Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2022

this glove had a deep meaning that's why he said yes to islam, like iran, elam

So they came in to the out wayIt was Sunday, what a black dayMouth-to-mouth resuscitationSounding heartbeats, intimidations
Annie, are you okay?So, Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?

Austrians believe that the government and Viennese politicians and parties are human, or are tied to human values. They are anti-Semitic animals with all 3 secret services who will soon throw me down from the 5th floor and say: we don't know what happened., animals green party and leftists

his name is barbad farahani but he is not from us only jews have these faces in iran, the same problem in vienna

The face of iran for 40 years has been a special strategic model: we love it because of the dictatorship we love it because of the embargo. the country is lovingly attacked frontally for suffering and misery, the red carpet is handed endless running meters. mother fucker israel amerika europa

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

the enmity spö övp and other parties with the psychopathic michael häupl applies not only to me and my family, but to all iranian tribes from the old days

kalim wasn't a jew back then, no, there were no gene laboratories back then, kalim was old human at the time, his talent was his undoing. stasi stalking, rock art iran

از حق چو ندا شنید ممتاز محل

زود از همگی برید ممتاز محل

رضوان در خلد بهر تاریخش گفت

فردوس محل گزید ممتاز محل

tablet photo, deep inside., worldpress. com, 28/1/2020

بعد ازین تاریکی شبها بخود خوش کن کلیم

شکوه کم کن در چراغ اختران روغن نماند

iranian and austrian leftists: americans say genetic and dna jew, not muslim but jew, the line is jew, we are in solidarity with police secret service, state and basement fascism, he is leftist bourgeoisie jew


The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

چپ ایرانی آریایی خارکوسده، کیری زاده

دربدر خارکونده مادر جنده ننه لاشی از هر دری وارد ایران شده، حالا چپی شده اومده میگه من جهود رو به چپ قبول ندارم، من نمیگم جهود هااا، من نمیگم، آمریکایی از اون زمان تحقیق کرده گفته اینها مثل منصور حکمت جهودن، ننش واسش لالایی زیون میخونده بچه بوده، یارو جهوده، ما نمیگیم هاااا، آمریکا میگه! بفرما هر چی عن در وین هستند برای کیر ما لهه لهه میزنن، مسعود و اکبر و فلانی و بلانی عبدلله و مهین و احدی و نایب هاشم و خلاصه... جازمن پالتالک، خلاصه

on labor day, may 1st, a mauthausen nazi officer asked herman a jew: why are there no worse beings than a jew that is a communist, hermann looked around and pointed his finger at alfons, and pointed out: he is worse than me , he is jew and social democrat. both are dead and the nazi officer lived until 1991 but before that he found worse than herman and alfons in iran, in the 60s

this symbolism and sign means: my body and blood is the salvation of mankind, don't let the flesh of ötzi in you and the tribes, their fertility and their rituals are black. stay fresh, vital, young and supple, Ötzi blood makes you old: 85 maximum. that's why it's a souvenir from mexico for wiener opinion

ایران همه به اینها میگن بیشرف، حزب توده و سازمان اکثریت، جبهه ملی، چریکهای فدایی خلق، ایرانی وین ننه سگ به اینها میگن باشرف: به ما پول رسوندید، پول، پول باشرف، پول به ما رسوندید باشرف

all parties (SPÖ/ÖVP/FPÖ/ GREENS/LEFTISTS) in vienna have been convinced since 1998: we have gypsies in iran that will help us and get rid of scum, all this iranian scum. a scum that has garbage up to 30 meters deep in vienna

juden armenier sagen die wiener zu uns, juden armenier, mehr jude als armenier! die scheiß richter, kiwara und geheimdienste mit häupl, franz und fischer, iranische juden armenier, hurenkinder, mehr jude als armenier diese abschaum aus dem iran. du sau arisch du du scheiß arisch

The University of Texas shows in its research that the Kurds/LURIS/ELAMIS are neither Iranian nor Aryan. The institute examines the genetic codes of ethnic groups in the Middle East and finds that Kurds are most similar to Jews and Armenians

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2022

all parties (SPÖ/ÖVP/FPÖ/ GREENS/LEFTISTS) in vienna have been convinced since 1998: we have gypsies in iran that will help us and get rid of scum, all this iranian scum. a scum that has garbage up to 30 meters deep in vienna

we are muslim and victims of american european and viennese gene research. society in vienna swallows and accepts it with the reasoning: general prosperity and real estate investments., scolded as jews family 1998-2022

Viennese museums assessment: souvenir from mexico.... my sister has jerk off paper from our race since 2008.

the race shall die with prehistory taboo... the race should die with prehistory taboo,

the race shall die with prehistory taboo... the race should die with prehistory taboo, different opinions from the viennese museums since 2008 about this papyrus: souvenirs from mexico

the purpose and meaning of american/european gene research in iran that designates native iranian in front of the eyes of iranian gypsies: jews and armenians, for mass murder and daily torture murders: jews armenians

the difference between metal ball and bruchmetal is: throwing fateful pieces or classifying them systematically. so we are narrowed despite ahura mazda and eagle evidence... nobody wants to know the prehistory, most want the prehistory to die with the associated race

and now imagine: in iran we have 15 million such kamikaze families, walking the streets against others. Protecting only the capital is the most important thing and plastering the deep gap and conflict between regime flanks with glue, the capital is important and the distribution. reformist pigs

if i had killed azadeh in 2017 because of 20 years of cooperation with the state, then azadeh's mother would have said: one child less for general prosperity, with three children she would have said: i kill myself for general prosperity, same race and tribe only shitty brown color

mother has a meaning, long in history. all generals from the international military and iran know: suffering mother can move masses, why not sattar's mother and my mother?, zari will not have 4 people, sattar beheshti's mother has 4, military secret service power

they made rana a financial project and a real estate project for iranian, with this future for my mother: your daughter is not mine, you should have been careful, what does rana have to do with us

آقا مادر ستار بهشتی رو فوق لیسانسش رو من قبول دارم، جریان آدم شناسی، جامعه شناسی و روانشناسی، جون تو، خانم مهندس به یک نتیجه سر ستار و مهسا رسیده که آکادمیک میتونه تحویل جامعه بده، مثل اینکه جریان سر قیمت پیاز بوده، والا، اون میگفت سر این قیمت ما اشکنه هم نمیتونیم بخوریم، ولی مهسا اومده بوده تهران سلطانی بخوره و ماست زرشک اورگانیک، مردم بهشون برخورد، بدجور هم برخورد. جریان ما هم جریان ستار شده: بدبخت بیچاره، آره؟ پول یعنی شخصیت، یعنی آبرو و حيثيت. هرکی پول داره با شخصیته، بمیره زشته. بدبخت بیچاره شده ها رو ولش، آریایی نیستن، جهود بدبخت بیچاره ان. فامیل ندارند،

being iranian means empathy, european animals have shown their origin on iranian streets for 40 years up to now: europe, evolution and animal

this is situation in europe and america: european gypsies iranians are valuable beings, we are worth nothing, we are plundered so that european iranians live in prosperity, with america CIA NSA and EU support

I piss and shit on the American flag, I shit on the name America, an america that through gene research leads gypsies in iran and abroad in human trafficking organ trade and private life trade, with ayatullahs and iranian leadership