Montag, 16. Januar 2023

i have to go, i'll be 48 in february, i'll start making water again, from february 19th

Austro fascism is supported in this way by America and Israel in the vmat2 annihilationthat iranians should behead every american and israeli boots on the ground with the helmet wearer, also blue helmets next to reza pahlavi his cia gang and iranian leftists and others

i wanted to present new work and new system models and write about them, but apparently there are no buyers or customers. right CIA and NSA?

there are thousands of racist attacks, xenophobic insults, violent incidents in vienna every year, but unity despite these conflicts: this family is jewish, hidden jews, crypto jews.

oda 12 stuck, ich kaufe nur 12 stuck. ich habe 12 aber ich brauche andere 12 stuck für diese sizuasion

my sister and i are mixed race, presumably with DNA parts from 12 strains from the prehistory. partner selection for starting a family is chemistry biology and metaphysics, what has vienna done with ayatullahs worldwide!?

Eduard Klablena (* 1881 in Bučany, Komitat Neutra; † 1933)

یک روزی در مسجد سلیمان یک نفراز امانول کانت یک کتاب خوند و نفهمید چی میگه، نفهمید جریان چیه، میخواد بگه من کیم، کجا قرار گرفتم، یا جایگاه من کجاست. طرف درس خوندنش همونجا تموم شد و ول کرد. نفهمید کانت درسش رو از گزارش های سرهنگ های ارشد اسکندرخوانده بود که تو که هستی، کجا قرار گرفتی و جایگاه تو کجاست. زیر زمین واتیکان پر از کتابها و کتیبه های مخفی گذارشیه...

I have to go and come back later

ayatollah regime is not the mouthpiece of worldwide fascism, i am an austrian citizen, it was and will always be in vienna: the world should remain clean from vmat2, free from creation. marble cube vienna

In 1945 the world became interested in the Nazi gold and the hiding places, looted valuables in Austria. today, although the country is one of the richest countries, nobody cares and nobody wants to dig up the STASI NAZI money, because the world is threatened by UNO and red cross

Sonntag, 15. Januar 2023

is that a justification? I'm black and therefore not a racist? or fascist? or i am a jew and therefore not an anti-semite, racist and fascist? go to fuck bastard

skin color and hair color doesn't matter, also religion, jew muslim buddhist or as everyone calls themselves: "christians", only genetic and DNA origin is relevant. there is a behavior pattern genetically determined, the non-verbal and verbal behavior. the eyes never lie

زن جنده به بلوغ عقلانیت میگه شوهر، به نابغه گی دم باریک، به عالم بودن چسو. والا میگه این مرد نیست میچوسه تو کوسم میره. حافظ رو ترجمه کنم حاجی!؟ بدبخت شدیم از این مهاجرین اروپائی

i shortened all the works of brecht and a few other poets, especially persian poets in one sentence: the whore's vagina is a mauthausen long-term strategy, it's just wet

mauthausen psycbolathy the subhuman, the inferior dirt is different than in the orient and near east, the blond monkey likes to watch strategically, namely: how slowly the Vmat2 man rots with all his potential. in trade or science or no matter in which branch. this is also happening in iran, for 40 years. no investment in vmat2 projects or ideas or inventions

to kill every fascist and austro whore is like stepping into dog shit on the sidewalk. we have to prove the prehistory ape and human. monkey gene evution is responsible for mass murders hunger and misery. all important functions in all authorities, politics, economy, legal system, military secret services should be replaced, with better genes, master race human origin

what ayatollah regime is trumpeting with austro-fascism: all chat rooms are empty, traces deleted, fake material and fake videos that were confirmed by relatives in iran and europe deleted, 24-hour surveillance and secret cameras deleted, there is no evidence of terror, fascism, anti-Semitism, racial madness, vmat2 delusion and attempted murder. what will happen to this family had no background intrigue and stasi system

Samstag, 14. Januar 2023

I have to go and come back later

i had studied armed struggle ideology in 2002, and had reformists and leftists as enemies, but i didn't expect that america and CIA would make me worldwide a jew, this statistic sign: you're already dead, iran remains our battlefield, vmat2 mass murder battlefield. since 40 years

the standard penis size of turks is academically estimated at 13 centimetres, turkish idalat in this story: he sikim jokh me too jokh, what's the problem? He with beautiful woman 16 centimeters, maybe I too, but I'm human, nobody is allowed to film me. idalat party erdogan

عدالت چون شعار ذات او شد

ندارد ظلم از آن خلقش نکو شد

همه اخلاق نیکو در میانه است

که از افراط و تفریطش کرانه است

میانه چون صراط مستقیم است

ز هر دو جانبش قعر جحیم است

anyone in europe, america and israel who helps vienna and does not report any violation of human rights in vienna is well-read. into persian literature, poetry and life philosophy and the vmat2 view of what this world is about. the answer is: evolution is humane, vmat race not humane, So no violation of human rights

چی میگه این حاجی حالمون بهم ریخت، تو مسلمونی یا این یا کس دیگه، دهن مارو گائیدین همتون

Freitag, 13. Januar 2023

i have to go, my uncle died in 2014 but he would pull his pants down today and piss on ayarullah's islam and kuran

what happened in the last 5 years with the help of viennese journalists and austrian authorities: aryan race lived in superfluous prosperity, through torment and humiliation, attempted murder. we are jews armenians race from iran. muslims are the new jews, hunted down and searched for in labs. my mother's brother, years of contact with qum and isfahan, with several ayatullah and religious scholar contacts. he would spit on this islam in iran today

Those who do not understand the nature of reality, or how the darkness works to exploit your weakness, will fail .... wolfgang schüssel government and team 2000-2003

no matter what happens in iran and how a crime happens, the austrian remains unimpressed, indifferent and uninterested, torture murder manslaughter: uninteresting.the only thing the austrian says: we can do it too. in our country, our law and order: finance prosperity through stasi torture system

For more than a decade, the regime has been killing underage children on the streets because of Yaghub Kalaske, Jakob Kinderwagen. when the children become the mouthpiece of the protest, today in iran

والا، آن زمان گفتند ما آدمیم ما میدونیم و حالا بفرما: مملکت ریده شده بهش رفته، بعد میشینن به ما میخندن. آقا بچه بودیم یکبار رفتیم شترخون، خودم رفتم رو قپان، خودم شرو کردم مثل بز مه مه کردن، مردم هم رد میشدند و هی میخندیدن، منم از یعغوب کالاسکه یاد گرفته بودم چی بگم: به کوس اول تا آخر ننت مادر جنده بخند، خارکوسده حالا هی بخند کونی، بخند. هیچکس هم نه مارو زد یا اخم کرد، یا سرزنش کرد، یا چیزی گفت، میدونی چرا؟ یعغوب رفیق نصرت خدا بیامرز پشت سر ما وایساده بود و هی اخم میکرد به مردم میگفت ولش کن ولش کن بچست بزار بگه، گناه داره، گناه داره بزار بگه بچست