Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2022

in the 21st century we have this problem in the orient middle east, north and south africa: the laboratories take blood and tear apart a person with special genes, doctors and academics are genes and ethnic groups police in europe and america, connected to traitor networks iran and others countries. the special gene is taboo topic prehistory

I have to go, another day: people just look at me on the streets,some are still street theater artists and the government says: we make vmat2 jews armenians minorities finance stasi business and then kill them secretly, everyone gets sick the target too

i have had no police records, criminal records, or convictions since 1986, i only have a political record and iranian vmat2 and death sentence from iran for political activism and vienna death sentence for black market vmat2 trading with fake material

old viennese fascists in state offices: everyone prefers fascism as human rights if we satisfy the basic feeling: build houses or buy apartments at a time when nobody can afford it with their salary: average salary 1800, apartments, 50 m2 the price: 300,000

without hair the connection is better, especially at 6am., last week i got up at 6am and saw a huge amount of mythical creatures next to my ears, everyone wanted to report what's going on. the end of democracy and the rule of law and human rights with judges collective, this is not about one person and iranian but about 3 persons, different race, different ethnicity, different blood,

I have the problem with Viennese judges who are supported by the majority of Viennese because of attempted looting, repetition of the NS system, debts caused by Stasi action cameras and robbery of the owner, an owner who has no debts. this can only be solved by armed international judges, public prosecutors and international lawyers, armed against repetition of fascism, racial degradation and attempted murder

in ancient persia and greece magicians also worked with antiquities, i think one of several uses can be seen for archaeology, baal demon the spy. tablet photo raw

After 20 years of work for Wehrmacht Jews, Freemasonry, Islamic Republic of Iran and the Austrian state, this courage has been given to azadeh, these are not even her words, but the words of an animal collective, the third front, nazi satanism with leftists and communists coalitions

Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2022

there were wars in europe i renaissance until today, 30 years 100 years, it is called renaissance barbarism europe, the question is unnecessary why there are no special genes in europe: as long as these monks and christians and others live there will be wars. has anyone been able to explain mass murders during the french revolution so far? Whole tribes and families were wiped outlike first 3 months of first world war:, 40.000 families, civilians hanged by austrian military

i don't know if there is copper or brass hidden under the patina or gold, it could be a holy grail from the other side, dracula's grail and the delicious vmat2 blood

I found the century through residual energy, whatever century the message is: water and grall always meant death in a coffin. the secrecy in the iranian underground for millennia is: iran was attacked from all sides, even today, even my family and i. they know us genetically

the austrian wants to erase the austrian constitution because of native iranian, because of us, and destroy european human rights conventions, only with this question: why do you have special genes and we don't?, elam rock art 4000,B.C.

the iranian government is killing men and women right now, and vienna says with its government, judges, police and public prosecutors: you suffer from paranoia, schizophrenia and have fantasies that we want to kill you. there was and is no stasi action with fake material

jews armenians zartoshtis, bahais and others are half human in iran, the muslim full human. that is also done with secret DNA and gene tests, we are Jewish Armenians

40 years good iran austria relationship had only one common disease: sadism, gene politics and final solution iran. Vienna even proves it with 70% support because of me and my family. we are jewish armenians "minorities" that means half rights as human beings by blood test.... the persecution by the police and the state is always up to date, with ayatollahs and regime supporters iranian

حاجی... منظور از عصر حجر چیست؟.. حاجی: دهه ۶۰ هم بلبل زیاد داشتیم، یادت نره

This has happened to almost every Persian poet, dervish and philosopher that secretly reported on Hajjar al-Aswad until now., hajjar stone

Found 2020 in the 10th district: charisma and size is something that until today has been a problem for darwinism, with 22 to 26 centimeters he still felt like subhuman and needs secret cameras for humiliation

this state caused debts for three shops, me 35,000 euros and my mother 170,000, for seventeen years the state has been saying: you have to pay your debts, for 17 years the bailiff has come to our apartment 58 times because of debts... fucking stasi torture, sadism, gene paranoia and racism. vienna has modernized concentration camps and revised them with new ideas

there are hundreds of thousands of evolutionary psychopaths in vienna,These psychopaths do genetic testing to confirm their origins, they want to know if they are pure race!? Then they look for their natural enemy: human origin, the creation. 1.5 million children were not enough, 6 million were not enough, there are muslims and christians, buddhists or hindi vmat2 and other minorities with vmat2 and old dna and genes. like the torture by the stasi camera system of my family and my person. Viennese Israelis are part of it, part of evolution psychopaths

since 2017 nobody sees anything or knows anything, nobody reads because nobody knows me, even if viennese police kill me with hezbollah, with viennese judges collective order

my shop was filmed non-stop like my apartments, without criminal files, without any reason for suspicion or criminal record, the apartment is still bugged and spied on and filmed with secret cameras, until 2019 I didn't show any painting processing, water and grail and stone combinations. my potential was found out illegally genetically and by DNA testing: ancient civilization genes and dna. my relatives who i never had contact with were paid to confirm the fake material, fake material with doubles. good photos and time travel need expensive equipment, since 2019 nobody sees anything or knows anything, nobody reads because nobody knows me, even if viennese police kill me with hezbollah, with viennese judges collective order