Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2023
آقا ما یه سگ داشتیم به اسم آتبین این مادر مرده هرچی ما کله پاچه واسش درست کردیم استخوان هاشو میرفت چال میکرد. خدا وکیلی شما ها بچه های الله کرم سگ هم نیستید آدم یه حساب روتون باز کنه، که خلاصه یه زمانی یه نگاه به جای استخوان ها کنید یه نگاه به ما. والا جوجه مرغ و سلطانی و ماهیچه مگه پیتزا چهار فصل بود؟ روانی تروریست جاکش
the social behavior of close relatives is an open book: first attack with children, then fearfully withdraw, until a certain period of time, be quiet and polite, then attack unexpectedly and kill. i have been living in vienna since 1986 with a white police record and no criminal record. these are animals, animal behavior. have you studied the social behavior of baboons and chimpanzees? this is animal behavior in vienna
for exactly one year i have been going to an organization set up by the church, a second-hand shop called carla. I identify killer ghosts among 4th grade workers, 7 women and 4 men. 7 women and 4 men with psychopathic rituals every time I show up there. baboon collective vs human. baboon collective against human with zero potential, special professional training and know-how. only one thing in mind: when does he die how can we help the police
my mother mastered a craft art, 30 hours 1000 euros, three days of work, for rana's future. you Viennese monkey whore you bastard origin you animal, you civil servant, you civil servant you waste race, you killer and exploiter race., why am I still a citizen in this monkey origin country? in apes origin land, deaf blind and dumb
In 1998, with Franz Vranizky and Wolfgang Schüssel, Vienna started throwing us into the Stasi financial system with ayatullahs. the plan for the future was: our second and third generation will turn it right again with green and left masquerade, we took care of their future, they should take care of our security: we were never fascism. the explanation and glorification will prove itself in a more modern language: (...) the silence. silence is the mouthpiece of fascism
Aristotle is convinced that the planets and the fixed stars influence life on earth and that the fixed stars influence life on earth and he too believed in the existence of daemons. Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.
Dienstag, 31. Januar 2023
you understand, i came to vienna when i was eleven years old, i heard the conversations between kokab and roghie and later between herta and klaudia. the two cultures can hardly be compared, the topic of funeral feasts struck me in particular: roghi and koki cried for seven days, even if it was only the father of a neighbor who was four streets away, herta and klaudia only talked about this: i noticed that in the restaurant the daughters wanted to show an immoral host with slices of apple between pieces of käsekrainer on skewers, why i went there i still hate it. what did the daughters want to show of themselves? you understand, in 1932 it was because of the stomach and intestines, today because of the stomach, intestines and house. the whole existence is based only on the most primitive needs: stomach, intestines, house
I live in a first world country, and right now in chatrooms monkey whores are talking, blond with blue eyes and green eyes: what else are we supposed to do with this high inflation, how are we supposed to afford anything!? creatures and flesh that are worth less than shit for this world. like 1932, worth less than dogs shit. i pray to emam zaman's spirit for global incinerators for ape origin
this death factory is a long-term strategy, the main perpetrators chant: we bought five houses, the secondary perpetrators don't chant and only show one house. the whole thing is supposed to justify and glorify vmat2 and native murders with iranian gypsy families, romano race rahim amiri, soroor shams, gharibs and others
Montag, 30. Januar 2023
the americans have thousands of bases on an international level, with illegal genetic database pionage, every laboratory, hospital and practice is strictly controlled, the only problem they have is iran, therefore birth certificates are not issued in parts of sistan beluchistan, shushtar, hormzgan, and luristan and ahwaz and abadan, no school attendance possible without a birth certificate
آقا سینمای ایران: آمریکایی ها بیشتر از دیگران خرافاتی و کوس مشنگ ترن، جون تو. ما هرچی آخوند زر زد خندیدیم و آمریکایی از حرص و ناراحتی گندید، میدونی سر چی؟ میگه امام زمان علم غیب داره، علم الهی داره، امام زمانه. این گوز مشنگ های اروپایی آمریکایی هم سر این جریان دنبال خط خون پیغمبری میگردن و میگن: نکنه یه چیزی درست کنن و با یک بیز برینن و تررررر بزنن به دنیای اهریمنی ما، دنیای عشق و تمدن. مادرقحبه ها
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...