zionism is gods army

jerobaom race. fucking austrian israel american worries

jerobaom race. fucking austrian israel american worries

I'm missing 9 teeth and I don't have the money for just one. my pension income: 970 euros

vienna networks are scammers and beggar community, this aryan gypsy race has illegally collected donations hundreds of times like animals and eaten the money like animals. these people sit at home and laugh at idiots: we kill victims without teeth, like the gold tooth collection back then 1938.

UNO city, fucking nazi satanism: theft and exploitation, looting will be punished with death, it will be punished with chopping off hands head and foot

yesterday there were almost 40 paintings in carla, good pieces between 10 and 200 euros, why don't you go shopping there, damn judge and police? because you're a fucking civil servant and 0, under 0. you can't even buy a painting that's worth 5000 for 100 euros. you zero you dirty official

UNO city, fucking nazi satanism: theft and exploitation, looting will be punished with death, it will be punished with chopping off hands head and foot

I owe 35,000 euros, my mother 180,000 euros, I'm missing 9 teeth and I don't have the money for just one. my pension income: 970 euros. Rana's savings are invested in Rana's future company, so that Rana doesn't meet the same fate as we did. theft and exploitation, looting will be punishable by death. theft and exploitation, looting will be punished with death, it will be punished with chopping off hands head and foot

Everything I write about state fascism, anti-Semitism and attempted murder is on this website, it's not my website. vmat2 mass murder plan with EU states, ayatullahs, israel and america, UNO,, amnesty international and other humanrights organisations. VMAT2 TERROR AND GENOCIDE INTERNARIONAL


viennese policeman only ring once for theft and looting and i will kill you secondary. I'm not ghassemloo

viennese policeman only ring once for theft and looting and i will kill you secondary. I'm not ghassemloo

.Elizabeth used her training as a lawyer to fight for justice and battled against the contempt of the post-war Viennese authorities. She did eventually secure some compensation for her family, but as Edmund says, “it was very limited and late in the day

that's old fascism, different country different religion same race

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians. Research findings show that the genetic affinity of Kurds and Jews is greater than that of Jews and Arabs, as well as Kurds and Their other ethnic neighbors

wiener jude unrerstützt und fördert seit 20 jahren nazi satanismus, was soll das mit dulakhim shulakhim shukhim

jeroboams war cool? er sagte lass uns mit dulachim shulakhim shukhim blödsinn in ruhe, verpiss dich. lass uns in ruhe, nix verstehen evolution...

today's viennese jew has no decency to understand: the jew is old, you are not old, 60% of the 6 million murdered were old

all international authorities are in mode 50's 60's, post-war authorities, behavior against jews, because of valuables and stolen lives

do you understand why? without 9/11 action there is no evidence for vmat2 mass murder plan. because 9/11 is also billion dollar business, media mafia, news mafia, multimedia mafia

it's just one case, the hague and dozens of international courts and judges say to us: VMAT2 JUDE, VMAT2 JUDE like the ayatullahs

with 100 million murdered native americans the asshole still says: i am super human native people sub human, i can prove maya and aztecs in vienna, 150,000 years before ice age, high culture

through carelessness the world consists of more apes than humans, we have become a minority and the dirtiest genetics scum evolutionary origins don't leave us alone, blond european fascism, also in america as invaders. on the second row are these salary people, ape origin without potential and idea

these animals are now illegal on their workplaces with non-stop secret cameras, alongside murderer ayatullahs, ayatullah regime hezbullah and ahmadinejad, these aryan evolutionary animals killer race and mass murderer bastards

دود سیگار

زنیکه لاشی با باباش 24 سال هی داد میزدند: سیگار میکشه، سیگارمیکشه، سیگار میکشه. خارکوسده ها به فکر شلامتی بنده نبودند از دود سیگار میترسیدند: این جونورها نرن تو سینه ی ما، این عجایب روزگار نرند تو حلق ما، خوار شما آهورا مزدایی هارو ما گائیدیم دود ندین طرف ما

پیچیده تر ز طره او دود آه ماست.... برگشته تر از آن مژه بخت سیاه ماست

we have stationed 500 sumka members and pan-iranists in vienna for 40 years, today there are 2000. in solidarity with the eu and american anti-semitism, UN employees, police officers, civil servants. an ancient psychopathy from iran for native murders iran and global.