Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2022

crimes against humanity in iran and in vienna and europe is dirty alexander fascism, iranian balkan gypsies fascism against elam and luristan

آقا زشته نقل قول میکنم: یه یارو (البته یارو کونده فاشیست هم هست) امروز زنگ زد از سازمان اطلاعات ایران به یه آخوند: گفت حاجی ما این مادر قحبه رو تابلوش کردیم همه کار باهاش کردیم باقالی پلو با ماهیچه رو بذاره کنار، حالا واسه ما رو پارچه قنداق گوهی بچه مینویسه، میگه برنج سیاه مگه نبود گوه زیادی نخورم؟ میگه برنج سفید کی معنی داشت؟ سیاهش رو میخوریم رو پارچه گوهی هم مینویسیم، به کی برخورده؟ بیچاره به کی برخورده؟....

That's just one law out of hundreds, personal rights in the 21st century. my family and I are under personal rights 1932. first minute was a punishable act, the last 20 years racial madness, racism, race trade NS re-activation and attempted genocide. like in iran

I have to go out, will be back in the late afternoon. fucking schitzopherenia, thousands of poems with 30 voices

حاجی شعر ته استکانش میگه چی؟ هه هه هه ته داره حاجی، ته استکان

فلک بااهل معنی خود بکین است

نه بر من میرود این ظلم تنها

دل ریشم از او مرهم طلب کرد

مر او داغی نهادش بی محابا

مگر کار دل از مرهم گذشتست

به داغش می کند اکنون مداوا

ندانم چرخ را با من چه کین است

مگر با زهره بگرفته است مارا

for 50 years native race/GENE/DNA stands before thousands pyramid system consisting of anti iranian, economy, environment, food, water, future, past (artefact), robbed ruined destroyed. this one in vienna is an example of 50 years of parasitic animal behavior


Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2022

good night

stoning law applies to women that make vmat2 murders tasteful, with financial projects and real estate deals. also pyre law

libertas means: we stand above the austrian constitution and international human rights

آقا زشته، ولی نقل قول میکنم: مینا احدی الان تلفن زد به رفیقش: این دم باریک کوچک ها پانزده سانتی همه امام زمانی هستند دیگه، میبینی دیگه جریان چیه؟ مریم زمانی هم حوری دلش ریخت پائین خندش گرفت و غش کرد و گفت: مینا پیش خودمون بمونه ما کوس گشاد هارو راه نمیدادن ایران منوتو بیکار میشدیم، تو بمیری من نمیرم سنگسار منگسار خبری نبود

i won't write much anymore today, but: the last word therefore: the messiah spirit was never jewish, but iranian. even the jews confirm this with this statement: which messiah?

in any case, iran has priority because of prehistory having the first and last word, and no abrahamic origin. Is not it?

this stone was a special honor, but i hadn't had the honor in smoke and fire with the family. someday the family will show itself to me in the smoke. here in the 6th district. natural formation natural growth

shit happens messages. Stone from the backyard garden, brought up by moles

the warp and weft of iranian society and structure is different in iran, no country or neighboring country had this history, for a political activist there are in all strata of society 100 stasi agents, local and western

do you speak of adam? or evolution when tribes behave like this: we take away your goal, we take away your purpose, and decide what to do with you and the land. just like in syria right at the start of the protests

i have 45 minutes recordings of mahmud farahani, the brother of nasser farahani. In 2010, I filed a criminal complaint because of terrorism and death threat in the first district. i proved cooperation with ahamdinejad and ayatullah regime. the viennese police hired him as a stasi agent in italy

In 2018, this police department should give me evidence from nasser farahani and his family and relatives, because of danger to life. life-threatening insofar as the whole gang with ayatullahs for ayatullahs are active in terrorism and murder attempts, alongside austrofascism and nazi satanism. stasi torture financial business is death threat and attempted murder

Montag, 26. Dezember 2022

the satisfaction and mockery: if the lineage cannot feel its universal tasks then it is the shame of the universe and will not be reborn

what suicidal topic has to do with this metalball all day is: the life philosophy of the species. one tries to take the life of creation by force and give it to evolution, by the way nobody can feel the universal task but creation itself, so today secret cameras and bugs

everywhere where mossad and cia is inside vmat2 stasi torture, also in tehran you see radicalism, they turn your business or shop into cheesy business, your job as a civil servant or worker into forced marriages with colleagues, the partnership into rivalry and conflict and the children too invalid. stamped as a child: he has two crazy lowly creatures, the networks say that up to the old age of children

the greatest honor is: magic and visits from other dimensions, also with dwelling in a hut in the forest under a tree, but a queen with ancient origins

this is a mass murder plan like in vienna but on a larger scale, same techniques, same manipulations with networks and large parts of society. i also say tribal war, networked european tribes in iran. amiri tribes, gharib tribes, shams and dozens of other tribes


I haven't been able to make friends for 5 years, haven't been able to build intimacy and relationships,
for 5 years, living with 970 euros and isolating has been hell, stasi system hell with 1.5 million viewers in the city as spies and stasi agents. this policy and torture against a person and his family is the sign of a mass murder plan through self-contempt and suicide, self-contempt therefore: 300 million euros in damages applies to two countries, one in active murder daily and the other attempted murder daily,
but there is no complete evidence for a trial without 500 dead. self-loathing is caused: one is forced to even talk to people in this society if even one wants to buy bread

I can write a glorification case for the Austrian government and the UN: our task as Christians is an emergency solution, we are driving a handful of people in the west to commit suicide so that maybe thousands of lives will be saved, with a supply of money. mother fucker bastards

i live in a country where the government sends messages to a dictatorship country with illegal material: we buy here through stasi murder business houses and apartments! where are you today? are you for us or against us?

the invitation says: party guests only admitted with porsche, austrian state: his mother and sister fill up chat rooms, after 12 months porsche guarantee with cyberterror

tehran consists of 50 percent goran and zoran and milan, today ali hussein and mohammed. nowhere in the world have balkan gypsies reached this standard except in iran, not even in serbia, bosnia, croatia and romania. this happened in early 1979, all the gypsies from the villages moved to tehran with the slogan ya emam khomeini

از ما نیستند بیان بیرون، از ما نیستند حاجی خیالت تخت،

tehran consists of 50 percent goran and zoran and milan, today ali hussein and mohammed. nowhere in the world have balkan gypsies reached this standard except in iran, not even in serbia, bosnia, croatia and romania. this happened in early 1979, all the gypsies from the villages moved to tehran with the slogan ya emam khomeini

tehran's psychopathy: Hezbollah and ayatullahs earned money, that's true, but simple families also earn money, hides all the evidence, nothing comes out, evidence means terror and human rights violations confirmation and money. so is the opinion of iranian opposition figures