Dienstag, 27. September 2022

doctors in vienna: today you can kill people (juden) with laughter and secret cameras. damn monkey origin, subhuman bastard aryan race

du evolutions affe du scheißdreck arische untermensch

doctors in vienna: today you can kill people (juden) with laughter and secret cameras. damn monkey origin, subhuman bastard aryan race

Austria is in this situation with hundreds of millions of euros stasi camera income, through consumers: it wants to kill us, with the ayatullah regime, another hundreds of millions of euros in income country. all protected by UNO and AMERICA

جنده خوار خارکوسده آریایی جاش تو سپاه گرمه، ولی خارج از کشور با سازمان سیا و ن. س. ای امنه، من کیرم تو کوس جنده زناتون، ارتجاع اسلامی و ضد اسلامی

das ganze land, huankinder glauben mensch zu sein, huankind österreicher, bastard evolution herkunft, scheißdreck tiere

به کوس ننه قبیله های آریایی ایران من ریدم مادر جنده های شاشخالی سیاسی قلابی

the way americans/UNO behave towards my sister and mother with cia and nsa is 100 percent proof that they killed my aunt tara in washington with aryan gypsies

shala chafiq was a friend of tara my aunt in paris, i will ask why her sister has to suffer from racism, antisemitism and fascism VMAT2 HATE from several states, states that cooperate with iranian regimes

arische psychopathie in europa, arische und indo arische psychopathie wegen vmat2

the international judges and public prosecutors don't say no or yes with one intention: with NS repeat iran austria hide evidence in the hand, they want complete evidence from the victim, if not i will be imprisoned as a victim for 20 years. photo today

everywhere if the state allows it and closes its eyes, this race shows extreme psychopathy, look at the indo-aryan-iranian community vienna, there is no islam here, but everyone professes to austrofascism and nazi satanism

today nekbath says we are millionaires with 15 million euros. with uno transfers and contracts., 1200 to 1800 euros salary

we had a 160m2 apartment with 60 paintings and antiques in the 5th district kohl gasse, where are the materials and clips and secret cameras from this apartment? that was only for austro fascism, ayatullahs, small group. ruin exploits and show poverty internationally


آقا یک روز دیدیم عفت عزت نصرت با حسین شاخی وسط سر کوچه دارن دعوا میکنن، اونم کجا: چشمه علی. رفتیم گوش کنیم جریان چیه، دیدیم به به  بحث دارند میکنن سر نکبت، حسین میگفت بکشیم؟ بکشیم؟ به حضرت عباس میکشم. نصرت پدربزرگ خدا بیامرز میگفت نکشیم، عفت میگفت بکنیم، بکنیم. خلاصه، یک ساعت گذشت ما فهمیدیم جریان چیه: نکبت همسایه عزت شب ها میرفت یواشکی میشاشید تو آب چشمه علی، میگفت: حالا شنا کنید

everywhere if the state allows it and closes its eyes, this race shows extreme psychopathy, look at the indo-aryan-iranian community vienna, there is no islam here, but everyone professes to austrofascism and nazi satanism

i iran reigns indo aryan psychopathy, in the name of islam: street control: why are you two together, you jews armenians dirt. this is aryan psychopathy with camouflage chastity, hijab and islam

سنگ از حرم های بوسنی: این جنده خاتون 40.000 سال پیش بلند شد رفت هندوستان تا خواری از ما بگاد که دنیا ندیده، سرور شمس و آبجی هاش و نیر غریب و خواهرش ملیه غریب رو فرستاد واسه ما، میدونید که کی؟

hindi hindu vmat2 is not an aryan race but related to iranian tribes, with luren and deylamis. read gene and dna research, like ethiopia

آقا شاهی ها میگن سگ هندی با شیر هندی فرق داره، برو کوسکش، خانواده پدری گاو عن بنده رو شما خریدید با سازمان سیا

این مادر قحبه آب کیرسگ و کوس مید سگ دو جناح هستن: ارتجاعی اسلامی، و ارتجاعی ضد اسلامی، هر دو هم از یک قبیله، مردم رو کیر کردن: مشکل ما حجاب و اسلام است، به کوس ننه کوس و کون اهریمنیتون، هندو آریایی قحبه لاشی

سگ مادر جنده اهریمنی، مادرسگ، آئین سگ، به کوس ننه همتون مادر جنده ها، شاشیدم به اون اسلامی که تو حسین غریب غربتی و رحیم غریب غربتی ازش حرف میزنی، جنده ننه اجنبی اهریمنی

elam artifact, VMAT2

Dienstag, 27. September 2022

The UN and Amnesty give Vienna the illusion: it's national socialism again, you're allowed to do anything with Iranians, hidden Jews. with ali gharib and azadeh amiri, old ahrimanic and luzifer state system



سوی در این قوم ، که کمتر ز خرد

دانش چه بری ؟ که از تو داش نخرند

سالی یک بار آب جویت ندهند

روزی صد بار آبرویت ببرند

Montag, 26. September 2022

good morning fucking vienna, love is in the air shala lalalal, love is in the air, baba dadada... maderjendehay zombie

the hate is: the unique feeling of life in us: love, the true feeling of love

there was something peaceful in vienna, millions of years ago. magic and sorcery, timeless, timeless art, life. today hollywood gives you an illusion of what could be and to iran the gift: black life, psychosis and depression because of race, so to me and my family. bastard evolution animals

UNO has dozens of contracts with nazi criminals and ayatollahs from 1998 because of our race and VMAT2, because of crimes against humanity, because of NS repetition in vienna, why not in iran from 1979?

in vienna all terrorists including ayatollahs and hezbollah were rewarded with real estate, as valuable citizens and we as inferior citizens were exploited. with amnesty international and UNO supervision

all reformists former prison torturers and guards, all radical regime supporters should be arrested for mass murder, 38,000 became 200,000 today and yet the criminals walk on red carpets, rolled up by international authorities

UNO has dozens of contracts with nazi criminals and ayatollahs from 1998 because of our race and VMAT2, because of crimes against humanity, because of NS repetition in vienna, why not in iran from 1979?