Montag, 7. November 2022

تفکرات تخمی با ارزیابی و نتیجه گیری های کیری آخرش اینه: ما اگر سوار قطار گلوبالیزم یواشکی دزدی بدون بلیط بشیم بهتره، خورده بورژوا های چپ صلیبی و علی اللهی و در خدمت سرمایه کورخوندن که کون دادن بهتر از ما بلد هستن، ما ساک زن هم هستیم اگر قرار باشه اینها برن بالا و ما پس بمونیم. زمان دزدی از بانک با این تکنولوژي پیشرفته تمام شد، یا کون

since 1998, vienna, as the main person responsible in europe, has taught the ayatullah regime that one should secretly find minorities in laboratories not according to religion, religion is not confirmation because of "NAJES", laboratory reports and secret cameras are the confirmation of the najes, najes means: dirty minorities. vienna is the evil and disease of fascism in this world, austro fascism

i was and am a political activist, loner and unorthodox, impartial. i am a terror victim, have a death sentence from iran and for 20 years vienna showed itself garbage, we are anti-semitic garbage, we are anti native iranian., vienna is anti-semitic garbage and shows itself behind the ayatullahs

Sonntag, 6. November 2022

the claim for damages because of my destroyed sex life is one thousand euros a day. the police state secret cameras are running up to this second, with bugs, and the only state and ayatullah whore was azadeh amiri. i have been living without sex for 5 years, from 42 to 47. and no woman is willing to show her privacy and intimacy in front of the camera like azadeh amiri

After the Russian invasion, we are injured poor chickens and roosters with bandaged beaks.that UNO and international judges and prosecutors, amnesty and hunranright watch satisfy this deep perverse dream and desire is more animal than fascism and antisemitism itself, the desire to dance with laughter and victory second national socialism.

چندین یادبود تاریخی ملانصرالدین در ترکیه و مکان های دیگر اروپا وجود دارد. بیشتر آن ها ملا را درحالیکه برعکس سوار یک الاغ شده، نشان می دهد و از این داستان می آید که روزی ملانصرالدین رو به عقب سوار بر الاغ بوده و وقتی مردم از او می پرسند که چرا بدین شکل نشسته است می گوید که این من نیستم که اشتباه نشسته ام، خر است که برعکس می رود.

the claim for damages because of my destroyed sex life is one thousand euros a day. the police state secret cameras are running up to this second, with bugs, and the only state and ayatullah whore was azadeh amiri. i have been living without sex for 5 years, from 42 to 47. and no woman is willing to show her privacy and intimacy in front of the camera like azadeh amiri

Samstag, 5. November 2022

sadism, sick psychopathy, lust for torture, humiliation, privacy rape, attempted murder was a social disease in vienna, and today it is with its foreigners, insofar as: we are not fascists, you are good genetic foreigners and these are special jew DNA from prehistory... Wiener Stein 10th district

both of our careers are destroyed, especially my sister's, because this old fascist and the psychopath are crimes against humanity, in vienna. Austro fascism and ayatullahs enjoy immunity, because of a father that I've blocked all contacts since 2002, and a nazi woman that I haven't personally seen to this day, not for a second

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی فرق حزب توده و رژیم رو کی میدونه؟ حزب توده تا سوت سوتک تو گوشش بزنی میکشتت، ولی رژیم میگه سوت چیه بچه کونی، بیا کیرت رو تا دسته بکن تو کون ما بینیم، بعد میکشیمت مادر قحبه، ما راضی شما راضی کون لق ناراضی. والا، خلاصه یا حق ما حق گفتن اینها غلط اندازه

in book History of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution are coded columns where white magic fights against black magic, hollywood would take 4 years to decode and produce.a parallel paranormal society that conducted the negotiations on neutral holy ahrimanic soil vienna

that is 80% antisemitism of the ape society that describes the perpetrators, actually terrorists and fascists as heroes and the victims as criminals because of their origin

sitting on a giant jade lonely and alone. you have to imagine that the hell red whore, the duck believes: you don't have everything that i have around me, all the people that i have around me. is that life and life's desire? social contacts with your scum? noah built a ship on a mountain or hill with jade mines

what was that supposed to be franz scherer? so artistic but always so taciturn. I'm doing something and nobody knows what that is? or what is inside? or the sense and purpose is? neither does the academy of arts have any idea? these pastors and monks

Freitag, 4. November 2022

the fantastic thing about 2010 was: we are family amiri, we are decent humans, all governments are right, we have to obey, ayatullahs have the right to take protective measures against riots, CIA has the right to genetic persecution, vmat2 is leftist, religious fanatic and terrorist, and mossad rightly says: we are the happy chosen beginning and these people want to bring the end, with emam zaman madness. we are human because we only obey governments, they are always right

it's better not to understand iranian comedy movies, humor and comedy in a language where even hafiz would get stomach cramps. in any case, as a sadist, i wanted to have stomach cramps and suddenly saw my political activism 12 years ago in front of the emam ali mosque. I chanted: we are ready to fight, fight and we fight too. the crowd also chanted these slogans. what comes to my mind after 12 years: no matter how many you chant and the others repeat your slogs very friendly, only you will die, like brecht., where is a brecht? is there still genetic brecht? for boycott

even in guatemala people would have said: he is one of us, hasta siempre. in some european countries too. the shitty wiener just says: jude, we have blood test reports. i must put back on 80 kilos, 66 kilos attracts more hate on me, read the jewish history of portugal. was Ernesto che Guevara a jewish blood CIA? with arab occupation spain iranians were 40% present, hasta siempre mazdak

from 1979 minorities were persecuted, murdered and tortured because of their religious affiliation, for 25 years it has been decided in laboratories, the behavior in vienna shows: we have been involved since 1979. i was insulted several times by hezbollah as a jew, in paltalk, although i was born a muslim, i haven't been in iran since 1986, it was decided in vienna's laboratories

fascism married rana's father in 2010 to influence the entire family and relatives: you have two bad inferior jewish children, bagher children, like the ethiopian: ashkenasim jews and armenians blood. firstly: to remain unpunished, secondly, to earn more money, thirdly, silent murder. fucking israelis and austrians, americans

Donnerstag, 3. November 2022

iranian fascism is not islam critics, it is just a show, but next to europe, america and israel racial madness and dirty genes fanatics, racial critics, vmat2 and the racial haters. actually always...

Iran has a problem, existential problem, problem with an Indo Aryan race, and the gypsy tribes that want to seize power with criticism of Islam after the ayatullahs, actually ayatullah friends. friends that want to uphold the pillars of dictatorship with ayatullah clans in suits and ties. against political native race, national mazdakism race, emam ali race

بچه بودیم سر یک میدون در ونک تنها نشسته بودم کنار یک آرایشگاه، دیدم یکی داره 40 دقیقه هی کفش مردم رو واکس میزنه، چرب میکنه، نو میکنه و هی ترانه مهتاب رو از ویگن میخونه، رفتم جلو چپ چپ نگاه کردم بهش و دیدم ای بابا اینکه شکل خودشه، نکنه پسر خالشه!؟ این چرا کفش واکس میزنه!؟ انگشترش هم الله نوشته روش. گفتم ببین آقا آب حوض هم میکشی؟ یا مارو مسخره کردی 40 دقیقه؟ گفت برو بچه مسلمون تخم سگ، الان میخوام برم مسجد، برو بعدش بیا زبل.

State broadcaster ORF collected 13.5 million euros in donations at the 49th campaign in 2021. am I going to be 49? because the tax office never asks where the money comes from in this economic misfortune. in the summer i thought: i'll be 48 in february, i'll have to be careful next summer, otherwise i'll never be 49. the cross has to go next summer. cross and jews armenian blood!? in vienna?

for austrians this oriental or greek intellect is kooni, he doesn't kill, he shows with other things his superiority to the aryan race, a kooni for aryan gestapo and bolizei

this is the old metal ball i bought at a flea market in the summer along with an antique pendulum. Unfortunately, I can't get closer with a tablet camera, there are no clear photos.can it help to use 25% of the brain potential instead of 11!? it needs chemicals as auxiliaries. the energy can coordinate the chemical events. perhaps. but no money for camera and chemistry experiments, I would like to fly with it as high as a buzzard....

many say: we did it with a kooni! well, i show myself as kooni too, show the evidence!? fascism were always denial koonis, master race perpetrators koonis with great fear of the victim kooni? koonis with secret cameras, whore mothers and pimp fathers like shams and amiris

not even the passport of bangladesh and its citizenship is as worthless as our passports, just because of one thing: NS repetition from 1998 was with inferior jews armenians and vmat2, nobody takes that seriously.

i live in situation racial delusion iran austria and live in stasi nazi state austria:we have to buy our real estate by destroying VMAT2 existence, up to psychosis and isolation, or today the proletariat: daily visit to mc donald is a privilege, the daily cost is 20 euros. Among the daily visitors and readers are UNO, civil servants, international judges and lawyers and Interpol Europol, CIA, Mossad and Vatican.